New rules for obtaining a passport: major changes

Recently, new rules for obtaining a passport have come into effect in Russia. It should be said that they greatly simplified the process of issuing an international travel document, which, of course, cannot but rejoice. What changes reflect the new rules for obtaining a passport? About this, as well as how to quickly and without a headache draw up a document via the Internet, read the article.

new rules for obtaining a passport

The main positive innovation is the simplification of the requirements for the package of documents provided. Now, you do not need a work book to apply for a passport - employees of the Federal Migration Service should no longer request either the original document confirming the length of service of the person who applies for the travel document, or a copy of it. As well as the questionnaire, where it is still necessary to indicate job data, there is no longer any need to certify in the personnel department of the employing enterprise.

Also, the new rules for obtaining a passport greatly facilitated the lives of men 18-27 years old who did not serve in the army. They no longer need to contact the military registration and enlistment office for help and stand in line there too - the FMS employees will do everything themselves by sending an interdepartmental request.

procedure for obtaining a passport

No less pleasant is the fact that even if the registration of a foreign passport is refused, the paid state fee will be returned to the applicant in full. All the changes mainly affected foreign travel documents of a new type, but nobody canceled the old forms either.

The reduced time for obtaining a passport without biometric data (up to 3 days) will allow people whose relatives are being treated in other countries, or those who need an emergency operation abroad, to quickly solve their problems. In addition, the rules indicate that the waiting time for submitting documents should not exceed 30 minutes, and upon receipt - 20 minutes, so you can hope that you no longer have to stand in queues for days. Unfortunately, the terms and procedure for obtaining passports by citizens with temporary registration remained unchanged. Consideration of the application in this case is still about 4 months.

deadlines for obtaining a passport
And finally, the new rules for obtaining a passport allow you to submit documents via the Internet through the “Unified portal of municipal and state services”. To do this, you must first register on it (the pension certificate number (SNILS) is used as the login.) The password for entering the site will be sent to the applicant by registered mail, which he will be able to receive in the mail after 7-10 days. After the activation code is entered, will be available the personal account on the site. and here is you can use any of the available services, including fill out a form to receive a passport. within 1-2 days the questionnaire will be considered, and then will receive a message with the pros fight to wait for an invitation to the passport office or to fill in the missing data. It is better to save the application form on your computer during the first sending, so there will be no need to fill it out again. the letter will have a list) for a specific time (there will be no need to stand in line!). After a meeting, not even a month will pass after the applicant is informed that the passport is ready.

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