Denis Ablyazin - the pride of Russian gymnastics

Men's gymnastics is one of the most spectacular sports. And this is not surprising - young fit athletes win the hearts of fans with their perseverance, risky leaps and elements. Behind the athlete's minute performance there are hours of exhausting training in the gym, and the slightest mistake can erase all the hopes and aspirations that they have been pursuing for more than a year.

The Russian gymnastics team has gathered the strongest athletes, who applaud thousands of fans around the world. One of such talents is Denis Ablyazin - a five-time winner of Olympic tournaments.

The beginning of the way

The future champion in Penza was born in 1992 (August 3). Since childhood, Denis was attracted to various sports: he enjoyed cycling, dreamed of a career as a hockey player and football player, but fate decreed in a different way. Once in the gym, Denis Ablyazin was no longer able to leave there, without proving, first of all to himself, that he was worthy of the highest awards.

Denis Ablyazin

He took his first steps in the Penza OSDUSSHOR them. N. A. Lavrova. Among the pupils of this school, it was Denis who managed to earn the honorary title of master of sports of international class.

Mentors Denis Ablyazin

Pavel Yurievich Alenin was the first coach of the future Olympic medalist, and it was he who managed to discern the talent of a gymnast in an awkward boy.

Denis Ablyazin, whose biography is full of various sports achievements, recalls with particular warmth his first mentors, thanks to whom he became a successful athlete.

At the beginning of his adult career as a gymnast, he trained with Derzhavin Dmitry Nikolaevich, Honored Trainer of the Soviet Union, who, unfortunately, did not quite live up to the triumph of his pupil at the 2012 London Olympics.

Today, Denis Ablyazin trains with a famous mentor - Sergei Starkin, who trained a galaxy of talented gymnasts.

Denis Ablyazin biography

First rewards and achievements

Denis won the first international level awards in Montpellier: it was a silver medal in the team championship and 2 bronze awards for ring exercises and a vault. These competitions showed that Denis Ablyazin will go to the London Olympics as one of the favorites. And he fully met the expectations of the coaching staff and his many fans.

In 2012, the Russian men's gymnastics team failed to win awards in the team championship, but Denis did not leave without medals. In floor exercises, he becomes the third, the vault is performed almost without blots, and as a result, a silver award.

We can say that the first Olympic tournament for Denis was quite successful, because in men's gymnastics there is very strong competition from Japanese and Chinese athletes, and Americans are very stable with the English. But the Russian gymnast managed to declare itself at a prestigious competition and show that a new athlete has appeared in gymnastics, which now has to be reckoned with.

Denis Ablyazin photo

Way to the top

Today Denis Ablyazin, whose photo can be seen in many sports publications, is a five-time Olympic medalist, and I want to believe that this is not all that this talented gymnast is capable of.

The Olympics in Rio de Janeiro has become a triumph for the athlete. Silver medal in the team championship, silver in the vault and a bronze medal for the exercises on the rings.

What became the driving force that lifted this young gymnast to such heights? First of all, amazing performance and a sense of responsibility not only for themselves, but for the whole team.

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