How to sign an envelope: tips and tricks

Today, people rarely send letters by regular mail, so young people and elderly people often have the question: how to sign an envelope? A person who knows the answer to this question will not understand the complexity of the situation, but it really is.

What information should be on the envelope?

The postman will not be able to deliver the correspondence to the required address if the envelope does not have all the necessary details. In this case, your letter will go back.

Be sure to write the following:

  • Recipient's post office index
  • sender address;
  • address of the recipient;
  • Name of sender and recipient.

Sender Information

Not sure how to sign an envelope? Then this information is for you!

First you need to fill in the data about the person who sends the correspondence. According to the rules of business, the sender data is written in the upper left. The first line is the surname, name and patronymic of a person. Next, we write the street, house and apartment number (if it is a multi-storey building). Then the name of the city (village, urban-type village) fits in. If one of the addressees lives in the village, you must write the name of the district, because there can be many rural settlements with the same name in a particular area. After writing the name of the item, indicate the name of the region (Kirovograd, Kiev, etc.) and the country, for example, "Ukraine".

how to sign an envelope

An index is written at the very bottom. By the way, what is it? In the country there is a huge network of post offices. For the clear organization of the forwarding of correspondence, parcels, parcels, postal orders, each department is assigned a number. In Ukraine, the five-digit index. The last two digits are the post office number, and the first three indicate the area or specific region code. In Russia, the index is six-digit, because the state itself is much larger, but the principle of reading the index is the same.

Here are some examples (addresses and full names are fictitious):

1) Timurov Andrey Viktorovich
st. Kievskaya 1, apt. 143, Kiev, Ukraine

2) Andreichenko Nikolay Lavrentievich
st. Lenin 26, p. Belozernoe, Novgorod district, Kirovohrad region, Ukraine

Recipient Information

As we have already emphasized, the postman must understand who the letter is addressed to, so we must know how to sign the envelope correctly. We enter all the information regarding the recipient of the postal item in the lower right corner of the envelope. To avoid accidental errors, it is advisable to write all the names, and especially the numbers, in a clear calligraphic handwriting.

The order of writing information is the same as when specifying the data of the sender, but it is better to give another example:

  • Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
    st. Tobilevich 43a, p. Zorya, Poltava region, Poltava region, Ukraine

Be careful! On some envelopes, the name of the sender must be indicated in the genitive, the recipient in the dative.

how to sign an envelope

How to sign an envelope: individual cases

Consider some situations that do not happen so often. For example, the sender does not know the exact address of the recipient or the addressee is engaged in some kind of business (for example, trade) and does not want many people to know his place of residence. In this case, you can write a letter "on demand". How to sign an envelope in this case? In the upper left corner, you need to arrange everything according to the rules. But in the lower right corner you should write like this:

  1. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
    Kirovograd, Ukraine
    Poste restante
    25005 (if you do not know the exact address)

2) Oleshkevich Irina Sergeevna
PO Box 100, Kirovograd, Ukraine
(if the recipient does not want to provide the real address of his residence).

Sometimes employees send correspondence on behalf of a legal entity. Ordinary citizens can also apply in writing to the state authority. How to sign the envelope in this case? Instead of the full name of the recipient or sender, we write the name of the company (public authority). For example: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

how to sign an envelope in Ukraine

Now, probably, everyone will know how to sign an envelope in Ukraine and Russia.

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