Why didn't Harry Potter conjure his vision with a magic wand?

In the fantastic world of fantasy epics, Joan Rowling magic is literally omnipotent. Although itā€™s not entirely clear why Harry Potter didnā€™t conjure good eyesight, itā€™s clear that magic gives wizards power over many things. Using a magic wand, you can levitate objects, fight in a duel, enslave and even kill; with the help of complex potions you can fall in love with another, successfully pretend to be dead and even try on someone else's appearance. Famous artifacts also carry a lot of miraculous power: the legendary Deathly Hallows, the Marauder Card passed from generation to generation and the Ford England car enchanted by Arthur Weasley.

Nevertheless, many readers and viewers have a very reasonable question: "If magic in a fairy tale is so omnipotent, if any mission is subject to it, then why didnā€™t Harry conjure his eyesight to remove his glasses at last?" There are three hypotheses that offer alternative answers to this burning question.

why Harry Potter did not conjure his eyesight

Rule of naturalness

In fact, the first and most plausible answer was proposed by Joan Rowling herself in the plot. If a fan of Boy-Who-Lived stories is interested in why Harry Potter did not conjure his eyesight, let him ask himself similar questions. Why did James Potter wear glasses too ? Why did none of the characters (especially girls) in any way improve their appearance with the help of magic? After all, it would seem that everyone had all the necessary resources: magic power, magic wands, dissatisfaction with appearance or poor eyesight.

An attentive reader will probably object right there: why didnā€™t anyone improve his appearance? But what about Harry's best friend - Hermione Granger?

why Harry Potter did not conjure his eyesight

Indeed, why didn't Harry Potter conjure his eyesight if Hermione managed to use magic and shorten her excessively long front teeth?

Everything is very simple: the wizard should look like nature intended. Even Hermione was forbidden to do anything with teeth - not only magicians, but her Muggle parents, who worked as dentists. It is very dangerous to interfere with factors predetermined by nature itself. The book more than once claims that you canā€™t change anything dramatically in your own appearance. Apparently, this also applies to the functioning of the sensory organs.

Lack of capacity

Although magic really seems omnipotent, is it really so? Why didnā€™t Harry Potter conjure his sight, despite the prohibitions of older and wiser sorcerers? It is possible that such a powerful effect of magical powers is in reality overestimated; Nowhere in the original source does it say that it is possible to influence the senses with any spell or potion so that the result of the impact is preserved for the rest of your life. Using temporary spells and potions is uncomfortable and probably pointless; why repeat the same ritual over and over again if you can just wear glasses calmly, like Muggles do?

An integral part of the character

why didn't Harry Potter conjure good eyesight

There is another hypothesis that answers the question of why Harry Potter did not conjure his eyesight. Glasses are an important component of the image of the protagonist. He is not a nerd or a jerk, but it is the glasses that give the little eleven-year-old boy, the character of the first book and film, that little bit of vulnerability and defenselessness that compels him to sympathize, even without knowing all the circumstances of his life. Hermione Granger shocked Harry Potter and Ron Weasley with his mind for the first time when he applied the Reparo spell on the Hogwarts Express train and mends Harryā€™s broken eyeglass band held together with tape. In the end, Harry's father also wore glasses; this detail, on the one hand, makes the orphan related to the ghost of James appearing in the films, and on the other hand, makes Severus Snape harder to despise Harry for his resemblance to his father.

Thus, the characterā€™s poor eyesight is not at all such an illogical detail as it might seem at first glance. Review your favorite movies; is it possible Harry Potter without glasses - as well as without a scar in the form of lightning on his forehead? ..

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