OKPO organization how to find out? How to find out OKPO organizations: by TIN, by PSRN

As a result of registering their activities with the tax authority, each entrepreneur receives registration documents, which indicate, in particular, OKPO. Who is assigned this abbreviation? What is OKPO? How to recognize him? Let's figure it out.

What is OKPO?

This code is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. Knowing it, you can easily determine the type of activity of the subject, which either belongs to the category of products of labor and production activity, or natural and labor resources; or to categories of subjects of national economy, management and documentation. The presence of OKPO indicates that the company is included in the register of Rosstat.

okpo organization how to find out

OKPO is a purely individual code with which you can identify any entrepreneur in the Russian Federation. This code is a number consisting of ten characters (for individuals) or eight (for legal entities). The serial number of the entrepreneur is represented by the first nine (or seven) digits, and the last digit is the “control” (additional) and calculate it using a specially created algorithm.

OKPO does not contain information about taxation. Therefore, it is not a tax identifier, but is considered exclusively a statistical code.

What is OKPO for?

The purpose of this code is:

  • streamline statistics on all entrepreneurs in Russia;
  • to greatly simplify the accounting and control of the activities of business entities;
  • accelerate the transfer of information about a business entity within the borders of Russia;
  • make information about the entrepreneur extremely reliable;
  • Combine federal data that is informational in nature.

Who is assigned OKPO?

Any business entity can start its activity only after it has been assigned an OKPO, which is entered into a common database and recorded by this or that enterprise (up to its liquidation).

Important! OKPO is assigned to legal entities, individuals (that is, individual entrepreneurs), as well as to companies that carry out activities without legal entity status.

how to find out okpo organization

Rosstat assigns OKPO to an individual entrepreneur solely upon the registration of its activities. This code is reflected in the certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur, and is also registered in the primary extract of the EGRIP. These documents will be necessary for the entrepreneur to carry out economic transactions with counterparties, as well as to open a bank account.

On a note! To receive OKPO, an individual entrepreneur does not need to make a request to the appropriate authority.

OKPO is also assigned to a legal entity in the process of registering it.

Important! In case of loss of registration documents, their restoration is possible, but only it will be made on a paid basis.

Classifier structure (OKPO organization)

How to learn OKPO? This allows you to make a classifier, which has two main blocks:

  • the first, which includes information on legal entities, their branches and representative offices, as well as organizations operating without a legal entity;
  • the second, which contains data on individual entrepreneurs.

Each block consists of three subsections:

  • The first is a subsection identifying the entrepreneur: each is assigned an individual number.
  • The second contains information about the names: for individual entrepreneurs - full name of the entrepreneur in the nominative case; for legal entities - full and abbreviated name (if available, and the name in a foreign language).
  • The third includes other mandatory all-Russian classifiers: OKOGU, OKATO, OKTMO, OKVED and others.

In what cases is a change in OKPO?

Each classifier number, placed in the database of the Russian Federation, is retained by one or another business entity up to the moment of termination of its activity and removal from the register.

If the entrepreneur changes his occupation, then, accordingly, the OKPO is replaced by the statistical authorities, namely Rosstat.

where to find out

In the event that the organization, in the course of its work, opens subsidiaries and additional branches, then the code is not replaced: it remains the same for all newly opened enterprises.

On a note! If the company is officially closed, its OKPO after 5 years may be assigned to a completely different organization.

Where and how can I find OKPO?

It is not possible to officially publish the classifier, as it is updated daily. But there are many ways where to learn OKPO organization, since this information is quite publicly available. Someone is sent to the Rosstat unit or the tax authority to obtain data. Someone goes to online services and, without leaving home, receives all the necessary information. Of course, each method has its advantages and disadvantages. You can choose a method that is more convenient and accessible for you.

learn okpo ogrn organization

How to find out OKPO entrepreneur for free?

If you are tormented by the question of how to recognize OKPO organizations by TIN, by PSRN, then this can be easily done:

  • On the official website of Rosstat.
  • At the Rosstat unit, by writing a statement requesting an information letter. In this case, you must have a passport, certificate of state registration, TIN and application. The request will be completed within five days.
    how to find out the organization okpo number
  • Examine accounting documents (in the right corner of the tax report is the desired code).
  • OKPO organization: how to find it in the tax service? You just need to apply to the tax authority. The answer will come within five days.
  • Request an extract with a code on the OKPO website.
  • Knowing the TIN, get the necessary information on the website of the tax service. To do this, enter the TIN, the system issues the address of the requested entity; By calling the district administration in whose territory the company operates, you have every chance to find out the required code, and it’s absolutely free.

How do counterparties get information about OKPO?

OKPO organization: how to find out its counterparties? They can get the information they need, for example, from a document such as an invoice. Very often OKPO is in print. You can take an extract from the USRIP at the tax authority in a specific region: however, this service is paid. Also, on a paid basis, you can get the necessary information from state registries on specialized sites, which, by the way, work around the clock. Also, the code is indicated in the registration documents of the company, in the license, permits and certificates.

How to define your own OKPO organization?

How to find out your own code? If there is such an urgent need, then you need to make a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities) or from the Unified State Register of Enterprises (for individual entrepreneurs) at the tax authority. In this case, you must have with you the appropriate package of documents: passport, certificate of registration of your activity and TIN. After five days, you must come to the IFTS and get an extract.

We learn the code on the OKPO portal

How to find OKPO organization on OKPO portal (okpo.ru)? To receive an information letter from Rosstat, it is necessary to fill out an application on the portal, indicating the phone number and full name of the person with whom you can contact. If you know the TIN or BIN of the company, then you can also enter them. Navigate from the main page by the link “Perform a free search in the directory of OKPO Russia” (it is located below) to the section in which the application form is presented. In addition to obtaining information about the code, you can order an extract from the USRIP or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in electronic form.

how to find out okpo organization by inn on ogrn

We learn the code on the register portal

How to find out OKPO organizations on the register portal (egrul.com)? To get information about the company, just find the line “Search for a free USRLE database” (on the main page) and click “Search”. In the table that appears, you must print the name of the subject, TIN or PSRN; then write the characters proposed by the program (this must be done in confirmation that you are really a person, not a robot); then click on “Search”. After 60 seconds, get what you were looking for and the question of how to find out the organization’s OKPO number will lose its relevance.

what is okpo and how to recognize it


From the foregoing, we conclude: any enterprise, organization, company or individual entrepreneur can start its activities only after they have been assigned OKPO. It is for this basic code that the organization is entered into the registry. And on the basis of it, other codes are assigned.

Important! The company will be fined if the code does not reflect the real industry in which the company operates.

It will not be difficult to get to know the organization’s OKPO by PSRN or by TIN if you ask yourself this goal.

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