Sport is health, and this statement is undeniable. But regular classes with intense physical exertion have a flip side to the coin - the appearance of many pathologies and functional disorders of organs and systems, even in young people. The most common example is an increase in pressure among athletes. Training without hypertension simply does not happen.
How does an increase in blood pressure (BP) occur?
Many people do not even suspect that they have high blood pressure, even if sometimes it is measured. Therefore, doctors call hypertension a silent killer. Pathology is insidious: 70% of people suffering from an illness die in the first 5 years after an official diagnosis. 89% die in a dream. High blood pressure is a direct path to heart attacks and strokes.
General idea of pressure
The human heart is a pump for pumping blood in the body and providing it with all organs and systems. When it is reduced, the chambers are compressed, and the blood is ejected into the vascular bed. Such a reduction is systole. Then the heart muscle relaxes (diastole) and the blood enters the chambers of the heart again for subsequent discharge. Hence, 2 pressure indicators are obtained: systolic and diastolic - upper and lower, respectively.
The norm of blood pressure of an adult should not exceed 120/80 mm RT. Art., indicators below these figures (for example, 110/70) also relate to the norm. But a drop below 110 or an increase above 130 mm Hg. Art. the norm is no longer considered.
130/80 - still the norm, but already borderline. Exceeding more than 130/90 indicate hypertension.
HELL 140/95 - definitely hypertension 1-2 degrees, which requires treatment. The pressure can increase in humans at times, for example, during unrest, fear, or even cleaning the room. The pressure in athletes under load increases not only in terms of indicators, but in frequency, i.e., it increases many times during a workout. In sports, the heart experiences such loads constantly, working in extreme mode. Hypertension develops if the norm of pressure in athletes is exceeded more than 2 times in a row for a workout.
Etiology of the phenomenon
The reasons are determined by the saturation of the loads, nutrition and lifestyle of the athlete. Active sport is automatically a risk group for hypertension. Power and extreme sports contribute to the development of the disease.
- Bodybuilding, armwrestling are direct provocateurs of hypertension. How this happens: huge weight rises in a jerk with holding your breath and intense muscle tension. After a jerk, no less sharp throw with lowering weight and relaxation of the heart muscle. This gives a sharp jump in pressure and can end in disaster. With hypertension, intensive and prolonged fitness, lifting the bar fall under the ban.
- Diving. The pattern of blood pressure rise is similar to that described. The difference is only in the presence of the body under water with the action of external pressure additionally.
- Parachutism. At altitude, there is always insufficient oxygen, and this is combined in paratroopers with an adrenaline rush. All internal organs work to the limit.
Wear work is what competitions and shows are like. This has the most negative effect on the system of the heart and blood vessels, because for pumping blood in large volumes, the heart must increase the output and frequency of contractions. And this is nothing more than tachycardia and hypertension.
The pressure in athletes rises from additional negative factors:
- nervous tension from the fear of losing;
- fluctuations in body weight;
- lack of sleep;
- salty food.
For example, a strict diet allows the body to be in the right size and weight. This means a lack of nutrients in the diet, and therefore an increase in pressure.
Violation of sleep patterns also entails surges in pressure. Stress is present in all competitions, so it is correct to measure blood pressure at rest.
Reception of anabolic steroids increases pressure unequivocally, it is possible to provoke a jump in prolonged sleep, constipation.
Taking a bath or shower is also a reason, after water procedures it takes time to recover. New technologies increase blood pressure - gadgets with electromagnetic fields. Cold in the sleeping room causes spasm of blood vessels and also increases pressure. The optimum temperature in the room should be about 20 degrees.
Smoking, strong tea and coffee, especially on an empty stomach, are mandatory provocateurs of hypertension.
Blood pressure is not measured while lying down or legs crossed - this will always improve performance. Ideally, you should sit upright.
Power sport
Strength sports - great and constant stress for the body, after which time is required for a long recovery of the heart and blood vessels. But the problem is that professional athletes cannot afford long breaks. That is why even before the age of 30, all security officials often develop hypertension - pathologically increased pressure in athletes. The best sport for disease prevention is aerobic exercise (such as walking, swimming and yoga). In this case, the vessels dilate, blood pressure normalizes, and the cardiovascular system (CCC) is trained. But such luxury is unacceptable to security officials, because during aerobics they will lose their shape and muscle volume.
Even during one training session, blood pressure in athletes changes dozens of times and more often upward. The heart gradually wears out.
Anxiety symptoms
In order to detect a violation in the work of the heart and the onset of pressure increase in time, you need to have water, a tonometer, validol, nitroglycerin or prescribed hypotensive drugs in the gym. Measure the pressure several times. It is very convenient for this to simply wear a bracelet with a tonometer on your hand. It is lightweight, automated, compact and especially relevant for professional athletes.
To stop training, or even better to call a doctor, it is necessary if:
- behind the sternum, with a return to the shoulder blade, arm, acute pressing pain arose;
- sudden nausea appeared, sometimes with vomiting;
- it is dark and flies in the eyes;
- stupor and ringing in the ears;
- cold sweat;
- feeling of lack of air and fear of death.
Try to go out into the fresh air or sit down by the open door, window. Try to calm down and relax.
Ask for a glass of cold water to drink and wipe your hands and face. Validol or drops of valocordin must be taken.
Another option: health is normal, and the pressure is increased on the tonometer. The algorithm of actions does not change this. Sports training is stopped immediately.
We train the heart muscle
With aerobics, blood vessels become elastic due to the development of vascular endothelium, the appearance of new capillaries. The performance of the heart increases. This improves the supply of skeletal muscle with blood.
The most useful for the heart and blood vessels are:
- swimming;
- Walking
- yoga (not all asanas);
- water aerobics;
- calm run;
- qigong gymnastics;
- stretching
- breathing exercises;
- bike rides;
- ski walks;
- sports dances and skates.
The list is quite impressive, but running, walking and yoga are of particular importance.
Running is the most popular and useful sport for hypertension. A moderate pace of jogging strengthens the heart, improves general condition, lowers blood pressure, and increases oxygen supply to the brain. In running, speed is not important, but duration. Heals and fresh air.
Walking is a choice for non-sportsmen hypertensives. By the way, the pressure of former athletes often remains significantly increased and requires not only control, but also treatment. Therefore, these recommendations are useful for them too.
The effect of anabolic steroids on blood pressure
Anabolic steroids are popular not only among bodybuilders. The results with their use, of course, are improving, but at a high price.
A clear increase in achievements produces the opposite effect in that anabolics increase blood pressure in 50% of cases of use and the risk of cardiac and vascular pathologies.
Categorically it is not recommended to combine anabolics and sports to the following categories of people:
- Over 35 years old.
- With poor heredity, a predisposition to hypertension in the genus. If the parents were hypertensive, the descendants have a 75% chance of hypertension.
- Who already have at least 2 risk factors for hypertension.
The same goes for sports nutrition: if the jar contains indications of caffeine and ephedrine, put it back on the shelf. Even with GB (hypertension) of the 1st degree, this can not be taken. And glutamine, phosphate and creatine are harmless.
Pressure after loading: norm and admissibility
The athlete’s normal pressure should be 120-130 / 80-90 mmHg. Art. After physical exertion, indicators of 140-150 / 90-100 mm Hg are an acceptable change. Art. It is important not only to monitor and control the tonometer, but also the time during which the figures return to normal, that is, the period during which the pressure is restored. Normally, it should be no more than an hour. The indicators after the load and before it are unequal. Pressure tends to rise.
In general, the pressure in athletes is lower than in ordinary people, due to the constant training of blood vessels. After active physical activity, the pressure rises - this is natural and normal, if in a certain time everything is normalized to the original figures. The sharp jumps that can provoke a stroke even with a small load are dangerous for athletes.
When to measure blood pressure in the hall?
At all stages of visiting the hall:
- Take a measurement before training alone.
- Repeat after the initial load (the difference should not be large).
- Measure pressure immediately after training and after half an hour.
If the pressure in athletes is more than 140/90, you should stop exercising.
The pulse and pressure of an athlete professionally engaged in power sports is always increased. The system begins to work hard, so beginners may be afraid of their overwhelming pulse.
The pulse of a person decreases slightly with age. In old age, it rises slightly again. In women in menopause, the pulse is increased. At the same time, endurance also falls.
If at the beginning of the sports path, at 15-25 years, the pulse can be 75-80 beats per minute, then at 30 years - 45-50 beats. This is considered the norm of pressure in athletes, in an ordinary person - this is bradycardia. In women in the same age group as men, the pulse is always 7-10 beats less.
A weak pulse is the result of insufficient heart function. Pressure and pulse are not directly related - you can’t think that decreasing the pulse will lower the pressure.
With significant physical exertion, for professional athletes, the pulse can reach 200 beats, for weightlifters at the time of lifting weights up to 120-135 beats per minute. At these points, it is important to control your breathing.
Hypotension in athletes
Hypotension is often the problem of young women. With this pathology, the cells of the body lack oxygen and nutrition, and a state of persistent hypoxia develops. A significant role in its development is played by the autonomic nervous system.
Why the pressure drops during sports
A decrease in blood pressure after exercise is illogical, but may occur due to the following factors:
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- overwork or poor physical fitness;
- mitral valve insufficiency, for example, after rheumatism;
- angina pectoris;
- hypotension by nature.
Rest after exercise is very important: the greater their intensity during training, the longer should be rest - from 24 to 48 hours.
Can I do sports with low pressure?
Not all sports are beneficial for hypotension. By the way, hypotonics live longer.
If with hypertension the vessels experience a load on the walls and can burst, then with hypotension the blood, on the contrary, poorly enters the brain, which provokes hypoxia with subsequent fainting and dizziness.
The athlete’s low pressure will lead to his fall directly during training, therefore, with hypotension, classes with tilts, lowering the head, somersaults, torso hanging on the horizontal bar, squats - with everything connected with balance are excluded. Fatigue and lack of sleep, diets and starvation for various purposes exacerbate the condition.
How to recognize hypertension
Increased blood pressure in athletes manifests itself as characteristic headaches in the back of the head and temples, dizziness. Manifestations during training intensify, at rest they may be absent. Other signs of high blood pressure:
- nosebleeds;
- noise in ears;
- visual and hearing impairment;
- nausea or vomiting
- sleep disturbances;
- swelling of the extremities;
- hyperemic face during exercise;
- pain in the heart and increased heart rate even at rest.
Hypertension treatment
Therapy is carried out comprehensively, but antihypertensive drugs prevail. They are selected only by a doctor, individually, taking into account the stage of hypertension, age and related diseases.
Sartans, ACE inhibitors, adrenergic blocking agents (alpha and beta), calcium antagonists, diuretics, combined drugs can be prescribed.
The list is huge, and they all have certain indications and contraindications. Self-medication is excluded.
It is also recommended to regularly measure blood pressure - 3 times a day: immediately after waking up, during the day and before bedtime.
Therapy is successful if blood pressure does not rise above 120-130 / 80-90 mm Hg. Art. Blood pressure instability may indicate the possibility of complications or improper treatment.
Intense physical activity is contraindicated. Aerobics, swimming, Nordic walking or yoga are useful. With grade 3 hypertension, only walking is allowed.
You must follow a diet - table number 10: a decrease in salt, sugar and animal fats.
It requires stopping the use of anabolics, the exclusion from the menu of coffee, tea, energy drinks and soda. Multivitamins are shown as a prophylactic measure to enhance immunity.
Recommendations for controlling blood pressure in training
The following rules should be followed during training:
- Compliance with the proper water regime - 2.5 liters of clean water per day.
- The permissible pulse value is not more than 76 beats / min 2 hours after exercise.
- In order to reduce blood pressure, breathing exercises are applicable: slow deep breathing with the rest of the hands on the knees. So you can reduce blood pressure by 20 mm. There is another option - to lay your hands behind your head and, straightening up, breathe deeply.
So, what pressure should athletes have? The characterizing norm after loading is 131/84 mm RT. Art.