Transparent septum of the brain: description, purpose, norm, pathology and treatment

The brain is the most important human organ, the functioning of the whole organism directly depends on its work. This is a complex structure consisting of several departments, each of which performs clearly defined functions. This article discusses what a transparent septum of the brain is.

sectional brain

Definition of the term

In the final brain are two plates of brain tissue that are parallel to each other. These plates are called a transparent partition. A cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid is formed between them. This structure is located in the gap between the front of the brain and the corpus callosum.

The partition is normal

When a human embryo is at a developmental stage, this cavity is always present, but approximately six months after birth, it closes. In approximately 15% of cases, the cavity of the transparent septum is normal.

This structure is not well studied, but experts conclude that non-shortening of the cavity occurs due to the effect of alcohol on the fetus during pregnancy. An overgrown cavity, as a rule, does not have a significant clinical effect on the functioning of the body.

The cavity can be of various sizes, in some cases it reaches 45 millimeters. Due to the complete isolation of this formation from the ventricles of the brain in some cases, the cavity is called the fifth ventricle, however, this definition cannot be considered completely correct.

transparent cavity cavity

Pathology of the septum

Sometimes there are cases of pathological formations of a transparent septum, as well as various kinds of malformations, when a condition that threatens health occurs.

Such pathologies include:

  • cyst of the septum cavity;
  • agenesis of the septum.

As in the case of other diseases of the brain tissue, it is necessary to pay close attention to such violations and be observed by doctors in a timely manner in order to prevent serious complications.

Cyst: symptoms and diagnosis

A diagnosis of a cyst of the transparent septum of the brain is made after an MRI of the brain and is observed in about a quarter of patients. A cyst can be both congenital and acquired in nature. For a congenital cyst, it is characteristic that it appears as a result of a genetic predisposition or impaired fetal development during pregnancy. The causes of acquired cysts can be transferred infectious diseases of the meninges, hemorrhages, and even serious mental injuries. The most common cause is considered to be meningitis.

CT scan

In preterm infants, this formation is almost always observed and, as a rule, does not require treatment, but passes on its own.

According to some reports, the region of the cavity of the transparent septum is one of the safest places for the appearance of a cyst in the brain. However, this does not mean that this diagnosis should be ignored. In any case, you need to consult a neurologist who will recommend the necessary therapy.

If the septal cyst is congenital, then it does not require any special therapy, it is enough to regularly undergo preventive examinations by a neurologist or neurosurgeon.

With an acquired cyst, the following symptoms are observed:

  • headache, periodically worsening;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • unpleasant pressing sensation inside the head.

To establish a diagnosis, a set of measures is carried out, including MRI, ultrasound, as well as a blood test and blood pressure check.

baby's brain

Cyst therapy

Often the cyst of the transparent septum of the brain does not require special therapy, only careful monitoring and control of its growth is carried out. Sometimes the size of the cyst becomes so large that it begins to put pressure on nearby parts of the brain and interferes with their normal functioning. Then the neuropathologist prescribes treatment.

In most cases, the doctor determines the cause of the accelerated growth of the cyst and prescribes therapy for the initial disease, then the growth of the formation stops, and the cyst of the cavity of the transparent septum ceases to be dangerous. Usually, a set of measures is performed to stimulate blood circulation in the brain and reduce ICP.

If conservative treatment does not bring results, they resort to surgical treatment - with the help of a special probe, holes are created in the cyst walls through which the fluid comes out, the cavity of the formation decreases.

Agenesis of the septum: symptoms

Agenesis of the transparent septum is a serious congenital pathology of the development of the brain due to improper development of the corpus callosum in the fetus. This is a very rare anomaly of the central nervous system, caused mainly by hereditary factors, genetic mutations and insufficient nutrient supply to the embryo. Another reason may be toxic drugs that a woman takes during pregnancy.

At birth, children with this pathology are practically no different from healthy ones, clinical signs begin to appear at the age of 2-3 months.

baby disease

The main symptoms of agenesis of the transparent septum cavity include:

  • the formation of cystic cavities in the brain tissue;
  • atrophy of the auditory and optic nerves;
  • seizures and seizures;
  • microencephaly.

As a rule, this brain malformation is pre-diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy (after 18 weeks) and is confirmed by a set of diagnostic measures after birth. An ultrasound examination of the brain of the newborn, CT of the head, and, if necessary, MRI and neurosonography are performed.

Therapy and prognosis of agenesis of the septum of the brain

Conservative treatment is carried out, mainly with anticonvulsants and corticosteroid hormones. Therapy is aimed at eliminating serious and dangerous symptoms that are dangerous for the child. There are no specific means of correcting the absence of a septum.

If agenesis is not complicated by concomitant brain defects, then the development of the child proceeds normally or with minor neurological disorders. However, in cases where there are complications in the form of other malformations of the brain, there may be consequences in the form of mental retardation, decreased learning ability and other serious abnormalities.

human brain


Congenital pathologies of the transparent septum of the brain are usually genetically determined and require regular monitoring by a neuropathologist or neurosurgeon. As a prophylaxis of septum pathologies acquired during life, it is recommended to avoid complications on the brain after infectious diseases, injuries and tremors, and mental shocks.

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