One of the most exotic and valuable fish that live in the oceans of the World Ocean, undoubtedly, is flounder. Her meat, juicy and pleasant in taste, is full of proteins and vitamins. A lot of medical articles have been written about its beneficial effects on the human circulatory and respiratory systems. Catching this fish is an exciting process. And in order to prepare tackle for flounder, basic fishing knowledge and skills are enough.
General information and fishing principles
This marine creature spends most of his life at great depths, where he seeks food. Therefore, it is recommended to catch flounder on the bottom gear. The best option would be a professional fishing rod for sea fishing , which has the necessary carrying capacity and a special coating that protects it from the aggressive effects of sea salt. Tackle for fishing for flounder from the shore involves a solid structure up to 4 m in length or more.
When narrowing, massive sinkers are used that reliably hold the bait at the proper depth. Large coils are also needed, accommodating at least 150 m of single-line fishing line with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm. In addition, they should have weak inertia. Cord in bottom fishing, as a rule, is not used, since it can be damaged due to uneven bottom.
Flounder tackle must contain hooks with a long rod. This is due to her characteristic manner - to swallow the bait. A short rod is almost impossible to extract from a fish without cutting it.
Deep fishing
To catch flounders from a boat, a short spinning rod is used, which is more convenient in a limited space. In addition to the length of the rod, this tackle is also distinguished by a lower weight of sinkers, which is caused by the method of vertical casting of bait. Fishing is best done during a small boat drift, because sliding the bait along the bottom makes it more attractive.
Sheer fishing is recommended to be combined with casting over short distances. Flounder gear should not be too heavy because it will be hard to hold. However, an overly light rod may not support the weight of large fish. Therefore, the most common materials for the manufacture of fishing rods are carbon and fiberglass. These materials, among other things, are durable. The addition of graphite to the structure gives them considerable elasticity and flexibility, which allows you to hook flounder, which is quite difficult to fish out through the water.
Fishing in the Black Sea
One of her most popular flounder nicknames is the phrase “sea chicken”, which representatives of this species of fish received because of their illegibility in food. Everything can be bait for their catch - from a simple earthworm to the insides of a sea urchin or shellfish.
Tackle flounder in the Black Sea should be prepared taking into account the rather large variety of species of this fish. Here you can find its three main species, the largest of which is the so-called Kalkan of the Black Sea, which has excellent abilities for mimicry. Often, its adults reach a weight of 15 kg, with virtually no scales. Therefore, special attention before fishing should be paid to the quality of fastening of rings and reels. The rod must be tested first when folded and only then in the unfolded state.
Unpretentious flounder pecks both in depth and near the coast. In order to catch it, it is enough to have a bottom line and a heavy sinker.
Primorsky Krai
A good tackle on a flounder suggests the presence of a special angular hook among its components. This is due to the aforementioned harsh biting manner inherent in this fish. A simple rounded hook may not be able to withstand its load and as a result will bend or break off.
The flounder tackle in Primorye is practically no different from that in all other places of fishing. However, great importance is given to the quality of the fishing line. Being rather thin, it must be very strong and elastic, therefore often the choice is made in favor of nylon. The float is selected ultra-sensitive. Its length can reach 15 cm, depending on the fishing conditions, the nature of the reservoir and the weather.
Seaside fishermen are in great demand in the fishing products of the LEFA trading network, created by one of the local professional fishermen. Among the huge list of the most diverse tackle, its range includes everything necessary for fishing for flounder, because this fish is one of the most popular in Primorye.
Despite the omnivorousness of the flounder mentioned above, it is better to catch it on live bait. If you couldn’t get one, you should use colored baubles, because for unknown reasons the flounder reacts vividly to bright colors. For the same purpose, you can equip the leash with colored beads or use holograms to design artificial bait.
The ideal state of the bait is its smooth sliding along the bottom under the influence of the current. The meaning of this trick is to attract the flounder lying at the bottom and tease it with elusive bait. It is easiest to achieve this effect while sitting with a fishing rod in a boat. Catching this fish by all other means significantly reduces the fisherman's chances of success.
The reel should be adjusted so that if necessary, it can give out enough fishing line for hooking. It should be borne in mind that the flounder tackle must be varied, because it is a rather capricious fish and, sensitively reacting to one shooting range of bait today, it is quite capable of ignoring it tomorrow.
Do not rush with hooking fish. Flounder acts slowly, and it needs to be given a little time so that it can properly swallow the bait. Therefore, you need to wait about 10-15 seconds before you hook it.
Changing the bait, you should not hold it in your hands for a long time, since any fish, having a sharp sense of smell, reacts negatively to the human smell. You should also be careful with repellents that protect against insect bites, because if a part of the substance gets on the bait, this is guaranteed to scare away flounder.
In the case of fishing from a boat with a steep lowering of the bait, the need for an anchor sinker disappears. The weight of an ordinary one should be no more than 110 g. You should not go fishing for flounder without a knife or a special extractor, because by pulling out a deeply swallowed hook without an incision, you can gut it.
When removing a caught fish from a hook, it should be remembered that on its belly there is a very hard and sharp spike, which can easily cause a rather serious injury.
DIY flatfish tackle
Extensive fishing practice shows that do-it-yourself fishing equipment is often more effective than purchased in a special store. Experience in the manufacture of effective snap-ins, of course, is gained through periodic training.
Since flounder actively reacts to color, sinkers may well function as an additional bait if they are painted, for example, with bright yellow paint. At the same time, many experienced anglers avoid decorating sinkers and hooks with garlands with an abundance of colored beads, since this can also have the opposite effect.
It is enough to use two beads or one float, which has a light-accumulating effect, restricting their movement on a leash with silicone plates. Moreover, the latter can be both freely sliding and equipped with a special tube that holds it on the fishing line. When fishing, it is recommended to have a stock of ready-made leashes.