Strict hairstyles for long hair. Beautiful strict hairstyles for work

Long hair is always beautiful and spectacular. The only problem is that you won’t be able to cope with them so easily, and putting your hair into your hairdo is another task. Sometimes hands fall and it seems that without the help of a professional can not do. Especially when it comes to strict hairstyles for work. It is only important to adhere to the most important rule - all hairstyles are performed after washing your hair. The problem is that styling on oily hair will fall apart very quickly and no pile will save it, and the varnish will only spoil the whole impression. So, we pass to strict hairstyles for long hair.

French bunch

Such a beautiful strict hairstyle looks impressive and goes well with the business style of clothing. But, despite this, the hairstyle has a hint of romance, so that after a working day you can safely go on a date. A strict female hairstyle is performed as follows:

  • Gather hair in a ponytail on the back of the head and leave it free in front of the face.
  • Divide the tail into two identical particles and twist them into two separate flagella.
  • Now the harnesses should be twisted among themselves, wrapped around the elastic band on the back of the head and fixed with invisible or studs. The bunch is ready, it remains to give it a little elegance.
  • Now you can remember about the front strands. They should be twisted with a curling iron and fixed, directing back, using invisibility.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the era of the most incredible experiments has passed, well-being, simplicity and elegance are now in fashion. Naturalness and natural beauty are in fashion again.

comfortable hairstyles

How to prepare hair for hairstyles?

The modern woman cannot boast of having a lot of free time. Often she has to combine work, family care, as well as her hobbies, meetings with friends and so on. There is no time to visit beauty salons, here you will have to learn how to turn your hair into beauty at home. Therefore, strict hairstyles for long hair is a real art that can easily be mastered with a couple of workouts. Often, many girls are firmly convinced that the only thing that needs to be done to grow long hair is to stop cutting it. But this is fundamentally wrong, because the length below the shoulders requires constant attention and regular care. Do not forget to trim the tips every two months, use moisturizing masks and serums that nourish and restore hair. Another important step is gentle combing, so you will have to use the conditioner after washing and spend money on a good hair brush.

Severe mess

So, let's get down to doing hairstyles for the office with long hair:

  • Screw curls on the face with a curling iron and now fix the volumetric bang with invisible on the top of the head.
  • The same manipulation should be carried out with strands that are located in the temporal region.
  • The same thing is done on the back of the head.
  • We should have a free length, this hair needs to be combed and carefully laid with hairpins on the back of the head.

The perfect office hairstyle is ready. It is easy to perform and does not require special skills and time.

hairstyles options

Unusual bun

This option is recognized by women as the most convenient and attractive. Braiding long hair is a hairstyle that is suitable for any situation, from going to training or work to evening events. But what if you combine a braid and a bun on long hair? Try the following:

  • Divide the hair into two parts, but not vertically along the parting, but horizontally, from ear to ear.
  • Secure the top of the hair with hairpins.
  • Now you can start weaving the braid, it starts from the bottom of the hair and weaves on the principle of a normal spikelet up, exactly to the top, which is located on the top of the head.
  • When you reach the horizontal parting, fix the braid with a thin rubber band.
  • Now we turn to the bun, which is made from the remaining part of the hair on the top of the head.
  • Loose hair should be combed and gently pricked at the crown in the form of a bundle.

Such a bun for long hair will be a real salvation if time is very short, but you want to look stylish.

hairstyles for hair below the shoulders

Weave from the temples

We all know that there are a great many variations of various weaving; here everything is limited only by your imagination. And in order to keep this beauty, you only need sleight of hand and a pair of hairpins. The hairstyle execution algorithm is as follows:

  • Separate the hair into a parting, comb it thoroughly and start to weave in the direction from the face.
  • The braid weaves freely, it is important not to pull the strands too much.
  • You need to finish the first braid at the moment when the weaving reaches the nape level.
  • Fix the first braid with hairpins, the remaining length must be wrapped in a flagellum.
  • The same manipulations are performed on the other hand.
  • Now you just need to connect the remaining hair from both sides on the back of the head in a neat bundle.

This hairstyle not only fits perfectly into the working atmosphere, but is also suitable for meeting friends after a hard day.

Bulk Harnesses

This hairstyle looks quite complicated, but it is only at first glance. In fact, this beautiful weave on long hair can be created at home in a couple of minutes. It is only necessary to beautifully style the hair on the back of the head. A classic hairstyle is done as follows:

  • Make a middle part and divide the hair into two parts, which must be braided in two high tails at a level just above the back of the head.
  • Now each tail needs to be divided into two parts and twisted into flagella, which should then be twisted together and fixed with an elastic band.
  • The same thing needs to be repeated with the second tail.
  • Now the harness should be twisted around the head so that it resembles a crown.

And you can immediately go to work, and if you decorate your hair with accessories, then styling immediately takes on a new look.

long hair weave

Gentle and feminine styling

If your hair is very long, and even curly, and braiding is too long, you can just beautifully remove the hair from your face so that it does not interfere, and go to work. This option not only looks quite spectacular, but also retains its neat appearance until the evening, the hair does not get mixed up and look very elegant. The principle of implementation is very simple, and it only takes a couple of minutes:

  • Take two strands near the face on both sides.
  • Twist light, non-tight harnesses out of them backward and fix them on the back of the head.
  • Repeat the same manipulation should be a level lower.

A neat, feminine and strict hairstyle for long hair is ready. The true embodiment of beauty and practicality. This option will be a great hairstyle for a teacher with long hair.

loose hair

Elegant bow

This type of hairstyle will especially appeal to romantic young ladies who even at work want to look charming. Here a low beam on the back of the head in the shape of a bow comes to the rescue. The execution algorithm is as follows:

  • We start the hairstyle with the tail on the back of the head. The gum, which will be attached to the tail, should be wrapped in the left strand.
  • Now the tail needs to be divided into two parts and comb each of them.
  • Next, you need to put the combed strands into a bow, gradually smoothing the top, so that the bow is voluminous, and the velvet is invisible.

At first, the hairstyle may not work, but a couple of trainings - and an elegant bow will take just a couple of minutes.

bow on hair

Classic ponytail

Once such a hairstyle was considered a sloppy option in a hurry so that the hair did not interfere while doing household chores. But these times are long gone, and a high ponytail can be found even on the catwalks of the most famous designers. To make the tail perfect, you should remember that the hair must be thoroughly combed, because even the smallest “roosters” completely cross out all impressions of the hairstyle, it will look untidy. If your hair is not of the same length, to create smoothness and uniformity, you should stab short hair with invisible hair so that it does not get out of the hairstyle. Forget about the usual tail on the back of the head, because even it can be converted into an elegant hairstyle. The modern world provides us with a sea of ​​information, and video lessons can completely replace a professional master or stylist. To make the ponytail look really complete, you should wrap the elastic with a strand of hair.

hairstyles stars

Curls on long hair

Strict hairstyles for long hair is, of course, good, but luxurious curls occupied and occupy a leading position. Such styling will fit perfectly into the office image, while preserving the femininity and romance of its owner. It is only important to complete the styling with high quality and style your hair so that it looks neat and elegant. If you follow the advice of Hollywood stars, which set the trend for fashion, they recommend wearing large natural curls that spin in the direction from the face. It is important that curls look as natural as possible. You can create such a hairstyle at home using the most ordinary curling iron or ironing. The hairstyle is performed as follows:

  • Separate the lock from the face with a vertical parting.
  • Screw the strand onto the curling iron in the specified direction, wait 10-15 seconds, after which you need to dissolve the curl.
  • It is recommended to immediately take the curl in the palm of your hand and squeeze, having waited until the lock has cooled down. Such manipulation will allow you to fix the curly even better.
  • In the same way, you should wind the remaining hair, but only to the middle of the occipital part, after which you should change direction so that the locks on both sides are curled from the face.
  • Treat the hair roots with a special spray for volume or varnish.
  • Now you should tilt your head down and spread the curls with your fingers.
  • You can not comb your hair, curls are stacked only with your hands.

Popular Hollywood styling is ready. You can go at least to work, even on the red carpet. However, this styling should not be abused, because exposure to high temperatures extremely negatively affects the condition of the hair, destroying the structure from the inside. Only well-chosen care products and high-quality stylers will save the situation.

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