What you need to register a newborn baby: the necessary documentation, instructions for registration, sample filling, deadline and procedure for delivery

Each Russian citizen must have a permanent residence permit, which is represented by his place of residence. Parents should ensure that their newborn children after birth are registered at some address. To do this, you need to figure out what is needed to register a newborn child, what actions are being performed for this, and what documents are being prepared. It is important to comply with the established deadlines and take into account the place of residence of the parents themselves. The procedure for registering babies is considered simple and quick, so it is not recommended to postpone it for a long time.

What documents are needed to register a newborn baby

Obtaining a birth certificate

Many parents, after the birth of a baby, think about what they need to register a newborn baby. For this, it is initially required to obtain a birth certificate, for which some nuances are taken into account:

  • if the parents are official spouses, then the registry office employees issue a document within 10 days after the submission of the relevant application by one of the parents;
  • if mom and dad have not registered their marriage, then the process of issuing a document may take a whole month.

To issue a birth certificate, it is required to transfer certain documentation to the registry office:

  • passports of mom and dad;
  • a certificate received at the hospital, which lists the date of birth of the child, his weight and gender;
  • if the parents are official spouses, an additional copy of the marriage certificate is required.

As soon as the baby's birth certificate is received, you can start registering it. The place of registration of a newborn child is chosen by immediate parents. It is necessary to prescribe the baby together with mom or dad, and this can be done even if other family members do not agree with the procedure.

The registration process is carried out at the passport office or MFC. What documents are needed to register a newborn baby? For this, his birth certificate, the applicant’s passport and the correctly completed application, which is formed directly at the registration authority, are sufficient. The registration process is carried out for a maximum of 8 days, after which parents must come for ready-made documents.

when to register a newborn baby

Registration Purpose

Parents often wonder why a newborn needs a registration. It is necessary for the same reasons why adults need it, since the registration process is a mandatory measure for every citizen of the Russian Federation. Due to the availability of registration, you can use various services:

  • registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy, although insurance companies cannot refuse to issue this document for the baby, many employees of these organizations require a permanent registration with the child;
  • registration of children's allowances or capital;
  • placing a child in a queue for admission to kindergarten, and in this case even a temporary residence permit is allowed.

Do I need a registration for a newborn baby? Permanent registration is necessary for every baby, so parents should deal with this issue immediately after the baby is born.

Basic moments

For registration, the presence of both parents is not necessary, therefore, usually this process is performed by the father at the time when the mother and child are in the hospital. But if people are not in an official relationship, then both parents will have to deal with the procedure. What is needed to register a newborn baby? Additionally, other significant points of the process are taken into account:

  • if the parents are registered in different residential premises, then for the registration of the child at the place of residence of the father, a correctly written written consent from the mother, certified by a notary, is required;
  • consent from the father is not required if the registration of the baby is planned at the place of residence of the mother;
  • if the parents are not the owners of the premises where they permanently reside, then they do not need to obtain consent from the owners to register the baby;
  • registration is permitted even if a new family member violates the quadrature rules for each person in real estate, so babies are really protected by the state.

The registration of a newborn child in an apartment is considered a simple and quick process that can be performed in municipal or private housing. This requires only the registration of parents in optimal housing.

registration of a newborn baby in an apartment

When is the process running?

Parents should know when to register a newborn baby, as the optimal time should be respected. There are no specific deadlines for the registration of babies in the law, but it is advisable to complete this process within 7 days after the baby is born.

The primary registration of the baby appears automatically after birth at the place of residence of the mother.

Are fines charged?

Since the law does not contain information about the exact deadlines for which a child must be registered, there are no penalties for violation of the deadlines.

Based on Art. 19.15 Administrative Code does not apply administrative responsibility to citizens who live people without a residence permit, if they are their close relatives. But in some regions, different fines can be set at the local level.

documents for registration of a newborn baby

How to prescribe the baby to the mother?

The registration of a newborn child at the registration of the mother is carried out most often, and this process is considered a standard formality. This is due to the fact that immediately after birth the child is automatically registered for the first time at the place where his mother is registered. It is allowed to prescribe the baby not only to the mother, but also to the father.

Although the child has primary registration immediately after birth, parents must still perform certain actions for legal registration. What is needed to register a newborn baby? To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • necessary documents are collected;
  • they are transmitted together with the application to the passport office or MFC;
  • since the baby is prescribed at the place of registration of the mother, permission from the father is not needed;
  • the process is completed within 8 business days;
  • after the expiration of this period it is necessary to come to the registration authority in order to receive a certificate confirming that the baby was registered at the desired address.

What documents are needed to register a newborn baby? Even if the mother lives in municipal housing or has only temporary registration, it is not required to obtain permission from the owners or municipal authorities to register the baby.

If a woman has only a temporary residence permit in an apartment, she can renew it until her child is 18 years old.

Why do I need a registration for a newborn baby?

Is it possible to prescribe a baby with a father?

Often, the parents of the child are registered in different apartments, but at the same time are officially married. What documents for registration of a newborn child will be required for registration with the father? For this, the documentation is prepared:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • correctly prepared application for registration, moreover, the form can be taken directly from the registration authority;
  • the mother’s consent to register the baby at the father’s place of residence, and this document must first be certified by a notary.

If for some reason the father does not fit into the birth certificate of the baby, then for registration in his home the conditions must be met:

  • the presence of both parents is required;
  • a woman must draw up written permission;
  • The application for registration of the baby is formed by both parents.

Passport office employees have the opportunity to require other documentation if necessary, but practice shows that the above documents for registering a newborn baby are exhaustive.

What to do in the absence of the consent of the owner?

Often parents live in an apartment or house that belongs to other people. They may not agree that a baby is registered in their property.

In fact, for the registration of newborns does not require anyone's consent, so the mother can register the baby in any real estate where she has temporary or permanent registration.

place of registration of a newborn baby

How to make a statement?

To carry out the procedure, it is required to submit various documents and a correctly formed application to the registration authorities. The form of this document can be taken directly at the passport office or MFC. When entering information into the application, some rules and recommendations are taken into account:

  • corrections or errors are not allowed;
  • if incorrect data is entered, then it is impossible to cross out them, since under such conditions it is required to take a new form;
  • if various violations are committed, the specialist will refuse to accept the documentation.

If you have any questions, you can get the necessary information from the passport office employee.

What are the difficulties?

Registration of a newborn is considered a simple and quick process, so parents rarely have any difficulties. But sometimes citizens are faced with the fact that the employees of the registration authority themselves are not competent, therefore they require extra documents from applicants. Therefore, such difficulties may occur:

  • the institution’s specialist requires a certificate from the applicant containing information on the composition of the citizen’s family, which is unlawful;
  • the passport office employee refuses to accept the application, as he claims that it was necessary to deal with the process within 7 days after the birth of the child, therefore, due to violation of the deadlines, a fine is required to be paid.

The above requirements are illegal, so parents need to complain to the head of the institution. If passport office employees continue to insist on payment of a fine, a complaint is drawn up to the prosecutor's office. This is due to the fact that under the legislation of the Russian Federation there are no penalties for late contacting the passport office for registration of a registration for a newborn child.

The nuances of registration in a privatized or municipal apartment

There is no difference in the registration of the baby in an apartment owned by a private person or the state. In both cases, it is not necessary to obtain the permission of the owner, represented by a citizen or municipality.

In some departments of the passport office, employees require the consent of the owner, which is a violation of the law, so you will have to contact a higher management to clarify the information. If the child is registered in another person’s private apartment, then this in no way can lead to the fact that he or his parents will have property rights to this property.

registration of a newborn

The consequences of a lack of registration

Some people just do not think about the fact that the child must be registered at any address. In this case, it is important to remember some negative consequences:

  • a woman will not be able to apply for benefits and other payments;
  • It will not work to queue in the garden;
  • in some regions, local authorities apply a fine for late registration in respect of newborn children, so parents have to pay a fine of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

It is advisable to apply for registration within 7 days after the birth of the baby. But usually if the parents carry out the process within six months, they do not apply any kind of punishment, since the law automatically has a registration with the baby at the place of registration of the mother.

Design Nuances

When registering a newborn, it is recommended to consider some nuances. These include:

  • if the child is not registered in the same housing with the mother, then her registration permission is needed;
  • even if homeowners are against registration, they will not be able to interfere with their parents in any way;
  • registration is permitted even in case of violation of the rules of quadrature for each tenant of the apartment.

By default, parents do not face different difficulties when registering a child.


After the birth of the child, parents should take care of his official registration. To do this, you can choose a dwelling that belongs to both the mother and father. The procedure is considered quick and easy, so difficulties rarely arise.

Only with a baby’s registration, you can use various public services, and also immediately after the birth of a child, join the queue in any suitable kindergarten.

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