Swiss University Hospital: foundation history, department overview, staff qualifications, patient reviews

Treatment abroad is not accessible to everyone, but in Moscow for more than 10 years now a unique medical institution has been operating - the Swiss University Clinic SwissClinic. This is one of the medical institutions in Russia, which was created according to European standards. They provide high-tech medical care using all modern methods of surgical treatment.

Why is it called "Swiss"?

Many people think that this clinic is the Russian branch of some Swiss medical center. In fact, the name of this institution is explained by the fact that the Swiss University Clinic (the photo will be posted in the article for clarity) was created by specialists of the highest qualification category in accordance with the progressive model of Western European medicine.

In addition, the SwissClinic Medical Center is actively collaborating with the medical departments of prestigious Swiss universities with a long history. These are the universities of Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, the years of creation of which fall on the XV-XVI centuries. The Swiss University Clinic in Moscow collaborates with the Hospital & Clinique de La Tour hospital, the Monchoisuise, General-Beaulieu clinics in Geneva and other leading hospitals in Switzerland, Germany and France. Doctors of a Moscow institution annually increase their qualifications and undergo training abroad. At the same time, the center’s specialists share their experience and knowledge with European colleagues, conducting several dozen workshops for narrow-profile surgeons.

The Swiss University Hospital is a medical center with a surgical profile. The hospital employs surgeons of general and specialization: gynecologists, urologists, proctologists, phlebologists, endocrinologists, oncologists. The clinic also conducts plastic and reconstructive operations.

The Swiss clinic SwissClinic annually performs about one and a half thousand complex operations using individually selected methods. Doctors of the center manage to achieve the most effective result in treatment through the use of modern expensive equipment and many years of experience of specialists. Judging by the reviews of the Swiss University Hospital in Moscow, patients opt for this institution because it has an almost impeccable reputation, guarantees the best treatment result and a quick recovery period.

Head of the clinic

The chief physician of the Swiss University Clinic SwissClinic is Konstantin Puchkov, a surgeon with many years of experience, doctor of medical sciences, professor. In addition, Puchkov heads the Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery, which will be described in more detail in the next section.

The head of the Swiss University Hospital is a member of the Society of Endoscopic Surgeons of Russia and the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons. Interesting fact: Puchkov became the first Russian to receive membership in the Association of Endoscopic Surgeons of Asia.

swiss university clinic reviews

Over the entire period of the surgeon's professional career, which began with Konstantin Viktorovich in 1993, he was awarded many awards. In 2006 he received the title of the best laparoscopic surgeon of the Russian Federation. Puchkov performs laparoscopic interventions on the profile of general surgery, urology, gynecology.

He performed more than 12,000 laparoscopic surgeries. Puchkov is the author of several hundred scientific articles, ten monographs and patented unique technologies and computer programs used during laparoscopic interventions. Since 2010, the professor has been directly involved in surgical interventions at the La Tour Clinic in Geneva.

The head of the Swiss University Hospital is an authoritative figure in the field of surgical gynecology, laparoscopic manipulations, radical treatment of urological and endocrinological diseases in Russia and Europe. As a scientific adviser, Professor Puchkov prepared six candidates and doctors of sciences to defend their dissertations. Konstantin Viktorovich holds master classes from year to year in Russia and abroad, transferring his invaluable experience in laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgical methods of treatment.

Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery

On the basis of the Swiss University Hospital, which is located at: Moscow, st. Nikoloyamskaya, 19, p. 1, is the Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery. This place allows young and inexperienced surgeons to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the European level without the need to leave the country and take an internship abroad. The educational program developed by Puchkov allows novice specialists to broaden their horizons, get a “dose” of live communication with colleagues, experts, get acquainted with innovative approaches, new surgical techniques, and try out modern equipment in practice.

Training at the Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery is carried out in the form of one-day scientific and practical seminars, which are held several times during the month at the Swiss University Hospital in Moscow. Capital partner medical centers also take part in organizing master classes. The main topics of scientific and practical seminars include questions from modern surgery of various profiles. Each program, designed for surgeons with basic skills of laparoscopic interventions, provides for an indicative operation, practical work on simulators, and lectures by foreign experts.

university clinic surgeons

The Center for Clinical and Experimental Surgery holds symposia and conferences in other cities and CIS countries. Often the format of the event involves video broadcasting from the operating room to the conference room, the implementation of practical work.

State-of-the-art medical technology

Judging by the reviews of the Swiss University Hospital in Moscow, the cost of medical services is hardly the most affordable in the capital. But patients who come here are ready to pay any money, just to be sure that they trust their health and sometimes their lives to true professionals. In Moscow, SwissClinic is considered one of the most prestigious private medical facilities where patients are treated using advanced methods and technologies developed in Switzerland.

The clinic does not have budget devices made in China. In medical practice, high-quality precision instruments and tools, safe materials from world-famous manufacturers, including Reliant, Hartmann, Karl Storz, Covidien, Draeger, are used.

SwissClinic Clinic specialists were among the first surgeons in Russia who successfully performed laparoscopic interventions on abdominal organs (removal of the gallbladder, uterine fibroids with temporary occlusion of the uterine arteries, cholecystectomy using NOTES technology, partial resection of the adrenal gland, etc.).

Surgical know-how in the field of minimally invasive interventions, the specialists of the medical center consider:

  • single-port access to blood vessels;
  • transvaginal access for various laparoscopic operations,
  • interventions on the uterus, spleen, rectum, adrenal glands, which allow you to save organs;
  • simultaneous execution of several operations at once.

All doctors at the SwissClinic clinic in Moscow have many years of practical experience, are aimed at the maximum possible result and use a personalized approach to each visitor and patient.

reviews of the Swiss university clinic in Moscow

Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women

In a clinic located in the very center of the capital, you can get a doctor's consultation, undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment. If surgical intervention is indicated for a detected disease, the specialists of the center will perform it qualitatively and will do everything so that the rehabilitation period passes quickly and without complications.

In particular, the SwissClinic clinic in Moscow is the medical institution where complex minimally invasive and organ-preserving gynecological surgeries are performed:

  • myomectomy;
  • supravaginal amputation and hysterectomy using SILS technology;
  • removal of endometrioid cystic formations;
  • treatment of retrocervical endometriosis and foci of the disease on the organs of the peritoneum and pelvis;
  • resection of a part of the ovary, adnexectomy or cystectomy (an intervention in which a cyst is hatched, and healthy tissues are preserved);
  • surgical treatment of urinary incontinence;
  • removal of bladder tumors.

In the Puchkova K.V. clinic, gynecologists perform simultaneous operations that allow patients to get rid of not just one, but several diseases at once during one intervention. For diagnostics, only the latest examination methods are used - video colposcopy, hysteroscopy, ultrasound and laparoscopy, which allows you to take a sample of biomaterial for further histological and cytological studies.

If necessary, patients can be consulted by other specialists: an endocrinologist, a mammologist, etc. In addition, in the clinic on Nikoloyamskaya you can use the treatment program for both sexual partners.

Surgeons in Urology

Urogenital tract diseases are often diagnosed in men. The lack of timely therapy and the occurrence of chronic foci of infection can lead to the development of serious complications. Moreover, urologists are also involved in the treatment of representatives of the weaker sex, in which, due to the anatomical structure of the urethra (it is shorter than in men), infectious and inflammatory processes in the small pelvis develop faster.

Among the urological diseases that are diagnosed in patients, the most common are:

  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • balanoposthitis, orchitis, epididymitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • enuresis and stress urinary incontinence;
  • nephroptosis - prolapse of the kidneys;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (human papillomavirus, chlamydia, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urethral stricture, inflammation of the ureters;
  • varicocele, cyst, testicular tumor;
  • malignant and benign tumors of the defeat of the pelvic organs in men.
Swiss University Hospital Address

Symptoms of pathologies in which it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible are numerous and varied. Without conservative or surgical treatment, if indicated, urological ailments can lead to sexual dysfunction, the development of hypertension, infertility, and renal failure.

Abdominal Surgery

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract affect most of the adult population. Gastroenterological pathologies negatively affect the performance and quality of human life, and sometimes lead to dangerous complications in the form of cancers. That is why each patient should visit a gastroenterologist for preventive purposes at least once every three years, and in the presence of chronic ailments, annually or according to the doctor’s testimony.

In the Swiss University Clinic, the address of which was indicated above, conduct various types of operations on the organs of the abdominal cavity:

  • endoscopic correction for reflux esophagitis and hernia of the diaphragm;
  • minimally invasive cholecystectomy in women (such an operation is performed transvaginally);
  • resection of a liver cyst;
  • pyloroplasty for stenosis or the installation of gastroduodenoanastomosis;
  • surgical intervention for complications of gastric and duodenal ulcer, including perforation of the wall, malignancy, internal bleeding, etc.

In most cases, doctors manage to cure the patient and save the affected organs, partially or completely restore their functionality.

Other types of surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery

Representatives of vascular surgery and phlebology are also present at the SwissClinic medical center in Moscow. The Swiss clinic is contacted by patients who require:

  • complex surgical treatment with phlebectomy or suprafascial resection of perforating veins;
  • sclerosis of individual vessels;
  • radiofrequency intervention for varicose veins.
swiss university clinic photo

Proctologist surgeons advise patients, prescribe examination, drug treatment and perform operations on resection of the rectum fistula, correction of the epithelial coccygeal passage, as well as ligation of hemorrhoids according to the Parks and Longo method. The best minds of Russia are involved in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. Here, operations are performed to resect the thyroid gland, adrenal cysts, epididymis, etc.

Popular among visitors to SwissClinic (Puchkov University Hospital) are the services of a plastic surgeon. The following types of operations are performed in this medical institution:

  • endoscopic and minimally invasive lifting of the face or its individual parts (forehead and eyebrows), circular facelift;
  • rhinoplasty, including interventions to remove benign tumors and reconstruction of the nasal passages;
  • mammoplasty with implant placement, breast lift, areola plastic, nipple, removal of excess gland volume;
  • abdominoplasty in combination with liposuction and elimination of diastasis defects.

Price list for medical services

As already noted, in reviews of the Swiss University Clinic, many express their dissatisfaction with the cost of services. We will not list how much all services cost in a row, but consider the prices of certain types of paid services. So, the cost of initial consultation in this institution is on average 3-4 thousand rubles, depending on specialization. To get an examination by Professor Puchkov, you will have to pay 6200 rubles, and for a consultation of doctors - from 8 thousand to 25 thousand rubles.

The diagnostic procedures that are carried out here are also difficult to call cheap, if we take their average cost in Moscow. For example, for ultrasound of the mammary glands at SwissClinic (Swiss University Hospital) will be asked to pay 3000 rubles., And for a comprehensive endoscopic examination, which includes gastroscopy and colonoscopy with sedation, - 19 550 rubles.

As for the treatment, the medical center on Nikoloyamskaya is one of the institutions where you can undergo photodynamic therapy of cancer. The price of one course starts from 50 thousand rubles. Excision of hemorrhoidal nodes, anal fissure or fistula on average costs patients 75-100 thousand rubles. A prostate biopsy will require approximately 60 thousand rubles.

How to get an appointment?

Surgeons make admission to the university clinic by appointment. You can choose the right time to visit the doctor by phone. The administrator will give information on the cost of any service of interest and tell you about the preparation for a medical or diagnostic procedure.

Swiss university clinic in Moscow

The medical center is open every day, including weekends and holidays, from 8:00 to 22:00. This means that patients may not wait for the right moment to receive help. Once again, we indicate the address of the Swiss University Hospital: Moscow, ul. Nikoloyamskaya, 19, p. 1. You can get there by public transport, having walked 10 minutes on foot from the Taganskaya metro station, and by personal car.

Positive patient reviews

Clinic reviews are useful information, because the choice of a medical institution plays an important, if not key, role in the fight against serious diseases. It depends on the level of the clinic how comfortable the treatment will be, how much effort, nerves, money and time will be spent on the process itself. In Moscow, SwissClinic (university clinic) is one of the best medical facilities, but, based on reviews, it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Compared to public hospitals, the level of service is much higher, there is no crowding and corruption.And although specialists from budgetary clinics do not take money from patients for consultations or ultrasound, there is a whole list of diseases for which treatment is not provided for by the compulsory medical insurance program, and if it is provided, the quality of service leaves much to be desired. That is why patients make a choice in favor of a private clinic, namely the Swiss University.

, SwissClinic, , , – . . .

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If we evaluate the various parameters of the institution, including the condition of the building inside, the repair in the wards, the quality of treatment, food for inpatients, the attitude of the staff towards patients, the Swiss clinic could put a solid five. But since for each patient certain criteria have different priorities, it is not easy to give an objective assessment of the level of service.

The presence of highly specialized specialists on the staff is also a big plus for the clinic. By contacting a specialized medical center, the patient has the opportunity to consult a doctor of the relevant specialty and, if necessary, immediately undergo an examination.

What causes discontent

When getting acquainted with the reviews of other patients, it is important to remain calm and try not to attach special importance to overly emotional statements. Moreover, this applies to both positive and negative responses. In addition, it is important to always remain objective in your assessment. Sometimes a minor flaw (for example, a hard mattress or too strict a nurse) crosses out the work of all staff, so you need to take into account the versatile characteristics of the medical center.

The most common reason for writing negative reviews about the SwissClinic clinic is the high cost of maintenance. For some patients, this factor is of paramount importance. When undergoing treatment in this medical institution, you need to be prepared that any attempt to save will fail. If you believe the reviews, the difference between the preliminary amount of treatment and the final bill may be 100,000 rubles.

Users believe that additional expensive procedures are being imposed on them in this clinic, which could be dispensed with. It is possible that high prices are a strategic step that management is taking to position the clinic as an institution exclusively for wealthy patients.

swissclinic swiss moscow

And although the clinic’s website states that admission is by appointment, in reality, everything happens a little differently. If you believe the reviews, there is often a situation where patients have to wait for a doctor for several hours.

The bureaucratic approach to paperwork is another fat minus for the SwissClinic clinic. To get to the doctor, you need to spend the lion's share of time each time filling out various forms and bales of paper. Also in the reviews there are comments about the dubious legal status of the institution. Some users, turning to the tax inspectorate with documents for personal income tax refund for treatment (all officially employed citizens have the right to return part of the taxes), were surprised when they learned that, for example, the operation is documented as a consulting service. In addition, payment documents are not always handed over at the Swiss University Hospital - patients have to require checks and receipts, copies of the results of analyzes and expert opinions.

The staff responds to patients' questions in a rude, rude and bold tone - this is how patients in the Swiss clinic write. The majority is in doubt and the competence of nurses who are not able to perform basic manipulations the first time.

After receiving a consultation, it is not at all necessary to be treated in this clinic or with this doctor. If the patient has any doubts about the diagnosis or the treatment methods proposed by the specialist cause concern, it is better to contact another institution and find out what other doctors think about this.

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