Soda baths for weight loss: reviews of doctors - what should I know?

Are slimming soda baths effective ? Reviews of doctors are varied in this regard. Due to the many attributed positive qualities of soda, this product has become quite popular in use for weight loss. Myths about the miraculous properties and the ability to instantly burn fat, make many women experiment with this far from safe product, without thinking about the consequences.

Soda bath for weight loss: harm to the body

The harm can be significant in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • disturbed heart rate;
  • hypertension;
  • tumor diseases or predisposition to them;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

With good health, soda-salt baths for weight loss are unlikely to cause harm. However, they should not be expected to be of particular benefit.

soda baths for weight loss reviews of doctors

There are many recipes and advantages attributed to them, among which:

  • A relaxing effect, but a warm bath and without the use of soda relaxes perfectly.
  • Rapid weight loss due to excretion of fluid, but not fat.
  • Purification and activation of the lymphatic system.
  • Getting rid of allergies and inflammations.
  • Anti-cellulite effect.

soda bath slimming harm
The action of soda-salt baths - harm or benefit

Soda baths for weight loss doctors receive mostly negative reviews. To begin with, we will analyze the principle of the action of soda-salt solution on adipose tissue. When immersed in a hot bath, the body heats up pretty much - the protective property of the body is arranged in such a way that the cooling mechanism is activated at high temperature, at which a sharp expansion of the vessels occurs at the beginning, then instant compression, which reduces the risk of damage to important internal organs.

The temperature is reduced by respiration, which does not work in the hot bath environment. The second method is weight loss due to fluid loss - sweating, in which moisture is released through the pores.

What's the catch?

And yet it cannot be said that they are completely ineffective. Soda baths for weight loss, reviews of doctors confirm this, can contribute to weight loss when using them, but this happens in a way dangerous to the body. Ridding the body of fluids is an unsuccessful way to lose weight, as it can turn into dehydration. In addition, the effect is short-lived - by drinking a glass of water or tea, you will return the lost moisture back to the body.

soda salt baths for weight loss
Expediency of the procedure

Using soda baths for weight loss, reviews of doctors should be taken into account first. Indeed, from a medical point of view, many facts have been discovered that do not play in favor of using soda. The use of soda baths will give only a short-term effect, and in return can β€œreward” with skin irritation, heart or joint disease, which is much worse. Is it worth it to set such experiments on yourself, in the name of a short-term transformation in the mirror. In any case, before using the method, you should consult your doctor.

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