Detective series "Pure Test" - actors and roles, plot

The Russian detective television series “Clean Sample” talks about a young girl who is engaged in soil research. The heroine goes to a small Siberian town (to take soil samples for further study). The series was shot in 2011 and consists of 8 episodes lasting 45 minutes. Performers of the main roles of the series “Pure Test” are actors Evgeny Pronin, Tatyana Arntgolts, Alexey Makarov.


The film takes place in a small Siberian town. A young girl named Julia arrives in this city in order to do soil research. During the collection of soil samples, the heroine is attacked, but the robbers did not take anything except the samples that Julia collected for her research. However, after a few days, under incomprehensible circumstances, a man by the name of Vaska dies, he helped Yulia while working with the soil. His friend Andrei understands that Vasily died for a reason, he was killed because he learned some important information. Together with Yulia, Andrey begins to investigate this murder, but the local sheriff is very unhappy that the young people are sniffing something in the district. Julia and Andrey understand that stolen soil samples will help to solve this problem. Finding them, the heroes learn that the soil contains particles of gold. Young people discover an illegal underground gold refining workshop, and also understand that the sheriff of the city is behind all this.

Actors and roles

movie actors

The role of the main character of the series Julia was played by Tatyana Arntgolts. Julia is a young girl who loves her job and takes her very seriously. Despite the fact that the murder investigation is a dangerous business, the heroine was not afraid and remained in the city to finish it to the end. In the film "Clean Test" actor Evgeny Pronin played the role of Andrei - a friend of the deceased Vasily. Andrey is a very brave and fair person. He wants to uncover the truth about the death of his friend and help Julia with her research. The role of Vasya was played by actor Yegor Tomoshevsky. His hero is a simple country guy who has a kind soul. However, he is killed for the fact that he became an accidental witness to one event. Also one of the heroines of the film is Andrei's mother. Her role was played by the Russian film actress Svetlana Smirnova.

Tatyana Arntgolts

main character

The famous Russian film actress Tatyana Arntgolts was born in 1982 in the city of Kaliningrad. Her parents are famous theater artists. In addition, Tatiana has a twin sister, Olga, who also starred in films. Both sisters entered the theater institute together and graduated in 2003. In the filmography of the actress, more than 50 roles in films and television series. Her debut in the world of cinema was the role in the series "Simple Truths", which was shot from 1999 to 2003. In the film "Clean Test" actors Tatyana Arntgolts and Eugene Pronin played the roles of the main characters. The main character of the series - Julia - a very brave girl who engaged in the investigation of the murder, risking her own life.

Evgeny Pronin

Evgeny Pronin

Russian theater and film actor Yevgeny Pronin was born in Klimovsk in 1980. His family had nothing to do with creativity: his mother worked as an accountant, and his father was an electrician. All his childhood, Eugene dreamed of becoming a football player or a military man. But when the actor entered the Suvorov School, he was not accepted for health reasons. After that, Eugene Pronin decided to go to the theater institute. After successful graduation, the actor starred in several small roles that did not bring him fame. Eugene Pronin noticed after working in the movie "Garpastum." In the series “Clean Test”, the actor played the role of a hero named Andrei, who took on the revelation of the murder of his friend in order to find the criminals.

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