"Prominent city": residents reviews

Purchasing new housing is an important step for any family. It is important to pay maximum attention to this process and take into account all the nuances. The location of the apartment, the availability of finishes, the nearby infrastructure, and the environmental situation in the area also matter. We all want the best for our family. However, a dream apartment, as a rule, is too expensive to purchase immediately. That is why an increasing number of people prefer to purchase apartments in still under construction housing complexes. As a rule, their value is much cheaper than real estate in the secondary market. In addition, you can usually take a mortgage for the purchase of housing. However, how to choose a suitable housing complex? Which developer to trust? Today we will take a closer look at the city ​​of Vidnoe, Moscow Region , residents' (future) reviews about it, as well as the main features that distinguish this housing complex from others. What about the apartments for sale? What is the infrastructure of the suburbs? Which interest holders highlight the benefits of the project? You will find detailed answers to all these questions in this article.

prominent city reviews

about the project

LCD "Vidny Gorod" reviews are called one of the most beautiful projects that they had to see in Moscow. Indeed, now only a fifteen minute drive from the capital of the Russian Federation, you can see the beautiful, cozy suburb of St. Petersburg or Paris. As Vidny Gorod LCD reports about customer reviews, each house is an example of classical architecture. Residents of the area will be able to admire the luxurious ensemble of architecturally pleasing eye-catching masterpieces daily. Very close will be beautiful parks that are filled with beautiful sculptures and plants that create a picturesque landscape. The highlight will also be the terraced city ​​square, which will beckon residents in the evenings for a walk.

Cars will not be able to drive into the yards physically. You can park them only in specially designed parking lots (both ground and underground), as well as from the side of the street. That is why you do not need to worry about the child who went out for a walk on the playground. Yards are closed and absolutely safe.

Judging by how the Vidny Gorod LCD describes the reviews, the district is also unique in its location. So, not far from it is Sukhanovo (an old manor). That is why the "Prominent City", in essence, is a wonderful continuation of the history of the area. The author of the project under consideration (one of the most prominent architects specializing in classics, Maxim Atayants) set himself the goal of embodying the richness and complexity of the classical architectural appearance in his plans. That is why each of the facades is absolutely unique, has a unique shade, a pattern of the veranda and balconies, and delightful decorative elements.

According to reviews about the residential complex Vidny Gorod, the entire infrastructure of the suburb is literally within walking distance. So, you can use the services of parking lots, cafes, supermarkets, restaurants, kindergartens, shopping galleries, schools, pharmacies.

Leisure in this suburb can be incredibly diverse. Particular attention is paid to the infrastructure that is designed for sports and various other types of outdoor activities. For example, we are talking about a wellness center for the whole family, a special center for children's sports development, as well as a strength training area, an open winter ice rink, as well as a platform designed for playing futsal. But, as the Vidny Gorod LCD describes the customer reviews, a secular leisure zone will also be a pleasant surprise, namely: park games (like, for example, French petanque), restaurants and cafes.

Literally one minute walk from the town is a stunning array of greenery. At any time, you can come to the forest to breathe fresh air, as well as get a boost of energy.

lcd prominent city reviews


How aesthetic is the space around us, and what kind of urban environment we are in, strongly affects our emotional and physical well-being, personal comfort and mood. That is why the developer in question pays so much attention to architecture.

Each house of this suburb is endowed with its own character and its own mood. The appearance of the LCD "Vidny Gorod" reviews are rated as pleasant, pleasing to the eye and heart. Living in such an environment will bring a lot of positive emotions.


Reviews about the city of Vidnoye in the Moscow Region separately describe the infrastructure of the suburb under consideration. So, what can this LCD present to your attention?

  • Nature:
    • the park;
    • forest.
  • Sport:
    • petanque;
    • tennis;
    • "work out";
    • mini football;
    • basketball;
    • volleyball;
    • climbing wall;
    • table tennis;
    • outdoor ice rink.
  • For children:
    • kindergartens (280 places);
    • school (1125 places).
  • The shops:
    • Products for children;
    • cosmetics;
    • bakery,
    • pet Shop;
    • Butcher shop;
    • household products;
    • pharmacies;
    • jewelry;
    • construction shops;
    • studio;
    • shoe store;
    • clothing store;
    • haberdashery;
    • eco-friendly products;
    • fresh store;
    • supermarket.
  • Gastronomy:
    • Cafe;
    • restaurants
    • pastry shops.
  • Fitness:
    • sports and fitness center.
  • Services:
    • tourist agency;
    • design bureau;
    • Beauty Salons;
    • Dentistry
    • bank branches;
    • medical services;
    • Insurance Company.

Near the complex are located:

  • Nature:
    • Sukhanovsky pond;
    • Spassky reservoir;
    • forest;
    • the park.
  • Sights:
    • Walk of Fame in Vidnoye;
    • Lenin Hills (Museum-Reserve);
    • Manor Sukhanovo;
    • district historical and cultural center;
    • estate "Timokhovo-Salazkino".
  • The shops:
    • Dixie
    • "Starkad";
    • Pyaterochka;
    • "Auto parts".
  • Gas stations:
    • BP
    • Tatneft;
    • Rosneft;
    • TNCs;
    • Oil Highway;
    • Gazpromneft.
  • Shopping centers:
    • Shopping center "Brand City";
    • "Cosmic";
    • Outlet Brand City;
    • Shopping center "Designer";
    • Shopping center "Vidnoe park"
  • Temples:
    • Church of the Holy Trinity;
    • Church of All Saints, who shone in the land of Russia;
    • Church of St. Nicholas;
    • Mother of God Church p. Bulatnikovo;
    • St. Catherine’s Monastery;
    • Church of the Bogolyubsky Icon of the Mother of God in Dubrovsky;
    • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tarychevo.

lcd prominent city customer reviews


What advantages do the residents' reviews highlight for Vidny Gorod residential complex?

  • A city for life. This is a special format of the housing complex. It combines affordable prices, authoring architecture and business-class infrastructure.
  • The deal is incredibly reliable. Real estate is being sold in accordance with Federal Law No. 214. Thus, the transaction is legally clean and safe for the buyer.
  • Developer liability insurance.
  • Unique author's architecture.
  • Favorable mortgage terms. The presence of business relationships with many partner banks. Loan processing as soon as possible.
  • Promotion program - the first installment may be only 3% of the value of the property.
  • Monolithic brick building.
  • Unique terraced city platform, located on a hill. This rare decision can rightly be called an architectural landmark. She will become the heart of the suburb under consideration.
  • Space for sports and entertainment. Adequate space and suitable infrastructure.
  • Fifty alternative layout options. You will definitely find an apartment to your taste and to your wallet.
  • You can purchase and create your dream apartment. There are rare formats of apartments that were previously typical only for luxury housing.
  • Club program. The ability to receive discounts, participate in promotions and even earn.

reviews of the city prominent in the Moscow region


Of course, not everyone is able to immediately pay the full amount for newly acquired real estate. That is why buyers are invited to take a mortgage. In addition, the developer "Urban Group" is a special partner of a number of large banks of the Russian Federation. That is why all his projects receive special preferences. Buyers are provided with a mortgage as soon as possible and on incredibly favorable terms.

So, the maximum loan term for the vast majority of programs is thirty years. The down payment amount ranges from 10% to 20% of the total cost of the apartment. And the interest rate can be from 10.25% to 10.9%. This is also why the Urban Group is so positively described by customer reviews. The Prominent City will become an affordable home for even more people.

Rare apartment formats

Every modern person has the right to express himself with the help of his own housing, its layout and interior. Such an opportunity will provide you with LCD "Prominent city". Apartments reviews are described as wonderful sites for creativity. The developer "Urban Group" offers its customers about 50 different layout options, as well as several rare apartment formats, which until then were considered a characteristic feature of luxury real estate and were not affordable for middle managers.

So, for example, there is the opportunity to purchase a two-level apartment. The ceilings in such housing are 5.8 meters high. You can choose for yourself one of the suitable formats for two-level apartments. In the classic version, two floors are fully separated from each other. In an exclusive format, apartments with a free layout with a second light are presented.

Also, the highlight of your home can be French windows. They will give housing lightness and style. And you can enjoy the stunning panoramic views of the suburbs at any time.

prominent city apartments reviews

House Classes

You can choose the option that suits you:

  • Classic. The cost of housing starts from 2 million rubles. The houses are beautiful, unique, and most importantly, affordable. Author's architecture of each facade. Safe, enclosed courtyards, comfortable playgrounds.
  • Classic Smart. The cost of apartments starts from 2.5 million rubles. You will get your home fully finished. You can check in as soon as you receive the keys. No need to live in an apartment in which repairs are ongoing.
  • Supercomfort. The price of housing starts from 6.5 million rubles. The design of these home is truly elegant. Luxurious landscaping (flower beds, fruit trees).
  • Club house. The cost starts from 7.39 million rubles. You will receive the apartment fully finished. Increased comfort. Exceptional quality finishes. The ability to check in immediately after you receive the keys.
  • New business. Private courtyard hidden from prying eyes with the help of a beautiful fence 2 meters high. The territory is protected by an electronic access system. The yard stands out for its stunning landscape design. The area of ​​apartments is increased, and the ceiling height is 3 meters.

urban groups customer reviews prominent city


Sometimes there is an opportunity to become a participant in the action held by the developer "Urban Group". "Prominent city" (reviews confirm this fact) such events are also affected. For example, it is possible to get an apartment in a mortgage at a reduced rate - only 8.4% for the entire term of payments. If you pay the property ahead of schedule, you can also get a discount (up to 12% of the cost of housing).

What about mortgages? With a military mortgage, the buyer is guaranteed to receive a 12% discount. You will also have to pay less if you simultaneously buy two or more apartments from the developer. In addition, VTB24 Bank offers to purchase real estate on lease. Or simply become a member of the “Favorable Formula” campaign and buy housing on special conditions.


About LCD "Vidny Gorod" reviews leave mostly positive. Of course, interest holders are a little upset by delaying the deadlines, but they understand that, unfortunately, for projects of this magnitude this is almost inevitable. Also among the shortcomings is the presence on the territory of LCD power lines. The radiation emanating from them will adversely affect the health of residents. Of course, the fact of the presence of such an influence cannot be denied in principle. However, according to experts, the power lines are located quite far from residential buildings and fit into all sanitary standards that exist in this regard.

Otherwise, the suburbs of buyers are happy. Of the advantages distinguish and close distance to Moscow, and a pleasant location, and the availability of storage rooms and parking, and a wide variety of layout options. It is safe to say that the LCD "Vidny Gorod" reviews are rated positively. And this creates a good reputation for the suburbs, and for the developer.

urban groups prominent city reviews


LCD "Vidny Gorod" customer reviews called a wonderful place to live. And although the project will not be commissioned until next year, future residents focus on its positive aspects and are not upset because of the postponed deadlines.

LCD "Vidny Gorod" ("Urban") reviews are appreciated for the opportunity to choose one of 50 different layout options, to purchase an apartment of a rare format that was previously unavailable due to its incredibly high cost, for the unique design of the facades, stunning landscape design, closed safe courtyards, convenient parking.

Should you become a client of the Urban Group developer and purchase a comfortable and beautiful apartment in the housing complex under consideration? After analyzing all the information presented above, we are sure that you can draw the conclusion that will be right for you.

Spend enough time analyzing the market and the available offers. In this case, you can choose an apartment in which you and your family will be happy for many years. Do not neglect the need to carefully check the reputation of the developer. She can tell you a lot about how well the current project will be completed.

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