How to choose ski boots? Sizes of ski boots

For skiing lessons, you can rent equipment. But in order to seriously engage, it is better to have your own equipment. Particular care should be taken when choosing ski boots. Their sizes do not coincide with the marking of ordinary shoes. To find the right pair you have to spend more time or even seek help from specialists.

Ski boots sizes

Features of skiing

This type of outdoor activity makes it possible to feel the adrenaline rush and positive emotions on a snowy slope. In order for the process of learning the descent technique to go faster, you should not force events and switch from beginner tracks directly to steep high-speed slopes. It is important to follow the sequence in training and to clearly follow the instructor's settings.

The first descents already make it possible to understand whether the equipment and especially the ski boots are correctly selected. The sizes are indicated on the equipment, but selection only by the applied digital designations is usually not enough. A simple fitting on the principle that "if only the shoes are not stinging" is also not suitable.

Boots and skis are rigidly fixed. Any movement of the leg means a change in the configuration of the slip planes. If the body is not ready to quickly respond to a change in the situation and restore balance, a fall is inevitable.

Sizes of ski boots

Design features

Ski shoes have two layers. The one on the outside is made of hard plastic. It does not meet the parameters of the foot and lower leg and serves only as a frame. It forms a platform for attaching to skis, there are adjustable clasps.

There are models with additional adjustments to align the position in the horizontal or vertical plane. This is convenient, since you can maximize the design for a specific person. The inner layer (boot) is made of soft and plastic material. Sizes of ski boots are determined in accordance with its parameters.

For starter models, this layer is thicker and more plastic. He comfortably fits a leg, practically does not press. For beginners, this is also good because skis do not immediately respond to “teams”. Accidental movement of the foot does not always lead to a change in the direction of sliding of the skis.

How to determine the size of ski boots for a child

Inventory selection

Is it possible to master the technique of riding on improperly selected equipment? Surely not. And first of all, you need to pay attention to ski boots. Sizes on shoes from different manufacturers, although they are affixed in accordance with the general principles of gradation, but the forming “pads” are different for everyone.

Even if the first successful descent experience in the model of one brand is obtained, it is not a fact that another will have the same result. The marking, shape, type, design of the fasteners may coincide, but the leg will not feel the same comfort. A wide range of adjustments does not always help.

There is an opinion that when choosing a "shoe" for skiing should not be saved. This is the right approach, but it's not just about the price. It should immediately be determined for whom shoes are selected: children's, men's, women's (universal). They differ in the height of the shaft, the shape of the arch, and the width.

How to choose the size of ski boots

General principles of choice

Almost everyone knows the size of their shoes. An experienced consultant in a specialized store only on this parameter will offer you several options for shoes for fitting. There are special templates where you can put your foot and determine the size.

You can prepare for a fitting at home. The choice of the size of the ski boots primarily depends on the length of the foot. Having become a foot on a sheet of paper, outlines its contours. Measure the length from the heel to the end of the thumb, the width - at the maximum size. Size in centimeters will be the basis. It is advised to add 0.5 cm (half size) to this value. Typically, the numeric designations are on the boot itself or on the packaging.

Different manufacturers can apply the traditional marking for the region (UK, US, EU, RU). You can deal with it and transfer data from the American or European system to the Russian standard size using tables. But it’s better to focus on them all the same. The final choice still needs to be made based on the fitting.

How to choose the size of ski boots?

Athletes involved in more than one season have decent experience, know the specifics of the choice and will cope on their own. Basic knowledge is more important for beginners. Ski boots (sizes) are selected for fitting, taking into account the stiffness indicator. For beginners, a suitable option would be 60 Nm / deg.

A suitable model is worn, buttoned up all the clips, adjust the tension and determined with first impressions. What are they paying attention to? Shin must be fixed. The foot is securely crimped, but without pain. You can move your toes. The foot does not numb after five to ten minutes of movement. The heel should be pressed against the back and not "walk" when turning or lifting. The thumb may slightly touch the inner surface of the “boot”, but not be pressed into it.

Choosing the size of ski boots

If this is all right, you can try to simulate the situation of descent. It makes sense to sit down and stand up. If this succeeds, then the stiffness indicator is acceptable. Further assessment of the model is done on the basis of comfort for the legs. You can allow a feeling of slight crowding. This is normal, because when riding the inner “boot” will be formed exactly under the foot, and the boot, in general, will shrink. Better let it be a bit cramped from the store than a bit too big.

How to determine the size of ski boots for a child?

The same principle is used. The length of the foot is taken as the basis. The rest is determined by fitting. But with a child, this process often goes with complications. To understand whether the “shoe” is suitable, you need to walk around the store for at least a dozen minutes (better more). It is not always possible to force a child to do this in uncomfortable shoes.

It makes sense to simplify the choice. A shoe of the same model is worn on the right foot. On the left is another. Walking around the store, the baby determines which leg is more convenient. The child can cheat, and point out not the right option. He may be interested in color, lettering, shape. This should be foreseen and try to offer shoes of the same style to choose. The final test may be a proposal to sit down. If the child does not fall and confidently maintain balance, then both size, stiffness, and adjustment are chosen correctly.

Selection of ski boots by size

Expert Advice

The selection of ski boots in size is an important stage of preparation for the season. Trying in the store should ideally last more than an hour, and you don’t have to be shy. It is better to use special socks right away. Nails need to be cut, otherwise the choice made will be biased.

If the shoes are suitable, then after half an hour, the discomfort felt at first, disappears. The slightest doubt should be considered as an inappropriate option. Even after spending an hour or two, it is better to postpone the purchase and visit another store, come back later and try on another pair from a new batch or from another manufacturer than buy an almost suitable “shoe”.

Good shoes will last more than one season. And it makes sense to spend at least a week of daily hiking in search of the perfect option. This is the only way to get complete control over the skis and the maximum pleasure from downhill skiing.

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