How to get rid of acne at home

Being healthy and attractive is what everyone dreams of. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles to the beauty of the skin of the face and body. Acne is one of them. Acne in no case should not spoil life and affect the self-esteem of any of us. Acne often torments us in our teens, during the hormonal revolution. With age, acne disappears on its own, leaving no trace, only memories of painful months and even years. But this problem of adolescents, if not cured, then certainly relieved. In the fight against pimples on the face and body, folk remedies will help us.

Before starting treatment with "grandmother" methods, the cause of the problem should be identified. Most often, pimples really appear due to a malfunction in the hormonal system, but this is not the only reason. The reason for the appearance of acne is also malnutrition, inadequate care and stress on the skin. These and other causes stimulate the appearance of acne not only in adolescents, but also in adults.

If the causes of the sharp manifestation of acne are unknown to you, and the problem is seriously worrying, then you should consult a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment and tell you how to get rid of acne at home. In simpler cases, when the problem is local and not serious, popular advice will help you.

How to get rid of acne at home. Tips from the people:

1) Face cleaning with a decoction of chamomile. The infusion of medicinal chamomile, which, as they say, is "cheap", and is sold in every pharmacy, will help you with any illnesses, be it an allergy or a sore throat. In the fight against acne there is also no folk remedy better than chamomile. Cook the broth and cool. Dip a towel in warm water and put it on your face. Keep a towel on your face until it cools completely.

2) Walnut lovers use leaves against blackheads. A decoction of walnut leaves is used in lotions and face masks.

3) Aloe is a truly folk plant that treats all diseases better than chamomile. Cold leaves of aloe need to be grated and put gruel on the skin. Aloe mask that dries and tones the skin should be kept for up to 15 minutes.

4) The fourth proven way to get rid of acne on the face at home is calendula. Mix 2 teaspoons of calendula tincture with water in a 1: 1 ratio, add flour and mix. The resulting mask should be applied to the face for 10 minutes.

5) In conclusion, another method of getting rid of acne at home. Yeast will help you. Yeast mask is one of the oldest ways to fight blackheads. Yeast must be mixed with milk to make a homogeneous mass. After that, add lemon juice and apply gruel on the face. Hold the mask on the face for 10 minutes. A similar procedure should be carried out daily for a week.

These and other recipes will help you if you do not get rid of acne, then definitely facilitate an already sweet life. If the case is neglected, then medicines will help you. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can prescribe and advise you on drugs. By the way, it is an appeal to a cosmetologist that solves the problem of acne in many people. The chemical peeling that we offer to try on ourselves in beauty salons, the procedure is quite safe and effective, but it is not a solution to the problem: how to get rid of acne at home.

If you seriously decide to help yourself on your own, without going to doctors and specialists, we advise you to seriously think about your diet and lifestyle. As mentioned above, an unbalanced diet is one of the main causes of acne along with hormonal changes and external factors. Reviewing your diet is what you need to do first. Stop eating sweet, fat and starchy foods in unlimited quantities, drink more plain water - at first this is all you need. Products should not be heavy for the stomach. Do not overload your liver. Proper nutrition in itself can save you from many problems, not only external but also internal. Eating healthy food, you will forever forget that you were worried about how to get rid of acne on your back at home.

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