What is shopping and how to spell this word?

What is shopping, today even schoolchildren know. However, few people who use this term really understand why suddenly the word "shopping" began to be used everywhere. After all, people always made purchases, namely, they began to shop relatively recently. In addition, the question remains open how to spell the word "shopping". Since it is not enough to be able to shop, you need to be able and correctly describe this process.

What is shopping? This is a pleasant pastime in stores, most often located in large shopping centers, associated with making a large number of different purchases.

But if with the action that lies behind this term, everything is clear (I came to the store, made purchases and was happy, pleased with my life), but with the writing of this word, everything is not so clear.

How right?

The Russian word form of this term comes from the English word shopping, that is, in the original source there are clearly two letters p.

However, despite this, in translation into Russian, shopping receives only one “n” in the root, since the doubling of the consonant in the root before the suffix, adopted in English, does not comply with the rules of the Russian language (“Russian Spelling Dictionary” by V. V. Lopatin) .

It would seem that everything is clear, but no, because here and there you can meet the word "shopping", and it is used not only somewhere in friendly correspondence, but also in articles published on behalf of fairly large information sources.

Why is this happening? Today on the shelves of bookstores you can find many different dictionaries, even there is a "Dictionary of foreign words."

And if you carefully study such a publication, edited by N. G. Komlev, you can see that shopping has the same meaning and spelling, and is unambiguously correct, according to the author, with two "p".

Thus, the spelling is considered both the word “shopping” and “shopping”, which once again confirms the explanatory dictionary of T. F. Efremova.

shopping word meaning

Why shopping is attractive

What is shopping? By and large, this is not just a desire to buy yourself a couple of new things. It is also an opportunity to spend time with friends or family members.

After all, in fact, rarely does anyone come to a shopping center to buy a certain thing and leave immediately. Sitting in a cozy cafe, pizzeria, visiting a movie theater, massage or manicure room is just a small list of what you can do in between shopping.

What else is attractive for shopping?

  • He's uplifting.
  • It helps while away time.
  • It unites people who have not met for a long time.
  • It helps to enter into new social circles, make new acquaintances.

shopping for girls

Shopping support

What does the best shopping look like? This is when the desire to buy ends earlier than money, and when good friends make up the company in shopping trips.

But what if there is a desire to shop, but there is no company? Or what should a shopping person do if he needs competent advice on choosing stylish clothes, but he cannot get them from loved ones?

In this case, people from shopping support can come to the rescue. Moreover, if a few years ago such a service was available only to VIPs, today everyone can use it.

Such specialists are divided among themselves into two categories:

  • Shoppers
  • image makers.

best shopping

Shoppers versus image makers, what's the difference?

The most important difference between shoppers and image makers is that the first specialists help you find a particular item of clothing and get a discount for it, while the second ones work out the wardrobe of their client.

Who can use a wardrobe specialist? Firstly, the image maker helps to make a competent shopping for girls who are choosing their basic wardrobe for the first time. In the future, on its basis, girls will be able to independently create new images.

Secondly, the image maker helps men who have just got promoted and are trying to change their style to fit the new position.

And thirdly, such a specialist from shopping support does not just answer the question: “What is shopping?”, He also knows exactly how to answer the question: “When is shopping necessary?”.

shopping value

Is shopping dangerous?

It's no secret that shopping for new things cheers up men, although they often hide it, and women.

But when does shopping cease to be a necessary procedure in principle and turn into a painful addiction? When the number of purchases far exceeds human needs.

In addition, the quality of purchased items can also signal the beginning of shopping addiction. Indeed, if a person, literally without looking, buys everything in a row, then it can be argued that he is a shopaholic. Especially if he sincerely believes that all these things will be useful to him.

So what is shopping, like a disease? This is a certain mental disorder, forcing a person to make an increasing number of purchases each time to produce the so-called hormones of happiness in his body.

What in this case acts as trap provocateurs pushing for the next acquisition? Everything that causes positive emotions in the buyer.

  • Music playing in stores (people forget about the negative).
  • Mirrors, a little elongating silhouette (a person seems slimmer).
  • Dimmed diffused lighting in fitting rooms (the person seems to be younger).
  • Competent behavior of sales consultants (friendly tone, pleasant recommendations, desire to be useful).

what is shopping

Signs of shopping addiction

There are several obvious signs indicating that a person has just turned into a shopaholic from just a buyer:

  • Shopping for new purchases is regular.
  • purchased items are not used, but are either redistributed or simply stored;
  • the process of making a purchase resembles not a search for the necessary item, but entry into a trance (a person ceases to respond to others, he has a slight tremor of hands and an absent look);
  • the meaning of the word "shopping" loses its relevance, turning only into a means to increase the level of adrenaline in the blood.

shopping in german

And how are they?

There are a number of foreign words whose possession can greatly facilitate the life of any tourist traveling in another country. Among them are words such as “hello,” “goodbye,” “thank you,” “I need help,” and, of course, “shopping.”

So, how does the treasured word sound in translation into different languages? Shopping in German is shopping, in Italian is shopping, and even in Swedish and French is shopping.

In Spain, a tourist will be helped to find a place for shopping if he uses the word compras, and in China, the UAE or Turkey they will probably understand the English expression.

So, a correctly selected wardrobe definitely helps to achieve success in both personal and professional spheres.

And, of course, you need to buy new clothes from time to time. However, raising shopping to the rank of therapy and spending it in stores every day is still not worth it, because everything must be observed.

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