Postpartum nuances. How to get rid of stretch marks at home

Postpartum stretch marks that appear on the skin are a completely natural phenomenon. But for many women, they cause inconvenience due to their unaesthetic appearance. In this article we will look at how to get rid of stretch marks at home, using the possibilities of methods of both modern traditional and alternative medicine. First, let's find out what stretch marks are.

During childbirth, breaks in the subcutaneous tissue often occur. In these places, over time, connective tissue forms. As a result, we see stretched skin in the chest or abdomen. This is the stretch marks, which are also called "striae".

Proper nutrition is the key to getting rid of stretch marks

Food is known to shape our body. Paying attention to ways to get rid of stretch marks, mention should be made of nutrition. Do not get involved in diets after pregnancy. It’s better to eat natural food, and you will be able to rejuvenate the skin faster, make it supple and toned.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest, as well as in other areas of the body? Eat healthy foods that nature itself provides. Many vegetables and fruits, seafood, greens have useful substances. They smooth the skin and give it elasticity. Drink plenty of fluids. Among other means to eliminate stretch marks can distinguish cosmetics. Use rubbing collagen-based cosmetic products.

Oil therapy

To find out how to get rid of stretch marks at home, we turn to folk remedies. The first time-tested method is all kinds of oils. It is very effective to use linseed, almond and olive oils against stretch marks, which also contain vitamin E. Rubbing such oils into problem areas, you can regenerate cell mass in places of breaks.

Which oils to rub into the skin is determined by the type of skin. If the skin is oily, then almond oil is perfect for it. Dry skin is best updated with a composition of almond and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1. You can add a few drops of aromatic ethers to any of the oils, which will definitely improve your well-being and mood.

Conducted scientific research suggests the following facts: using oils of rosemary, rosehip, neroli, you can remove stretch marks in a short time. A mixture of aloe juice with olive oil gives the same stunning effect - an excellent vitamin mix. It is advisable to rub after evening water procedures: pour a little of the selected oil on the palm of your hand and rub it into the stretch marks with massage movements.

Physical exercise and fish oil

Removing stretch marks is not a quick procedure. This will take more than one day. And in order to understand how to remove stretch marks after childbirth at home, you need to learn how to properly care for your skin. Firstly, wellness prophylaxis is needed - a banal physical exercise. You can, for example, pump the press, do light gymnastic exercises in the morning. Secondly, consume fish oil. It is specially produced in the form of capsules. Cream with herbal extracts also help smooth the skin. But they need to be used for a long time in order to achieve a result.

Consultations of the attending physician

Sometimes for additional advice on how to get rid of stretch marks at home, consult a specialist. After the examination, you may be prescribed a course of treatment or give some effective advice on self-removal of stretch marks. If treatment is prescribed, then, as a rule, you need to withstand the first six months. During breastfeeding, treatment is also prohibited.

Thus, the choice of how to get rid of stretch marks at home is yours. Consult a specialist, apply the prescribed treatment, or use alternative methods. In any case, comprehensive and timely measures are the key to success in the fight against stretch marks.

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