Apple cider vinegar contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium sodium, iron, calcium, boron, vitamins, enzymes, fiber, and essential amino acids. Using the useful properties of this tool, many diseases can be treated.
When they start treatment with apple cider vinegar, it is very important to determine the purpose and take into account contraindications for use. This product can become a real helper in restoring health, but will not become an elixir of everything. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe the dosage and duration of its use. Do not wait for miraculous healing right away, but with prolonged and competent use, you can count on success.
Apple cider vinegar can never replace drugs prescribed by a doctor, but it can increase immunity, accelerate recovery, and even enhance the effect of medications on the human body. After the disease, for the prevention of exacerbation and the fastest recovery of health, it is simply irreplaceable. Malic acid in the human body is produced by itself, but if it is deficient, treatment with apple cider vinegar will allow the body to function normally.
Since ancient times, the property of vinegar to break down fats and carbohydrates, reduce appetite and maintain a slim figure is known. This is documented by the example of Cleopatra and Byron, who daily drank a cup with diluted vinegar.
Currently, treatment with apple cider vinegar is used to combat overweight. It is used for dressing salads and in the preparation of sauces and snacks. The popular “Mediterranean” diet in Europe and the “Vermont” diet in the USA guarantee health and longevity thanks to the use of apple cider vinegar in side dishes and salads.
Food and pharmacological production prepare this popular product in an industrial way. But it will be more useful to use it for medicinal purposes, if it is prepared at home. Such apple cider vinegar removes harmful substances from the body, stimulates the production of digestive juices, normalizes metabolic processes and microflora in the intestines, quickly restores human strength after a serious illness.
Apple cider vinegar treatment is useful for hypertension and arthritis, for skin diseases and intestinal disorders. It relieves headaches and joint pains, reduces pressure and reduces swelling, eliminates inflammation in tonsillitis and helps with wound healing. A high potassium content normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and heart, maintains normal blood pressure, and strengthens the immune system. As a natural preservative, it has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect.
Apple cider vinegar has a positive effect on blood circulation, increases blood coagulation and is a prophylactic in the development of vascular atherosclerosis. It perfectly removes negative signs with menopause in women, and serves as a prophylaxis of cataracts and cancer, bronchial asthma and allergic diseases.
Outwardly, it is used to treat hemorrhoids and ulcers, to rinse the throat and oral cavity, to relieve pain with arthritis in the form of ointments and in the form of infusions for gout, and is used to treat psoriasis and eczema, corns and corns. Compresses with apple cider vinegar treat hematomas with bruises. For burns of 1 and 2 degrees at home, you can immediately apply a bandage with concentrated apple cider vinegar to the site of injury. This method allows you to quickly relieve pain and subsequently does not leave scars on the skin.
A natural product is used to help with bites of mosquitoes and bees, to stop nosebleeds , for stomatitis, to massage body skin, to eliminate pimples, to wash with pustules on the face, to rinse hair, to strengthen nails and relieve fatigue.
With varicose veins, it is effective to use rubdowns and cool foot baths with apple cider vinegar. After the procedure, you do not need to wipe your feet dry, on the contrary, they should be allowed to air dry. A good effect is given by wrapping apple cider vinegar in the morning and evening for 1.5 months. To do this, moisten a napkin in undiluted apple cider vinegar, slightly squeeze it and wrap the legs of the legs. From above it is necessary to wrap your feet with a terry towel and lie down with raised legs for half an hour.
Anti-cellulite wraps of the hips, shoulders, abdomen and buttocks are also used. In this case, it is necessary to put on a long warm robe, wrap the body with a napkin dipped in apple cider vinegar, cover these places with foil and lie under the covers for an hour. After the procedure, rinse the vinegar with water, wipe the skin dry and grease with cream. The course of procedures is 15-20 times every other day.
Treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar provides for external use and oral administration. For this, 1 tbsp. l funds are diluted in a glass of cold water, stirred and drunk in small sips.
This natural remedy is used in traditional medicine, in cooking, in cosmetology and in everyday life. A useful product gives dishes a refined taste, is used as a natural cleaning agent, and is used in the treatment of diseases that do not require urgent medical attention.