Characteristics for primary school teachers: compilation scheme, sample

Characteristics for primary school teachers are an important document that describes the qualifications, system of work, personality characteristics of a specialist. Based on this information, it is concluded that the position of the teacher is consistent with the success of the work and the impact on students.

grade for primary school teachers

Characterization Scheme

Characteristics for primary school teachers are compiled by the director or equivalent specialists. In order for the document to have a clear structure and describe all the necessary aspects of the teacher’s work, you need to know according to which scheme it is better to draw up a description.

  • General information about the teacher (for whom the document was compiled, education, general and pedagogical experience, the period of work in a particular educational institution).
  • Pedagogical activity (methodological problem, teaching style, methods used in the work, educational influence on students, work with parents, self-education).
  • Achievements (awards, rewards, participation and victory of students in competitions).
  • The moral and psychological appearance of a teacher, relations with the teaching staff.
  • Recommendations or where the characteristic is presented.

primary school teacher performance

Assessment of teacher qualifications in characterization

The characteristic for primary school teachers contains the main part, which describes the teacher in terms of his professionalism. It is important to disclose such topics:

  • level of training: qualification degree, the availability of training courses and advanced training;
  • scientific work and publications;
  • what approach and methods are used in preparing children;
  • educational activities ;
  • self-education, participation in seminars, competitions of pedagogical skills.

Characterization of a primary school teacher

The characteristic-presentation is compiled if the teacher undergoes further training, is presented for an award or other incentives for professional activity.

Such a characteristic for primary school teachers should most accurately describe the merits of a person, thanks to which he is honored to be noted. In addition to qualification characteristics, it is also important to indicate information about the public work of the teacher, the connection with the methodological work of the city (district, region), personal contribution to the development of the educational system, the development of innovative teaching and upbringing methods, etc. Achievements will be no less significant in this. students as a result of their teacher training.

primary school teacher characterization

Sample characteristics of primary school teachers

"Petrova Elena Petrovna has been a primary school teacher ... (name of educational institution) since 2009. Over 5 years of teaching activity she has shown high professionalism, activity and creativity in her position.

Elena Petrovna graduated ... (university name) in 2009 with a degree in ... (full name). The experience of teaching in a similar position is 5 years. Qualification category - specialist.

Elena Petrovna has a high level of theoretical knowledge in teaching children. He is working on the methodological problem “Education of a comprehensively developed personality of a child in creative activity”. In the lessons, Elena Petrovna will apply modern teaching methods, actively use travel games, problem tasks, group discussions. He pays attention to the development of children's independence: in the 2nd-B class entrusted to her, students are well disciplined, they perform simple tasks assigned to them without reminding the teacher. The level of knowledge of children is normal, there are no lagging behind.

Elena Petrovna is actively engaged in the methodological design of the office, publishes lesson development on the school’s website, and maintains her own pedagogical blog. In 2012, she took part in the district competition of pedagogical skills "The best teacher of primary school", where she took 2nd place.

The teacher takes part in scientific conferences, has 10 publications in periodicals.

Elena Petrovna pays special attention to work with parents . Her class's parent committee holds regular meetings and informal meetings. In the team of colleagues, Elena Petrovna enjoys credibility and trust. She is always friendly, balanced and considerate. I am sure that my own example has a great influence on the development of children.

In 2016, Elena Petrovna began work on continuing education to become a specialist in category II. The open lesson was highly appreciated by the certification committee.

The characterization was prepared for the award of Elena Petrovna Petrova with an honorary diploma of the city ​​for high professionalism in questions of training and education of students on the occasion of the holiday - Education Worker Day. "

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