Where do the gases in the intestines come from?

Why are gases formed in the intestines? Almost every person has them. When air is swallowed, they enter the stomach. Gases in the intestines are also the result of the vital activity of microorganisms in it.

If the body is normal, then the gases are excreted by belching, a small amount of them are absorbed into the bloodstream, the rest are excreted through the rectum. People sometimes believe that it is from them that gases in the intestines are excessively collected. However, often with this pathology, most of them are absent.

Gases in the intestines of a healthy person can reach 1.5 liters in volume and can be released up to 15 times a day. Their composition is mainly as follows:

  • oxygen,
  • nitrogen,
  • carbon dioxide,
  • hydrogen, methane (in a small amount).

The above gases are odorless. Unpleasant odors are caused by substances containing sulfur. They are produced by bacteria in the large intestine . If the mechanism of gas removal is disturbed or their formation is increased, then rather unpleasant symptoms occur. Knowing the causes of bloating, a person can determine the best way to get out of a state of discomfort.

Reason for education

There are two such main reasons. This is the air that a person swallows, and the product of the life of microflora. The main cause of bloating is aerophagia (air ingestion). By consuming food and liquids, we all swallow a small amount of air. Greater amounts of air enter the stomach when smoking, eating hasty, and drinking certain beverages.

In this case, most of the gases come out during belching, and the remaining ones enter the small intestine. There, some part is absorbed into the bloodstream, and the rest are secreted outward, first getting into the colon. In excess, gases in the intestines arise from the use of carbonated drinks. In these cases, carbon dioxide comes out with an eructation, almost not reaching the colon.

Gastric gases are practically odorless and are composed of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen.

The unpleasant burp odor may indicate pathologies. In some cases, these can be serious violations, but a specialist should appear in any case.

Intestinal gas

It should be noted that there are some substances for which the person is not adapted to digest. These are the so-called complex carbohydrates, including some simple sugars. Such substances consist of stool stems. They pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Then a certain part of them enters the large intestine, where they are attacked by microorganisms. Gases are formed by microbes as a result of digestion of this nutrient substrate.

Proteins and fats, getting into the large intestine, are also broken down by its microflora. The formation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen mainly occurs in the intestines. Methane occurs in approximately one third of people, which does not affect the frequency of gas evolution and their quantity. They also lack some other manifestations. The reasons why methane is formed only in some people have not been established.

Gases from the intestines are removed through the rectum. Only a small amount is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Gases in the intestines - symptoms

The following main symptoms indicate excess gas formation:

  • Colic in the stomach.
  • Burping.
  • Rumbling.
  • Increased gas separation.

Nevertheless, even excessive gas formation causes such signs not always and not at all. It depends on the volume of accumulated gases and the amount of fatty acids absorbed from the intestine. With frequent, pronounced bloating, a suspicion of pathology arises. In this case, there is a need for specialist advice.

Discomfort arising from excessive gas formation is eliminated by nutritional correction and drug therapy.

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