Technique of the game. Outdoor games: techniques and safety instructions

In the twenty-first century, as at all times, lightning-fast development and transformation of various sports, and even more so the mobile game techniques, takes place. With the advent of these types of competitions, a unique opportunity is provided to develop and improve their skills in a different direction. Indeed, thanks to these game techniques, a person can find something to do and test his strength in a completely different sport or show his skills and try his luck in mobile competitions. With the advent of new sports activities, a variety of techniques for carrying them out also arise. For example, only one such game can have several dozen different methods (techniques), thanks to which you can ultimately come to a victory.

Mobile competitions, according to statistics, cause the greatest interest in children. Consider the positive and negative features of sports competitions.

Bag jumping game

Advantages of outdoor games for children

  1. As you know, most of the outdoor activities have a fairly large number of complex rules that you need to not only remember, but also try to understand, because children will constantly receive development for themselves and for the hemispheres of their brain due to the variety of techniques.
  2. You can also notice that almost ninety-five percent of outdoor games require at least a small team of people. And this means that thanks to this, your child will not only have a wonderful, interesting and profitable time, but will also learn to negotiate something with his peers during such entertainments.
  3. Also, due to the fact that in its technique sports games are aimed at educating a person in physical qualities, then receiving physical activity, your child will improve his body.

But since everything has disadvantages, we will consider the main disadvantages of sports activities.

outdoor games

Disadvantages of outdoor games for children

The most common and widespread lack of sports is undoubtedly injuries. Absolutely all outdoor games carry such a danger, there are differences only in the degree and probability of its occurrence. Indeed, during such classes there is excitement, zeal for victory, and often you can get some kind of injury or expose others to it. Therefore, during such fun it is necessary to familiarize yourself with at least the most basic and basic safety rules.

This drawback is perhaps the key, and there are simply no other shortcomings that are at about the same level.

One kind of game

Classification of outdoor games

There are several degrees of classification, we will try to consider the main ones that are most often used to describe the technique of sports activities.

Division by the nature of the organization of participants

  • Not a team. In other words, everyone plays alone for himself, ultimately one winner is determined. The advantage of such a game is that all the efforts and thoughts of the player are aimed at achieving a specific goal. In such competitions there are usually no complicated rules for understanding.
  • Team This type is the exact opposite of the previous one. Indeed, it is not only personal interests that are important here, but rather, the goals of the whole team play a huge role, because each member of the team can affect the outcome of the game. In case of failure of one, the whole team may suffer. Therefore, such outdoor games instill in a person the ability to work in a team, which is important and, most likely, can be useful to him in the future.
  • Sometimes there is a selection of another type, which gets the name - the one-man game, passing into the team. Its essence is that each participant plays for himself, but at the same time, at any time, any of the participants can come to the rescue.
Catch-up game

Division of games by difficulty level

  • Simple (without complex technology).
  • Complex (games in which you need to take the initiative, sometimes even take a chance, taking an unverified step and most often think logically before taking any actions).

Separation of game techniques by the age of the people who participate in them

  • Classes for preschool children. Games are created for them with the simplest rules and, most likely, will take place in a team, not of a rival nature, but of entertainment.
  • Classes for schoolchildren, that is, from seven to eighteen years old. These games will be characterized by increased complexity. A special subcategory of children - teenagers from fifteen to eighteen years old - will use the rules that provide the maximum difficulty, and in ninety-five percent of cases, games for school-age children will be competitive rather than entertaining.
  • Competitions for adults. As in the previous case, these games will be delimited by a subcategory for people from nineteen to forty years old. Games will be competitive in nature with complex rules, and for people from forty years old and above they will be purely entertaining and only occasionally competitive, according to statistics, in less than ten percent of cases.

Games to be divided by physical qualities

Competitions in which the leading role will be played by either strength or endurance. Speed, agility, or even flexibility can also play a major role.

Competition Category

Games for children

Here we have in mind the techniques of games that take place in completely different objects, for example:

  • in room;
  • outside;
  • on the snow;
  • on ice;
  • in any body of water and so on.

Depending on what kind of object the technique of a mobile game is considered, special rules for its conduct will be provided.

Now we will try to consider the safety instructions for outdoor activities, since for many of them it is important and simply necessary.

If you take part in the most common entertainment lesson called "catch-up", then you should familiarize yourself with some of the rules (instructions for safety of outdoor games):

  1. If you are running away from someone, then do not forget to look not only under your feet, but also in the direction of your movement, so as not to suddenly crash into the object in front of you.
  2. Also, try to avoid sudden stops, as the player from behind can collide with you, as a result of which both can be injured.
  3. Do not endanger other players. If the driver catches up with you, do not try to push the person who is running ahead, as he may fall, hit and get injured.
ball game

Ball games. If you take part in sports such as bouncers, volleyball, basketball, seta or other similar games, then try not to throw the ball into the head of another person. Also, do not overdo it with the strength of the throw at the opponent, as he may get injured. If you are trying to hit the ball, then do it carefully, otherwise there is a risk of a broken finger.

Relays There are specific rules for this type of competition. For example, you can’t run out onto a neighboring track, you need to move only on your own. To avoid a collision, do not try to shoot down or slow down the movement of your opponent in any various ways, as this can result in injury for both.

These were one of the most basic safety requirements for outdoor games.

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