How to analyze the event? Sample

How to make an analysis of the event? We will present the sample below, but for now we will try to justify the need for such an action.

Self-esteem is a way to explain to colleagues why exactly such techniques and working methods were taken for certain stages of a lesson (lesson), to justify goals, explain the results, evaluate the effectiveness of an event (training lesson).

The need for self-esteem

In order for the group of experts, which is appointed by order of the director of the educational institution to certify the teacher, to be able to get a complete picture of his professional qualities, the teacher shows his colleagues “open lessons” and events. After their completion, the teacher analyzes the activities under the GEF. A sample plan that he uses for this is provided by the deputy director for educational work or the head of the school methodological association.

after school holidays

Out-of-school event analysis chart

Currently, special attention in educational institutions is paid to extracurricular activities. How to make an analysis of educational activities at school? We offer a sample below.

  1. The teacher indicates the name of the event. In the analysis, he notes the age of the children for whom it was developed.
  2. A mandatory element of self-esteem is an indication of the goals set by the teacher for the analyzed lesson:
  • educational (suggest the formation of accuracy, industriousness, morality, respect and respect for folk traditions);
  • general education (expansion of the general horizons of schoolchildren is supposed);
  • developing (improving students' creativity, independence, artistic taste);
  • educational (optimal conditions for obtaining knowledge).
  1. Equipment classes: drawings, presentations, drawings, tools, pictures, player, laptop.

Preparation for

In order to correctly analyze the extracurricular activities at school, the sample must be studied in preparation for the lesson. This will avoid annoying errors that could negatively affect the final conclusion of the expert group.

In order to think over the analysis of the event, a sample of which is in the methodological room of any school, it is necessary to think over the topics of the planned lesson taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, their creative abilities and capabilities, interests and inclinations.

It is necessary to be creative in every new development, to involve initiative and creative schoolchildren in the preparatory phase.

This point can be included in the analysis of the event. The teacher can correct the sample of introspection, but it is impossible to release the main points from it: goals, objectives, techniques, technologies.

If you are planning a creative lesson, you can make the students themselves the leaders. A creative group can also be created to design a class for an open event.

circuit for analysis


What elements should be included in the analysis of the event? The sample (according to GEF) involves the justification of the selected goals and the effectiveness of the lesson. Experts attending the lesson note the impression of the lesson seen. They evaluate the timeliness of the choice of topics, the study of the structure (stages). In order for the experts not to have unnecessary “uncomfortable” questions for the certified teacher, he needs to clearly substantiate all these points in introspection.

When substantiating the goals set for a particular lesson, it is necessary to think over integrity, meaningfulness. These elements should be included in the analysis of school activities. A sample of the finished analysis is presented in the photo.

main points in preparation for the lesson

Important points of analysis

In the form, the experts note the conformity to the goals and objectives of the classroom design event. Attention is paid to organization, discipline, the appearance of children, the appropriateness of using costumes. In order to achieve the objectives, students should be as involved in the event as possible. For this, the teacher notes in introspection his use of group, game, and competitive techniques. Experts compare his performance with the emotions that they observed in children after the event.

Also in the analysis there is a place for the influence of the personality of the teacher on the preparation and conduct of the lesson, the creation of a success situation for the pupils, the use of cooperation.

extracurricular activities


After completing the lesson, the teacher should take stock, declare thanks to the students. The optimal occupation is that associated with the curriculum. For example, the game "One Hundred to One", dedicated to the structure of the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev, will be an excellent option to stimulate the cognitive interest of students in chemistry.

Also, the teacher should note in the introspection the number of children involved in the preparation and conduct of the lesson, show the activity of students at the stage of preparation and its conduct.

It is desirable to highlight the adequacy of the choice of methods, techniques, forms of extracurricular activities, the compliance of the results with the goals.

training options

Analysis of the game in DOL

According to a similar plan, it is possible to analyze the activities in the camp. We offer a sample for study.

The theme of the lesson is "Go Out into the Yard to Play." Designed for children of young and middle age (7-14 years).

The purpose of the event: the formation of an active civic position in the younger generation by involving them in the game.


  • acquaintance of children with Russian folk games;
  • development of communication skills through play activities;
  • socialization of children.

During the event, an atmosphere of mutual assistance and friendship reigned. The children listened with interest to the teacher’s story, responded to his suggestions to play. As part of the event, all tasks were fully implemented, the goal set by the teacher was achieved. Distinctive features of the event:

  • mass character;
  • organization and structure;
  • change of activities.
analysis chart


Federal educational standards designed to assess the quality of education contain detailed recommendations for analyzing lessons and extracurricular activities. Particular attention is paid to the creation of optimal conditions for the self-development of the younger generation. That is why it is so important that when thinking about the lesson, the teacher uses a personality-oriented approach, helps to design individual educational trajectories for each pupil.

The development of a lesson analysis scheme (after-school event) allows experts to evaluate the lesson attended. Since teachers pass certification every five years, confirming or increasing their professional competence, the conclusion of a group of experts drawn up according to a certain algorithm will be a step towards obtaining the category stated in the certification statement.

In addition to analyzing the event, an important stage in the professional activity of a teacher is his own assessment of the event (lesson) developed and conducted for colleagues. Based on introspection, experts conclude that the teacher owns modern educational technologies, methods and techniques of teaching and educational activities.

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