Biography of Marina Alexandrova. Best roles of a Russian actress

Marina A. Aleksandrova (nee Pupenina), was born in 1982 in the family of an SA officer, Lieutenant Colonel Pupenin Andrey Vitalyevich and a researcher at the Herzen Pupenina Irina Anatolyevna Russian State Pedagogical University. At that time, the Pupenin family was in Hungary, where Andrei Vitalievich served in the Soviet artillery troops. At the end of Pupenin’s military service in 1986, the family returned to Russia and settled in Tula, but a year later moved to Leningrad, where Marina entered high school. Along with her studies, the girl attended classes at a music school in the harp class. Thus, the creative biography of Marina Alexandrova originates in her early childhood.

biography of marina alexandrova

The beginning of the creative path

Marina was a gifted child, was interested in theatrical art and dreamed about the stage. At the age of 14, she entered a theater studio, organized at Channel 5 on television, where mostly children's performances were staged, but the studio made it possible for young talents to perform at poetry contests and participate in television programs. Visiting a television studio, Marina learned the basics of acting, taught roles, tried to understand the principle of theatrical action. Gradually, a sense of the scene formed in her, confidence in her movements appeared, and her voice sounded in accordance with all the rules of stage speech. The biography of Marina Alexandrova was gradually replenished with new events. All the skills that Marina received while studying in the studio were useful to her at the Schukin Theater School, where she entered immediately after graduation.

films of marina alexandrova

First movie role

In the first year in Shchukinka, Marina Alexandrova made a film debut. She played a role in the feature film directed by Andrei Razenkov "Northern Lights", and the biography of Marina Alexandrova was replenished with new events. On the set, the girl met with Alexander Zbruev, Elena Koreneva and Mikhail Ulyanov. Then the actress was invited to the role of Elizabeth von Evert-Kolokoltseva, bride of Erast Fandorin, in the TV series "Azazel" based on the book of Boris Akunin. All subsequent films of Marina Alexandrova were joint work with famous actors of theater and cinema. And this time, she also ended up in a star company, on the set she had a chance to talk with Marina Neyelova, Sergey Bezrukov, Oleg Basilashvili and other famous artists. Work on the role was delightful for Alexandrova; she devoted herself entirely to creativity. Director Alexander Adabashyan in every possible way encouraged the efforts of the young actress. A year after the filming of the Azazel series, Marina became a graduate of the Shchukin School and received a diploma in dramatic actress.

actress marina alexandrova

"The last Hero"

In the same 2002, Marina Aleksandrova took part in the television show "The Last Hero", where she had to go through all the hardships of extreme life on the island. There was suffering, tears, despair, but in general the girl showed heroism and withstood all the trials. Then the biography of actress Marina Alexandrova for four long years did not stand out anything special. Marina was engaged in self-education, improved her acting skills, participated in television projects. And in the end, she decided to take up her main profession, work in the theater. In 2006, actress Alexandrova came to the Sovremennik Theater, was accepted into the troupe and worked under the direction of artistic director Galina Volchek until 2011.

biography of actress Marina Alexandrova

Theater "Contemporary"

The biography of Marina Alexandrova is not distinguished by dizzying ups and downs, as is often the case with young actresses. Everything went more or less smoothly for her. The main roles in Sovremennik were occupied by the leading theater actress Marina Neyelova. Thus, Alexandrova got roles mainly in the background, although in the performances of such a theatrical giant as Sovremennik was and remains, any roles are significant and require high acting skills and full dedication. To play in the same performance with such stars of the theatrical scene as Marina Neyolova, Valentin Gaft, Leah Akhedzhakova, Sergey Garmash, the young actress Alexandrova revered for happiness.

Marina Alexandrova biography


The first role in Sovremennik for Marina Alexandrova was Patricia Holman, a charming girl, a lover of Robert Lokamp, ​​one of the three heroes of Remarque's novel Three Comrades. Deep thorough character, not laughter, good thinking and philosophical attitude, that was the image of the heroine Alexandrova. Then, one after another, the roles followed:

  1. Carolla in the play "The Steep Route" based on the novel by Eugenia Ginzburg.
  2. Princess Malen in the play "Malen", based on the play of Meterlink in 1869.
  3. Sofya Pavlovna in the production of “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov. The role of Famusov’s wife is Sofia Pavlovna, the only person close in spirit to Chatsky.
  4. Natalia Ivanovna in the play "Three Sisters", staged based on the play by A.P. Chekhov.
  5. Kat, a young beauty, the wife of a wealthy fool Larion Rydlova in the play "Gentleman" by Sumbatov-Yuzhin.

These are the six most significant roles that actress Marina Alexandrova played during her stay on the Sovremennik stage from 2006 to 2011.

Personal life

Due to the chronic lack of time, the actress's personal life did not add up. Nevertheless, Marina began to live in a civil marriage with the popular actor of the Mossovet Theater Alexander Domogarov, who was almost 20 years older than her. However, this alliance did not last long. After breaking up with Domogarov, in 2008, the actress married actor Ivan Stebunov, with whom she lived for two years and divorced safely in 2010. The next husband of Marina Alexandrova was the director of Channel One on Russian television, Andrei Boltenko, whom she met at the Five Stars festival, being the lead couple with Andrei Malakhov. The marriage with Boltenko was also civil, but nevertheless, in July 2012, a son was born at Marina. Marina Alexandrova, whose biography was developing successfully in a creative way, was not arranged in her personal life. However, the young actress felt happy thanks to her favorite work and the attention of the audience.


The main award that actress Marina Alexandrova received for her work was the prize at the festival of art television films in the French city of Saint-Tropez in the nomination "Best Debut". In the film "Melting Snow" in 2003, in which Marina played a major role. And in 2007, Aleksandrova became the winner of the Triumph Prize, which was awarded to young film actors.

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