Which is better - eyelash extension or lamination? Lamination of eyelashes: reviews, consequences. Professional eyelash extensions

Thick and long eyelashes from nature - a wonderful wealth, but not every woman has it. Now various cosmetics are used for this, thanks to which the eyes can be made more expressive. Therefore, many are interested in what is best - eyelash extension or lamination. Thanks to these methods, cilia become more magnificent and longer. Procedures are considered affordable, but they also have a difference.


If you are interested in the answer to the question of which is better, extension or lamination of eyelashes, then you need to consider that they are performed using different technologies:

  • When building, the addition of artificial hairs from synthetics or natural materials is performed. Thanks to this, the necessary effect is quickly obtained, but it does not look quite natural.

what is better eyelash extension or lamination

  • During lamination, nutrients, dyes and other substances are applied to the cilia, because of which they become shiny and long.

The reviews show that both procedures are in demand. Women recommend consulting with a master who can determine the appropriate option for updating cilia.

Benefits of Lamination

Many women choose eyelash lamination. Reviews, the consequences of this procedure are varied. The method is attractive because there is no hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in the composition. Lamination creates a breathable layer on the cilia. Its advantages include:

  • Using lamination, a slight build-up effect is obtained, but it looks natural. Therefore, for lovers of natural makeup, this option will be the most suitable.
  • If your cilia are thin and dry, then with the help of the procedure they change. They gain splendor and brilliant appearance.

eyelash lamination reviews effects

  • Cilia growth improves.
  • During the procedure, the skin near the eyes is treated with nutrients.

Thanks to these advantages, many women choose this option for updating cilia. They take on an attractive look.

Keratin lamination

Keratin is called a strong protein, which is part of the derivatives of the skin, for example, in the eyelashes, eyebrows, hair, nails. Thanks to this substance, which is part of the product, the result is excellent. Keratin lamination of eyelashes makes hair smooth and shiny.

beauty salon eyelash extensions

The procedure increases the size, bending of the cilia, strengthens them. The composition of the funds has nutritional components, so it is also useful. Keratin lamination of eyelashes will give the best result if you perform it in the salon.

Disadvantages of Eyelash Lamination

Are there any contraindications for laminating lashes? The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, a tendency to allergies, with eye diseases, eye operations. The disadvantages of lamination include:

  • The result will be practically invisible if your cilia by nature have a good look.
  • High cost of work.
  • Due to a violation of technology, the condition of cilia is deteriorating.

Despite the disadvantages, many choose eyelash lamination. Reviews, the consequences of the procedure may be different, but in any case they need to be taken into account. This will allow you to evaluate the results.

Pros of building

A common procedure is professional eyelash extensions. Its advantages include:

  • Transformation in a few hours. The eyes become expressive. The procedure is suitable for those cases where you need to quickly prepare for any event.
  • No need to use mascara daily and curl cilia. If they are glued to black glue, then eyeliner is not required. For these properties, building is considered the best procedure.

keratin lamination of eyelashes

  • After that, the cilia become more resistant to water and tears.
  • Usually, artificial cilia are attached forever, and not to natural ones.
  • The correct arrangement of the eyelashes visually changes the section of the eyes.

Disadvantages of building

Like any other procedure, the extension has its drawbacks:

  • After this, care must be taken: do not rub your eyes, use contact lenses carefully. If they are applied daily, then eyelashes can quickly come off.
  • You should not sleep face down, as well as go to the bathhouse, sauna.
  • The procedure is prohibited with conjunctivitis, with oily skin, allergies.
  • Eyelids should not be treated with oils and oily cream. For washing, you need to use products that do not have soap.
  • For oily skin, it is better to use lotions.
  • After some time, extended eyelashes must be eliminated, as their appearance worsens.
  • Too long eyelashes cannot have a natural look.
  • If your eyelashes are weakened, then this causes them to fall out.
  • After the procedure, do not use mascara, because it contains oils, and they dissolve the glue.

Each method has its pros and cons, so women need to decide for themselves what is best - eyelash extension or lamination. Reviews indicate the need for advice from a master who will choose the best option based on individual characteristics.

Eyelash Extensions

To do the work, it is better to contact a beauty salon. Eyelash extensions and lamination are different procedures. Various materials are used for them. Growth is carried out using:

  • Artificial eyelashes made of nylon, silk. The phrase "mink" or "sable" does not indicate the material, but the length and quality of the hairs. In bundle building, bundles are used, in the ciliary - hairs. Funds of such companies as Dolce Vita, Irisk Professional, MACY are perfectly suitable for the procedure.
  • Adhesive made of rubber, silicone, latex or resin. It can be transparent or black. In the salons use funds of firms Sky, Vivienne, Dolce.
  • Makeup remover.
  • Degreasing compound.
  • Latch.
  • Paper hairs.
  • Tweezers.
  • Brush.

professional eyelash extensions

If a beauty salon is not chosen for this, eyelash extensions at home should be performed using professional tools. Cheap sets will not allow you to get the desired result, and can also cause allergies.

What is required for lamination?

The lamination procedure can be performed only when there is everything you need:

  • Means for opening the cuticle.
  • Coloring matter.
  • Silicone protector.
  • Nutritious cream.
  • Keratin composition.
  • Vitaminizing agent.
  • Thin brushes.
  • Brushes.
  • Silicone molds.
  • Makeup Remover.
  • Degreasing agent.

In the salons, cosmetics of the brands LVL Lashes, DP Lumi, Beautier are used. If the work is done at home, then you also need to use quality tools.


The result will please about a month if eyelash extensions are performed. Correction is carried out after this period. Cilia hold until they grow their own. They change approximately every 200 days. When the socks have expired, they must be removed. This procedure is performed in the salon, where the master uses special tools. The result from the ciliary building is saved 2 times longer compared to the bundle.

what to do after eyelash extensions

After lamination, nothing needs to be removed. The result is saved up to 3 months. Over time, the composition is washed off. Color will be saturated up to 6 weeks. Which is better - eyelash extension or lamination? Given sustainability, the second procedure will be more practical. Hair will be resistant to external influences.


What to do after eyelash extensions? Careful care of them is required, which will save their appearance for a long period. After carrying out the procedure of building or lamination, you should not wash your face for 3 hours, as well as rub your eyes, use waterproof mascara, and means for its removal. The reviews show that it is better to consult with the master about leaving.

To maintain the health of eyelashes, you need to use special preparations to nourish. Castor oil is often used, which has many beneficial properties. You can use liquid vitamin E, almond oil. If you use mascara, it is better to choose cosmetics with keratin and vitamins.

Which is better?

Both procedures are considered safe, although they have contraindications. They are not performed during pregnancy. This is not due to harmfulness, but because the result may not be pleasant. When laminating, nutrients are used that are beneficial to the skin. This procedure usually does not affect cilia growth.

eyelash correction

Often after building the cilia become weaker, if before that they were thin. This is due to the additional load. The result largely depends on the professionalism of the master who will perform the building. When choosing which is better, remember that lamination and building are two different procedures, although both are designed to improve the appearance of the eyes.

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