Fruit acids for the face: cosmetic and folk remedies, tips

Every woman dreams of being beautiful and makes every effort to achieve this. First of all, she wants her face to look perfect. If you are not ready to spend money on salons, then you can look after your face at home. This is not hard, the main thing is not to be lazy.

What are these fruit acids?

fruit acids for the face

Surely, while reading the composition on all kinds of tonics and face creams, you noticed such an inscription as “Fruit Acids”. They are different: apple, lemon, milk and glycol. Often there is the abbreviation ANA ("alpha hydroxyl acids").

ANA is one of the most common fruit acids for the face in cosmetology. It affects our epidermis, complexion, with exfoliating properties and bactericidal action. Using these acids, you can make masks, peels, tonics and other skin care products. This allows you to take care of your face not only in salons, but also at home. The main thing is to do everything right. ANA can be used for all skin types.

Types of acids

Varieties of ANA acids:

  1. Lemon - found in citrus fruits. If combined with tartaric acid, a whitening effect can be achieved. It has a disinfecting property. This acid promotes cell regeneration, the production of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin and refreshes the face.
  2. Wine - mainly found in grapes and in old wine. It whitens, exfoliates and moisturizes the skin.
  3. Apple - is found in various fruits, mainly in apples. It has an effect on the skin by stimulating cells.
  4. Dairy - found in fermented milk products. Moisturizes, peels and modifies the skin tone. A complex of products containing lactic acid moisturizes the face and retains moisture in the skin throughout the day. Improves the condition of the epidermis.
  5. Glycolic - found in grapes and sugar plants. It penetrates quickly through the epidermis, helps to reduce age spots.

How do they work?

How fruit acids affect the face:

  1. Regenerate and stimulate cells.
  2. Increase skin elasticity.
  3. Peel and moisturize.
  4. They cleanse the skin of dust, destroy dead cells.
  5. Smooth skin color, mask facial defects.
  6. Expand pores and cleanse the skin from black spots.

Oily skin prone to acne

Consider the specifics of using fruit acids for different skin types. First, let's talk about bold. Research results show how ANA effectively affect this type of skin. By exfoliating, the subjects prevented clogging of the sebaceous glands, which prevented the appearance of tubercles on the face. Using fruit acids reduces the risk of cicatricial complications of acne. By wiping your face with alpha acids to treat acne, you can reduce the risk of penetration of active elements into the skin. Fruit acids are not only beneficial due to their exfoliating powers. Their use helps to reduce the level of seoregulation - reducing the production of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands. Consequently, cosmetics with ANA are advised to young women who are constantly tormented by rashes on their faces.

Dry skin

fruit acid for the skin

It is known that the natural beauty and youth of the skin directly depends on its moisture content. On the surface of our skin is a group of hygroscopic substances that form the “natural mustoraising factor”. These substances receive water from the surrounding atmosphere, absorb it like a sponge, and then feed the epidermis from these reserves.

Due to the effect of ANA, intensive removal of old scales from the surface of the cornea is observed, which contributes to a uniform distribution of moisturizers over the entire surface of the skin of the face. Correct exfoliation, which provides alpha acid, effectively softens rough, dry skin, resumes normal skin pattern.

Mature skin

With the help of ANA acids, neutralization of horn cells is observed, which impedes the movement of nutrient particles necessary for the reconstruction and protection of mature skin. Acids process the layering of horny scales, leading the skin texture to coarsening and deep, noticeable wrinkles, and also reduce their appearance.

Pigmented skin

With the help of exfoliation - removal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin, it is possible to return the radiance to the skin, activate the natural renewal of cells. By cleansing dead pigmented corneas, ANA ensures that spots on the face are reduced.

Face peeling

Facial peeling with fruit acids is a procedure that allows you to cleanse the skin of the dying layer of the epidermis, making the face smooth, well-groomed and soft. This procedure will help even those who have facial wrinkles, as well as have a positive effect on acne.

In order to see the effect of such a procedure, you need to take a course for a month. At the same time, breaks should be present. You can start peeling at the age of 15 years and up to old age. If you came to the beautician, he will determine the type of your skin and choose the right acids that are best suited. If you are going to do peeling at home, then the advice of a specialist will still not hurt.

Contraindications to such peeling

There are contraindications for each procedure, in this case:

  • scratches or abrasions on the face;
  • the presence of herpes;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up cosmetics;
  • fresh tan.

How is face peeling done?

Consider the stages of:

  1. Prepare your face 2 weeks before going to the beautician using special cosmetics.
  2. Next, remove makeup and remove facial contamination.
  3. A special peeling composition is applied for about 10 minutes.
  4. Washed off with warm purified water.
  5. In conclusion, a tonic or soothing cream is applied. This is done in the summer, so that the sun does not damage the skin.

Basically, this procedure is painless for a person, but you can feel a slight burning sensation or tingling sensation. This is not to be afraid of. If such a feeling is present, this does not mean that the beautician is doing something wrong.

Facial peeling with fruit acids activates cell regeneration, skin tone improves significantly, pores are narrowed, the level of sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne are reduced. To the touch, the skin becomes elastic and moisturized, over time, facial wrinkles disappear.

Peeling with fruit acids is a harmless procedure. But sometimes unforeseen reactions can occur. In this case, you should find a specialist and not save on your face.

Facial cleansing with fruit acids is aimed at removing dead skin, improves its condition, opens pores and eliminates the secretion of sebaceous glands. Not everyone can pay for expensive beautician services, but don’t be upset. Even at home, you can get the perfect effect.

Fruit acid for the skin of the face is found in creams, gels, tonics, special masks that can not only cleanse our face, but also neutralize it from the unpleasant environmental effects that await us every day. Consider all the tools in more detail.

Face cream

Face cream with fruit acids is gaining popularity every day and is in demand not only among girls, but also among women of advanced age.

Using a cream you can:

  • eliminate blackheads, pimples;
  • improve skin texture;
  • remove facial wrinkles;
  • nourish and moisturize your face throughout the day.

Such cosmetics are best purchased in pharmacies and specialized stores, ordered from cosmetologists.

face acid masks

In the composition of creams are added acids such as:

  1. ANA is a vitamin fruit acid. Creams with such additives are generally suitable for all skin types.
  2. VNA - salicylic acid. Developers add it to the cream in small proportions, since in large quantities it can harm the skin of a person. This acid has advantages: it fights against acne, cleanses the skin due to bactericidal action. Salicylic acid creams are best used for those with oily and combination skin.
  3. Polysaccharides are carbohydrates that are responsible for retaining moisture in the body. These include hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of tissues. It acts deep under the skin (from the inside), which helps to normalize complexion, clean pores, and remove age spots.

How to choose a cream?

Is face cream with fruit acids safe? Such creams are harmless to all skin types, but keep in mind that they increase sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is advisable to use sunscreens in the warmer months.

How to choose a cream:

  1. You must consider what type of skin you have.
  2. It is forbidden to apply a cream with a substance of glycolic acid to those whose face is prone to acne.
  3. If you want to moisturize the skin, then buy a cream with hyaluronic acid.
  4. In addition to acids, a reliable cream contains herbs and essential oils.

Face cream is an excellent tool that protects the skin, and is also available to every woman.

Fruit Acid Gel

face cream with fruit acids

Gel with fruit acids for the face is an alternative cleanser for the skin. Its main task is:

  • remove dead skin cells;
  • have a regenerative effect;
  • eliminate skin irregularities;
  • promote healing after acne.

The gel is suitable for all skin types, except sensitive. The same acids are added to the composition as in the cream.

After application:

  • the protective functions of the skin are activated;
  • the skin is neutralized;
  • excessive synthesis of melanin is suspended;
  • complexion becomes lighter;
  • expression wrinkles are reduced;
  • stable water balance is maintained.

Face tonic

fruit acid gel for face

A face tonic with fruit acids is a very good tonic that cares for the skin, cleanses it, moisturizes and nourishes it. For full face care, a tonic should be present in the arsenal of cosmetic bags. Tonic performs an important mission - it cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis.

Let's look at the advantages and features of a cosmetic product:

  1. The product is suitable for both girls and women with problem skin, it normalizes the water balance of the skin.
  2. The acids contained in the tonic are aimed at combating bacteria that adversely affect the upper layer of the epidermis, which leads to a greasy shine.
  3. After removal of the stratum corneum, the natural production of collagen is activated, which gives the face smoothness and elasticity.
  4. Saturates the skin with useful trace elements.

There are 9 types of tonics:

  • for normal skin;
  • for dry and sensitive skin;
  • for oily skin;
  • for problem skin;
  • for combination skin;
  • bleaching;
  • with a tonic effect;
  • cleaning;
  • for normal and combination skin, plus a double skin care with fruit acids.


Masks with such acids provide the transformation of your face. The most important benefit of masks is that in combination with other expensive products it has a positive effect on the epidermis. It maintains the necessary level of moisture, activating the production of collagen and elastin, and also stabilizes the sebaceous glands.

You can use face masks with fruit acids from the age of 16 years. But there are separate contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

How to use such masks:

  1. Check for an allergic reaction to the mask.
  2. Cleanse the skin before application.
  3. You can make masks at home, as well as use purchased ones, the main thing is that the concentration of acids does not exceed 25%.
  4. Perform the procedure no more than once a week.
  5. Wash with cool water after the procedure. It helps reduce pores.
fruit acids for the face at home

Home Facial Care

Fruit acids are often used at home. Such procedures are gaining popularity among teenage girls. Unlike going to a beautician, you can save money. But we must remember that if you are not sure about the recipe, you should not expose your skin to such tests.

Face mask with fruit acids. This mask will quickly get rid of acne on your skin. It is easy to do. First, take a cotton swab, moisten with a 5% solution of grape acid, wipe the face. After 10 minutes, we roll off dead parts and wash off.

How to use fruit acids for face at home? You can make a peeling mask. It is effective for treating the epidermis, restoring complexion. The following ingredients are used: 1 ramen of any grape and red currant. Grind the components to a state of gruel. Then we apply it on the face and do not wash it off with warm water after 7 minutes.

face peeling with fruit acids

In reviews of fruit acids for the face, girls are advised to familiarize themselves with another peeling mask. Now we will tell how to make it. Mix olive, sunflower and rosehip oil in a one to one ratio. Squeeze a little lemon juice. Heat the resulting substance, it should not be hot, but only slightly warm. Using a cotton swab with the resulting composition, lubricate the face, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse.


Now you know how fruit acids act on the face, what means exist, containing these components. We also examined options for facial treatment using the above acids at home. Do not be lazy to care for your skin. And she will be grateful to you for this!

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