What to do if barley on the eye

Unfortunately, there are few people who would not at least once in their life encounter with an inflammatory disease of the eyelids, called β€œbarley”, when the eyelash hair sac becomes clogged, which leads to a purulent process. Barley that occurs in the eye is a sign of a bacterial infection that the immune system has not coped with.

Preliminary symptoms of barley are easily recognizable. At first, the eyelid begins to itch slightly, then a swelling appears. Within 2-3 days, a purulent process develops, which then erupts and the pus comes out. Sometimes this process is accompanied by an increase in temperature and almost always a bad mood associated with painful sensations and a damaged appearance.

Most often, the causes of the ailment are infection with dirty hands or being in a draft. That is why barley occurs more often in women and children. Women often touch their eyelids with their hands, applying makeup, and children do not always have clean hands. But if barley appears frequently in the eye, this may indicate impaired functioning of the immune system, the development of chronic diseases and possible infection of the body with worms. Microscopic flares can also provoke the frequent occurrence of barley.

For the prevention of barley, several rules should be remembered:

- Always keep your hands clean and less likely to touch your eyelids;

- ball - a contagious disease, so do not use someone else's cosmetics or towels;

- strengthen the immune system by hardening the body and taking vitamins.

But if barley has arisen on the eye, both traditional and traditional medicine recommends many methods of treatment.

The most widely known advice is an unexpected spit in the eye. This should not be done in any case, because saliva contains so many different bacteria that they will only aggravate the situation!

With a favorable prognosis of the course of the disease, that is, the independent development of barley maturation and the release of pus to the outside, the disease can end on the fourth or fifth day. Of course, for the whole of this period it is necessary to abandon the use of cosmetics and in no case should you try to squeeze out barley, even if it seems that the purulent process is completed. To accelerate the process of pus exit and reduce unpleasant sensations, traditional medicine recommends the use of eye drops or ointments containing an antibiotic. And traditional medicine advises when there is barley in the eye, it advises several times during the day to rinse the eye with a decoction of calendula or aloe juice. Lotions that accelerate the development of the process and reduce the time course of the disease are also useful.

Internal barley differs from ordinary barley in that the sebaceous gland of the eyelid, called the meibomian gland , is inflamed and is located inside the eyelid. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor, and begin treatment according to his recommendations. Sometimes internal barley is treated with surgery.

In children, the occurrence of barley and the course of the disease occurs in a more acute form. Therefore, when barley arose in a child, treatment should be started immediately. Usually, the doctor prescribes sulfanilamide drugs to treat the infection , the dosage of which is selected depending on age. During treatment, parents need to ensure that the child does not rub their eyes, otherwise one barley can be replaced by another and the disease can spread to both eyes. Without timely and high-quality treatment, it happens that there is an internal barley in a child, treatment in this case is often done surgically.

Remember that barley has the ability to recur, so you should not use dubious grandmother's advice and self-medicate, but you need to treat this ailment as a serious illness with a one hundred percent positive prognosis.

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