Tomato "Red Red": characteristics and description of the variety, photos and reviews

Each year, breeders produce several good fruitful varieties of tomatoes. After all, this gardening culture among summer residents is perhaps the most popular. One of the best varieties of all that have appeared recently, of course, is "Red Red". Gardeners' feedback on this new hybrid has earned just excellent.

Tomato "Red Red": characteristics and description of the variety (general)

The hybrid "Red Red" was developed by specialists of the domestic company "Ural summer resident". It belongs to the class of indeterminate. That is, its growth is limited only by the time of the warm season. Variety "Red Red" - early ripening, self-pollinating. That is, it is advisable to grow it mainly in greenhouses. You can shoot the first fruits of this tomato at the end of June. The last time the crop of these tomatoes is harvested before the autumn frosts.

red tomato red characteristic and description of the variety

According to the manufacturer, this hybrid can produce excellent yields not only in the relatively warm regions of our country. This variety is very well suited for the Urals or, for example, the Moscow region.

Tomato "Red Red": characteristics of the fruit

Tomatoes on bushes of this variety ripen quite large. The weight of the top tomatoes is usually 200 g, the bottom - 300 g. Therefore, it is believed that the best red tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption or for salads. Also, many housewives make ketchup and juice from them. Marinate and salt these tomatoes rarely.

Tomato "Red-red" belongs (the characteristics and description of the variety were given above), among other things, to the class of carpal hybrids . That is, the fruits ripen on it in "clusters" (5-7 pieces each)

The color of these tomatoes, as can already be judged by the name of the variety, are bright red. Their shape is rounded (“shoulders” - lush) . The flesh of the "Red-Red" tomatoes is juicy, fleshy and sweet enough for a hybrid. Although the peel of these tomatoes is very thin, they are completely averse to cracking. Many summer residents also attribute the advantages of the hybrid to the excellent keeping quality of its fruits and their transportability.

tomato red red characteristic

The appearance of the bushes

Next, let's see what the actual “Red Red” tomatoes themselves are. The description and photos of the fruits presented in the article allow us to judge this hybrid as very well suited for cultivation in the country. Actually, the bushes of this variety themselves grow very high during the summer period. Therefore, in the greenhouse for them it is necessary not only to equip the beds, but also to collect trellises. The stem length of such tomatoes can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves of this variety have a rich dark green color and quite large sizes. The trunk of plants is quite flexible, but very durable. Tomatoes branch "Red Red" not too much.


A hybrid is a relatively new tomato - Red Red. Photos of fruits and bushes of this variety demonstrate its good qualities visually. Some summer residents have already managed to appreciate its merits in practice . Judging by the reviews, the yield indicators for this variety are pretty good. The manufacturer declares that from one bush "Red Red" you can collect 8-9 kg of tomatoes. Of course, not all summer residents achieve such high performance from this variety. However, among gardeners, it is still considered somewhat more productive than many other modern hybrids. In most cases, summer residents collect from each bush of this variety about 5 kg of fruit per season.

tomato red red growing

Landing time

Tomato "Red Red" is planted in heated greenhouses around the end of March with seeds. Owners of ordinary film greenhouses grow this hybrid most often by the seedling method. The time for planting tomatoes in boxes is calculated taking into account the fact that by the time of transfer to the greenhouse their age should be 60-65 days. Tomatoes grow "Red Red" very tall. And therefore overexposure seedlings in boxes is extremely undesirable. Otherwise, it may stretch too much. And this, in turn, will certainly affect the yield of the hybrid.

How to prepare seeds

Boxes for seedlings "Red-red" fit not too deep, but not particularly shallow. The seeds of this hybrid are prepared for sowing in the usual way. In order to make the tomatoes less sick when growing, the planting material "Red Red" is soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If desired, you can also treat the seeds with some kind of growth stimulator.


In order to get a good harvest, the summer resident needs to know about what a hardy hybrid like tomato "Red Red" has in terms of demanding soil composition. It is believed that in the greenhouse for this variety, ordinary garden soil with the addition of manure or humus is perfect. In the boxes for seedlings for these tomatoes, it is worth pouring a special soil mixture. These tomatoes are grown in an apartment, usually on the following ground:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • humus - 1 h;
  • sawdust - 1 hour

Chernozem for seedlings is best taken in the place where nettle grows in the summer.

tomato red red grade description photo

The soil mixture purchased or prepared on its own is first poured into boxes, and then spilled thoroughly with water. Tomatoes are planted the next day. Properly prepared seeds are distributed on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a layer of soil of about 1 cm.The picking of grown seedlings is carried out after the appearance of the first two true leaves.

Carrying in the greenhouse

As already mentioned, the best results in terms of yield can be achieved by growing the tomato "Red Red" in the closed ground. The description of the variety given to it by the manufacturer allows us to judge this unambiguously.

It is possible to plant Red Red tomatoes in a greenhouse only when the soil has warmed up to at least 10 ° C. These tomatoes are placed in beds usually according to a 50 x 50 cm pattern. About 3-4 plants should be per square meter of a greenhouse.

These hybrids are planted in the ground according to conventional technology. That is, they dig a hole and install a tomato in it along with a lump of earth.


Tomato "To the red ones", the cultivation of which is relatively simple, the plant is actually very tall. Therefore, the garter of bushes of this variety should be started without delay. For the first time, plants are attached to the trellis approximately 7-10 days after planting.

Experienced gardeners advise tying the bushes with twine. The latter must first be cut into long pieces. Next, the end of the twine with a free loop is first tied to the plant stem directly at the soil surface. Then they wrap the bush through two leaves. The second end of the twine is thrown over the trellis and tied to a loose loop. In the future, as the stem of the tomato grows, it is simply wrapped around a rope. Tomato garter "Red-red" during the season should be done at intervals of about once every 1-2 weeks.

Microclimate in the greenhouse

Air temperature at 20-33 C - under such conditions, the tomato "Red Red" develops best. The characteristics and description of the variety provided by the manufacturer make it possible to judge it as being very hardy. However, despite this, the greenhouse should still be periodically ventilated. If the air temperature in the greenhouse rises above 35 C, tomato pollen will become sterile and the fruits on the bushes will not be tied.

The variety "Red Red", as already mentioned, belongs to the self-pollinated group. The owner of the greenhouse does not need to take any special actions to set fruit when growing this hybrid. The only thing is that from time to time it is advisable to slightly shake the trellises along the entire length of the bed (about 1 time per week).

How to fertilize

Tomato feeding "Red Red", like most other tall hybrids, should be about 1 time in 2-3 weeks. The plants are fertilized for the first time 20 days after planting. A mixture of 50 grams of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 15 g of ammonium nitrate is used. Fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered tomatoes at the rate of 1 liter per 1 plant.

During the mass flowering period, it is advisable to feed Red Red tomatoes with the foliar method. Spraying is usually done with a solution of the following composition:

  • superphosphate - 10 g;
  • urea - 10 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 10 g;
  • boric acid - 2 g;
  • water - 10 liters.

The flow rate of the solution during spraying should be approximately 0.5 L per 10 m 2 of planting.

How to water

Moisturize the soil under the tomatoes "Red Red", of course, should be correct. When grown in a greenhouse, tomatoes should never be transfused. Otherwise, they may get gray rot, late blight or powdery mildew. Also, due to too high humidity, tomatoes will be poorly pollinated. After all, raw pollen becomes much less volatile. It is believed that watering tomatoes "Red Red" in a greenhouse is not more often than 1-2 times a week. At the same time, more water should be poured under the roots.

tomato variety red red photo

Variety features: how to form bushes correctly

Periodic removal of lower, old, and yellowed leaves is what this tomato certainly requires. Variety "Red-red" (the photo of the bushes presented above on the page demonstrate its large size clearly) in this case will produce large yields. The fact is that when unnecessary foliage is removed inside the bushes, air exchange improves. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of late blight.

The stem of tomatoes "Red Red", as already mentioned, is very powerful. Therefore, plants should definitely be stepsoned. It is believed that the best yield from this hybrid can be achieved by leaving it with only one stem. Removing excess shoots is what the Red Red tomato certainly requires. Growing (pinching should be done on time) it will be more successful with the correct formation of the crown. Remove from bushes of this variety should, including flowering stepchildren.

In early August, experienced gardeners also advised pinching the top of the plants, thereby limiting the further growth of the stem.

tomatoes red red photo description

Harvesting: recommendations

The fruits ripen on the hybrid "Red Red", as on any other indeterminate, gradually, by the waves. Collect ripened tomatoes from plants, therefore, should be at least 2-3 times a week. This will also increase yield. The fact is that not ripened ripe tomatoes from the bush in time greatly slow down the ripening of other fruits. It is advisable to remove the last tomatoes with "Red Red" before the outdoor temperature begins to drop below 8 C. in the afternoon.

Positive feedback from gardeners about the variety

Thus, we found out what exactly the tomato "Red-Red" is. The characteristics and description of the variety given above allow us to judge it as one of the best today. However, the Red Red hybrid is relatively new. Therefore, there are still not too many reviews about it. Those gardeners who have already managed to try this variety on their site, most often praise it. Summer dwellers attribute the advantages of the hybrid “Red to Red” to unpretentiousness. It is also believed that this variety, as the manufacturer claims, is quite resistant to disease. As for the palatability of the fruits and the yield of the hybrid, summer residents also respond very well.


These are basically the tomatoes that deserve the Red Red reviews. Photos of this hybrid in the beds show how powerful and strong the plant is. Gardeners have a good opinion about this variety. However, this hybrid, according to many summer residents, has one small drawback. The cons “Red Red” of gardeners consider, first of all, that from it it is impossible to get high-quality seeds. After all, hybrids give good crops, unfortunately, only in the first generation. Varietal parental qualities grown from seeds of the Red Red plants do not inherit.

tomatoes red red reviews photos

Instead of a conclusion

So, the hybrid is quite unpretentious and productive - tomato "Red Red." Description of the variety, photos presented on the page, reviews of gardeners - all this allows us to judge it as one of the best today. Seeds of this relative new tomato are already available in almost all specialized stores. Therefore, many domestic summer residents can already be convinced of the excellent qualities of "Red Red", including personally, just by planting it on their site.

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