Warm up for the back before training: torso forward, backward, left, right; exercise "scissors" with hands

Performing a warm-up is an important point in preparing for physical activity. There are many simple and effective exercises, thanks to which you can activate the metabolism, warm up and stretch the muscles. As a result, the likelihood of injury is significantly reduced. Let’s look at the exercises that should be included in the set of exercises for warming up for the back.

Bending the body back

Exercise refers to yoga practices. The lesson should be adopted by people who do not have problems with the health of the spine. Training is performed according to this principle:

  • being in an upright stance, the feet are brought together;
  • taking a deep breath, the upper limbs raise above the head;
  • at the same time with the smooth movement of the arms back, make a slight deflection in the back;
  • on exhalation, they hold their breath, and then return to their starting position.

To stretch the back, do 3-4 such tilts with the body. Bending too much in the spine and holding your breath for a long time should not be.

Torso forward

torso forward

Exercise is great for preparing the back for the perception of stress. The lesson provides improved flexibility of the spine, liberates the hip joints. The movement involves not only the muscles of the back, but also the abdominal muscles, gluteus muscles.

Starting to perform torso tilts forward, the feet are placed shoulder width apart. The back is held in position according to natural bends. Slightly open chest. Strain the muscles of the press, and then feed the body forward. During movement, the back is held evenly, twisting in the hip joints. Palms try to touch the floor.

At the bottom, they are delayed for a couple of seconds. Due to the tension of the gluteal muscles, they move to the starting position. Perform a series of such inclinations for the back.

Side flexion

how to warm up before training

Leaning to the right leads to tone the oblique muscles of the abdominal region. Thanks to the training, the spine relaxes. The work includes the muscles responsible for stabilizing the body in space. Moderate lower back loads are created.

How to do a warm-up before training? The feet are shoulder width apart. One arm is thrown overhead. The second palm rest in the lumbar region. Strain the muscles of the abdominal press. The hips are fixed in a stationary state. The body is smoothly moved to the side, following the hand raised above the head. Achieve free sagging of the upper body. Take pulling sensations in the region of the oblique muscles.

After holding for a couple of seconds in the above stance, they return to their original position. Perform a change of limbs. Make a tilt with the body in the opposite direction.

Circular rotation of the housing

Training allows you to stretch oblique muscles located in the area of ​​the ribs. At the same time, relaxation of the spine in the lumbar region is observed.

The exercise is done, observing the following points:

  • in an upright posture the palms are placed on the belt;
  • the legs are bred shoulder-width apart, the legs are slightly bent at the knees;
  • motionlessly fix the hips;
  • the upper part of the body describes a wide circle according to the clockwise movement;
  • perform a similar movement in the opposite direction;
  • then proceed to the motionless retention of the body, describing circles in space with only the hips.

It is advisable to make 3-4 rotations in each direction. Thanks to the exercise, the spine and back muscles will prepare for the perception of increased loads.

Gluteus bridge

slopes for the back

Gluteal bridge - an effective exercise to strengthen the back at home. First, they are stacked with their backs on the gymnastic mat. The legs are bent so that the heels are at the level of the knees. The upper limbs extend along the torso. Firmly resting the feet, the pelvic area is torn off the floor. At the highest point, they hold the position for a couple of seconds. The pelvis is lowered back to the floor and relaxes the body.

"Scissors" hands

Exercise makes it possible to properly warm up the body before the main workout and to stretch the muscles of the back. In the initial position, the arms extended forward are held at the level of the shoulder girdle. Next, the limbs are set apart and crossed in front of you. Palms and forearms should intersect like scissor blades.

Then complement the exercise. During the next crossing of the limbs, palms are laid on the shoulders. Elbows begin to reach forward. Make a series of springing movements. Attention is focused on achieving pulling sensations in the area between the shoulder blades.


tilts left right

The exercise provides increased flexibility of the spine, stretches various muscle groups. Occupation is often included in the complex of therapeutic exercises for the back.

Getting started, they move to the rack on all fours. The knees are located under the pelvic area. Straightened arms are at the level of the shoulder girdle. On inspiration, the head is thrown back, while bending its back down. Movements are performed slowly and smoothly, trying to avoid jerking. After exhaling, the head is lowered down, the back is bent in the direction of the ceiling. During the training, do about a dozen deflections of the spine in opposite directions.


exercises to strengthen the back

Exercise contributes to an excellent warm-up of the lumbar spine and high-quality stretching of the muscles of the entire back. During the lesson, the abdominal muscles are strengthened. The result is a straightening of the shoulder girdle, the appearance of a feeling of lightness in the body.

Warm up for the back with the help of an exercise is performed according to such a scheme:

  • stacked on the stomach;
  • straightened upper and lower extremities stretch in opposite directions, trying to properly stretch the spine;
  • make a deflection in the lumbar region;
  • arms and legs are torn off the floor, keeping on weight;
  • lingering for a couple of seconds in a state of tension, relax the body and return to their original position.

To achieve a quality back warm-up, you need to do about 7-10 repetitions of the exercise. Do not overload the local muscles too much. It is enough to relax the spine and feel the heat in the muscles.

Institution of the feet behind the head while lying

scissors with hands

Exercise perfectly stretches the muscles of the back, activates metabolic processes and enhances blood circulation. Training is performed in compliance with the following technique:

  • stacked on the back;
  • arms extend along the body;
  • lower limbs tightly brought together, socks pulled on themselves;
  • straightened legs slowly mix up, and then in the direction of the face;
  • attention is focused on how the spine flexes smoothly;
  • feet lead behind the head, resting socks on the floor;
  • knees should be at face level;
  • in the position they are delayed for a couple of seconds, after which they are slowly, without sudden movements, mixed into the starting position.

If you can’t do the exercise with your legs fully extended, you can do a slight bend at the knees. The focus should be on stretching each vertebra.

Crocodile Exercise

exercises to strengthen the back at home

The lesson is perfect for warming up the muscles of the back and increasing the flexibility of the spine. First laid on the back. Legs bend at the knees. Feet bring together. Hands spread out on the sides, palms up. Bent legs are moved to the right side, touching the floor plane with the thigh. At the same time, the head is turned in the opposite direction. Return to the original position. Then the movement is repeated, bending the bent legs to the left, and the head to the right. During the warm-up, a series of ten smooth twists on each side is performed.

Stool Warm Up

A good solution for preparing the muscles of the back for the perception of increased loads is training with a chair. Exercise is particularly simple. The lesson gives you the opportunity to quickly relax the spine every time you feel a tightness of the back due to prolonged sitting in a fixed position.

Take a vertical stand. The chair is placed in front of you. Hands are pulled over your head. The body is tilted forward, keeping the back straight. The palms are laid on the back of the stool. Qualitatively open the chest. The head is freely bowed down. The positions are delayed for 5-10 seconds. Slowly returning to their original position.


The noted set of exercises is well suited for preliminary warm-ups of the back before the main training. If certain elements are difficult, cause pain, do not engage in strength. The amplitude of movements and the number of repetitions should be reduced.

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