Each employee employed by the company must be aware of all the nuances of the proposed work. In accordance with the law, he is obliged to read the safety instructions and familiarize themselves with them. Most often, the training is conducted by a labor protection specialist.
He tells the newcomer about the work schedule, his responsibilities, precautions in the workplace. Also, for example, accidents that have already occurred due to lack of awareness of the employee about safety measures or violation of its rules can be given. However, many business leaders do not pay due attention to this moment, which leads to accidents, fires, industrial accidents. Each employee must have appropriate protective clothing or uniforms if the specificity of the tasks performed requires it. If at work there is access to harmful substances, then each employee must issue a gas mask or special masks.
The safety instructions also describe in detail how to provide first aid to the injured in the event of an emergency.
So that they do not arise, you must clearly know how to organize the
workplace in accordance with all safety requirements, and how to keep it clean. The safety instructions reflect the methods that are most acceptable. They will protect against occupational diseases, poisoning and injuries. When working with harmful substances, it is especially important to observe personal hygiene in order to protect yourself from their effects.
Almost all enterprises have a similar training procedure. On labor protection, it takes place in several stages. Introductory briefing is required concerning the enterprise as a whole, as well as the workplace itself. After an employee has gained work experience for a period of two years or more, a labor protection specialist conducts a second briefing for him.
The Labor Code strictly defines all labor protection requirements necessary to ensure the most safe stay of workers in the enterprise. These rules are very strict. Their implementation is monitored by third parties.
The employer, in accordance with them and in accordance with the safety instructions, is obliged to provide decent, safe working conditions. All buildings of the enterprise and its equipment must undergo a special suitability test. The head is also obliged to remove from work those persons who have not passed a knowledge test of labor protection standards and have not listened to safety instructions.
If the company has the funds for this, a periodic medical examination should be carried out for all employees . And in case of illness at the workplace, a labor protection specialist is obliged to deliver the employee to a medical facility as a matter of urgency. In order to avoid unpleasant situations that threaten health, it is necessary to comply with all the norms and rules of the organization of the labor process.