Children's riddle about the mainland or the ocean. The answers

Take five parts of water and six parts of land, mix well. And get a nice little planet. Land.

Whether the Lord God created like a chemist in an ecumenical laboratory or a chef in a space kitchen is unknown.

One thing is clear: everyone can be a creator. And riddles about the continents or oceans invented by children are direct proof of this. The incentive for such a creative study of geography can be this material.

Riddles. Oceans. Continents

What ancient mythology told

A deity, a world river, washing both the earth and the sea. In ancient Greek mythology, it was considered the beginning of sources, streams and currents, and in general of all things, and was called the Ocean. This kind of culturological information, even in a riddle to class 3 about the ocean or the mainland, is quite appropriate.


Son of earth and heaven

The ancient Greeks called me.

They thought that I started all the rivers

And the ancestor of the gods was called.

The most powerful great element,

Both the moon and the sun shelter

They called me their poems.

But they didn’t invent it for some reason.

The image is finished for me.

I am more than the whole mythology!

(Answer: Ocean)

Riddles about oceans and continents

The main part of the hydrosphere

Geography itself is a very interesting science, there are many questions in it, looking for answers to which is interesting for a young researcher. But if these themes are formulated in the form of poems and riddles about the continents or oceans, for example, then this will only benefit the educational process.


The largest water facility name.

It is divided into five parts, note.

But even divided into parts,

By our standards, he is colossal!

(answer: oceans)

The oceans are the main part of the hydrosphere. Such an answer will be given by the students afterwards. The beginning of acquaintance is based on an assessment of the most affordable qualities, in this case, sizes.


I mostly covered the surface of the Earth,

I surrounded the islands and the mainland.

They call me world

Continuous, although not continuous.

(answer: oceans)

Such puzzles about the oceans and continents with answers can lead to the beginning of their study. Or vice versa, during the consolidation of new knowledge, these puzzles will serve as a fun test of who, what and how to remember from the past.

A bit about exotic

Of course, the theme of unusual animals and plants cannot be ignored in riddles about the oceans and continents.


Where does the coral reef stand?

Sailing where the blue whale?

Where do sharks scurry around and dance jellyfish?

Where rinse walrus and seal their belly?

(answer: in the ocean)

The fauna and flora of the oceans are unusually attractive for romantic children's natures. Well, if it comes to continents, then the theme of the plant and animal world can be studied truly endlessly!

Arctic Ocean. Riddle

A riddle about some continent or ocean

Let it be one ocean. But the question is formulated very long, because it contains a complete description of this water body.


I am the smallest of the brothers on Earth.

For centuries, North Pole walked for me

Heroes of the Arctic. Now their names

They carry the seas, straits, islands.

Winter in the north to minus forty

And a lot colder. And water

Mine, it happens, warms the dry land.

My two brothers give a supply of heat.

Not so salty

Like my whole family

After all, desalinated

By the water of the flowing rivers I.

Mighty ice

And icebergs availability -


Unlike the whole family.

Here from currents and winds

Dangerous hummocks.

And captured my icy get

All sailors are afraid.

The ship squeezes the ice from the sides,

No worse for sailors!

In cold waters, algae are alive,

And such fish live here,

Like halibut and saffron cod.

I am the house of whales, walruses, seals. Rock

Steep slopes are teeming with birds.

Bazaars are far from audible. - Noisy!

In the coastal zone (the shelf is her name)

Mining is conducted.

There is oil and gas,

And even ore.

All they need

People will get here.

(Answer: Arctic Ocean)

Guesses on the world map

Got to sushi

It is time to pay attention to the firmament of the earth. Speaking of riddles about continents or oceans, we note that designed for primary school students, they may contain the names of these planetary objects. For a better acquaintance.


There are 6 of us on the planet.

Remember the names, children:

Antarctica, Eurasia,

Africa and Australia

America, North and South.

This knowledge is necessary for everyone.

(answer: continents)


If you look from space

On the face of the planet

Then you can see a mole.

6 - there will be their number.


The storm was being pulled by a sailboat

Reliable compass shot down.

And a mess on the deck

And the mast is awry.

The team did not hope

Set foot on land again.

And no one believed

In a mirage from the coast.

But suddenly from the Martian platform,

From the viewing platform

There was a joyful exclamation:

"Hey! Is there anyone alive ?! ”

Everyone looks incredulously

But again a cry is heard:

“There is nothing to doubt!

At the rate - ……. "(Mainland)

Atlantic Ocean. Riddles

Short riddles about oceans or continents

But I must admit, despite the size, they are much less light!


The largest land plot. is he

On all sides surrounded by water.

(answer: mainland or continent)


Between us are the oceans

And we have different countries.

(answer: continents or continents)


In my territory

Lives the most people.

(answer: Eurasia)


The largest of the continents

One mainland to two parts of the world.

(answer: mainland - Eurasia, parts of the world - Europe and Asia)


Here, on the contrary, we have 2 continents,

But, oddly enough, this is -

One part of the world.

(answer: Americas are continents, America is part of the world)


Let lost to Eurasia

I am the size.

But do not compare in the heat

No one with me.

(answer: Africa)


Surprisingly, he is farther south

But the most, imagine cold.

He is unsuitable for human life

And he was opened all later.

(Answer: Antarctica)

Geo riddles

Mysteries about oceans or continents our students will not get tired of solving!

Practitioners have developed many methods of non-traditional geography lessons. Non-standard approaches allow you to maximize the effectiveness of classes.

Teachers are always in search of tools that will strengthen the students' need for knowledge and the desire to master them, improve them.

An ordinary school lesson cannot always satisfy the personal needs of both students and their mentors. There are different forms of activation of the educational process:

  • lesson project
  • tour lesson
  • lesson game
  • workshop lesson
  • lesson - discussion,
  • lessons are debates,
  • integrated lessons
  • lesson using Internet resources and video lessons,
  • non-traditional lessons, developed on the model taken in the media (lessons-competitions, and press conferences, “What? Where? When?” and “round tables”, Club of Cheerful and Resourceful and others).

Mysteries about continents or oceans for children can come in handy for creating scripts for most of these lessons.

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