Every third injured pedestrian in Russia was injured in the zone of the sign “Crosswalk”. What kind of traffic rules should a pedestrian observe in order to avoid an emergency? What do the drivers prescribe? What is the range of the sign, what maneuvers are prohibited on the zebra? Recently, the responsibility of the driver for violations at the pedestrian crossing has increased. How will the driver be punished if he was hit by a pedestrian through his fault?
Sign Coverage
To cross the roadway for people there are special traffic areas - pedestrian crossings, which are subject to special rules and restrictions.
The width of such a transition is equal to the applied zebra markup. If it is absent, then the width of the crossing zone is determined by the signs “Pedestrian crossing” set on both sides of the road.
When the zone "zebra" is equipped with a stop line, the vehicle should stop near it.
Types of Ground
In our country, pedestrians are equipped with a variety of crossings. Most of them are terrestrial. On the desired section of the road, the sign “Pedestrian Crossing” is installed, in addition, a zebra marking can be applied, an audible alarm and other devices can be installed. All this is intended for the safe movement of pedestrians along this section of the road.
Types of ground crossings:
A traffic light is installed at an adjustable pedestrian crossing, which regulates traffic on this section of the road. If the traffic light does not work or lights up in a yellow blinking color, then such a transition becomes unregulated.
A sign is set at an adjustable pedestrian intersection and a zebra is marked.
If there are no corresponding signs on the road, then the pedestrian is forbidden to cross the road. This may cause an accident.
Traffic rules limit certain actions at a pedestrian crossing.
The following vehicles are prohibited on this stretch of road:
- overtake, turn;
- You can not park in the area of the sign and at a distance of 5 meters before and after the "zebra".
All restrictions are necessary to reduce the accident rate on this section of the road.
Prevention of congestion in the area of the sign "Crosswalk"
In large cities, traffic jams are becoming commonplace. Recently, the traffic rules have been amended several times, which prevent the possibility of traffic jams. Will a driver be punished if forced to stop at a pedestrian crossing?
If the driver, as a result of a traffic jam, was forced to stop right on the "zebra", then he is guilty and can be punished. In the process of movement it was necessary to foresee such a situation.
A car at a pedestrian crossing provokes an emergency:
- becomes an obstacle to the movement of pedestrians;
- reduces the visibility for all participants in the movement, and another vehicle can start moving when people are on the zebra.
The driver must remember that if there is a sign “Pedestrian crossing”, then you need to be extremely careful, this is a special section of the road on which certain rules and prohibitions apply.
Overtaking in the area of the sign
Drivers are interested in whether it is possible to overtake at a pedestrian crossing if there are no people on it?
The rules of the road prohibit any overtaking in the area of the sign “Pedestrian Crossing”, it does not matter if there are pedestrians or not. The driver in front of the zebra must slow down and slow down if the vehicle in front stops. It is impossible to overtake in this case.
Recent policy changes
Every year a large number of people die and get injured on the “zebra”, therefore, to change the situation, requirements for all road users are strengthened.
The pedestrian on the zebra has the advantage of the right to cross this section of the road. Vehicles are required to skip it, to give the opportunity to complete their actions, even if the vehicle lights up the enable signal of the traffic light. At the same time, it is forbidden to rush a pedestrian with a sound signal, this is punishable by penalties.
According to the latest changes in traffic rules, the vehicle must stop, give way to the pedestrian when he is in the zone of the sign.
Pedestrians need to remember that if he is on the sidewalk and is talking on the phone, the driver is not required to let him through. Pedestrians should remember that they should not become an obstacle to other road users, especially to provoke the creation of congestion.
Pedestrian Guidelines
Much depends on the competent behavior of a pedestrian on the road. Let us dwell on the sign “Pedestrian Crossing”, the rules apply to all road users: drivers and pedestrians.
The discipline of pedestrians is low, it seems to many that if he is on a zebra, then he is right in any controversial situation. This is not true, and pedestrian safety also depends on it. According to statistics, 12% of accidents on a zebra occur due to pedestrians.
Experts say that smartphones and headphones are becoming one of the causes of accidents at the crosswalk. Therefore, more and more often, there is a proposal to introduce a new sign, which prohibits pedestrians from using phones during the transition.
The cause of the accident is pedestrians when intoxicated, who do not control themselves when crossing the road.
An additional problem is created by owners of gyro scooters, which are not subject to the rules of the road. The scooter develops a speed of 15-20 km / h, which creates emergency situations on the road.
Rules of behavior:
- If the pedestrian crossing is adjustable, then you need to move only under the permitting traffic light or with the permission of the traffic controller.
- If there is no marking on the road, then it cannot be crossed diagonally, only at right angles to the direction of the track.
- Before the beginning of the road crossing, it is necessary to assess how safe the situation is, only then go over.
- No need to talk on the phone, crossing the road.
- Do not provoke an emergency.
- Do not interfere with other road users.
- Crossing the road, do not stop without a good reason.
- When going into the dark, it is recommended to use special reflective elements.
A pedestrian must remember that his safety depends on his competent behavior. He is also responsible for his erroneous actions that led to the accident.
A large number of accidents in the zone of the sign “Pedestrian Crossing” occurs not only through the fault of traffic participants. Moreover, at unregulated “zebras” the number of victims is several times higher than at regulated intersections.
Causes of accidents at unregulated crossings:
- adverse weather conditions;
- inattention of the driver who did not slow down in time in front of the sign “Pedestrian Crossing Zone”;
- poor visibility, illumination of the sign and markings;
- Oversized vehicles overlap sign.
The experts call the most serious problem the poor visibility of signs, especially in the dark. About 40% of all pedestrian accidents occur in the dark.
In order to ensure safety on the roads in our country, various methods of arranging crossings are used:
- Lighting: LED lamps, street lamps and other devices are used;
- LED signs;
- noise bands;
- artificial road irregularities, for example, “lying police officer”;
- reflective reflectors that reflect light from the headlights, as a result, the transition zone becomes clearly visible even in the dark;
- road LED indicators.
What crosswalk signs are best seen at night, during twilight? Recently, in some cities, signs with LED indicators have begun to appear. They can be seen from a long distance, the driver can reduce speed in a timely manner.
Penalties for violations of the Crosswalk sign
According to statistics, 88% of 100 accidents involving zebras are caused by drivers. To change the situation, the size of penalties was increased. What penalty should be imposed on a driver who has not missed a pedestrian? What is the responsibility of the driver if the pedestrian hit him through his fault?
If the driver did not miss a citizen in the zone of the sign “Pedestrian Crossing”, then the fine will be from 1,500 rubles to 2,500 rubles.
Punishment for running over a pedestrian
For any driver, hitting a pedestrian even in a dream is a real nightmare. It does not always happen through the fault of the driver. Let us dwell on the situation when the accident occurred in the zone of the sign “Crosswalk”.
The responsibility of the driver will be determined by the degree of damage to health.
The legislation provides for the following degrees of harm:
They are determined by medical institutions and forensic medical examination.
The law provides for three types of punishments:
- Civil liability: applies to pedestrians whose fault the accident occurred.
- Administrative responsibility extends to the guilty driver: depending on the degree of damage caused, a fine of 2,500 to 20,000 rubles may be imposed, in addition, they may be deprived of their rights for up to 2 years.
- The driver is criminally liable for serious bodily harm, punishment is provided for - forced labor up to 2 years or restriction of freedom up to 3 years. If the accident is fatal, then imprisonment for up to 7 years is threatened.
If a pedestrian was hit in the area of the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign and the driver’s guilt has been proven, then deprivation of a driver’s license is a mandatory punishment, the validity of which can last up to 3 years.
The driver must be extremely careful on the road to avoid accidents.
What should a driver do if there is a collision with a pedestrian
The driver must do everything to avoid an accident, but not everything depends on him. If there was a collision with a pedestrian, you need to know how to behave correctly in order to help the victim and protect himself.
Recommendations of lawyers:
- Be sure to provide first aid to the victim.
- Call an ambulance and the traffic police representatives.
- It is necessary to fix the situation at the scene using all possible means. Witnesses should be given contact details so that they can be found.
- Pay attention to the presence of surveillance cameras. If they are, send a request for access to the records in the Center for Teleautomatic Traffic Control. It must be remembered that such records, as a rule, are not stored for longer than 3 days.
Do not leave the scene of a traffic accident.
The “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign is one of the most common, it is necessary to highlight a safe zone for crossing the road. All road users must observe traffic rules: drivers and pedestrians. This will ensure safety. Legislation provides penalties for drivers and pedestrians.