How to make DIY war hairstyles

The peak of fashion of the 30s of the XIX century - short hair laid in waves. In the 40s they were abandoned, because during the difficult war years, many hairdressers were closed, and it was difficult for women to do these waves on their own.

Therefore, fashionistas began to urgently grow their hair. Moreover, long and without outside help easier to lay. So there were curls, rollers, rings over the forehead and a bunch at the back. Sometimes hidden under a net.

Surprisingly, the style formed in those years still remains fashionable and relevant, so it will not be out of place to learn how to independently make hairstyles for the war years. Moreover, men like it when a woman has long and beautiful hair.

Vintage look

We will teach you how to make your own hairstyle, which in the 40s conquered the whole country. But in order to look harmonious, you need the same style in clothes and makeup. Therefore, look for a dress of simple cut, buy a bright red lipstick, bring your eyes in black pencil, and you will be noticeable from afar. Retro today is incredibly fashionable and stylish.

hairstyles of war years
And now attention is on the head. For hairstyles of the war years (from long hair), two rollers are needed. One is larger than the other.

The procedure is as follows: twist the hair outward so that they look up. Make a parting. Curl the ends of the hair with forceps.

A single lock is slightly combed over the entire length. Then it must be carefully wrapped around the finger.

Next: attach the roller to the crown so that a ring is obtained. Hairpins on both sides hold it and are not visible.

Now we make a similar roller on the other hand. He is like a mirror image of the first. That is, you twisted the first strand to the left, then the second one to the right.

Finally, fixing the hairstyles of the war years. If the rollers are stable and firmly sitting on the head, then walk through the hair with varnish.

Everything, you are ready to go out.

Victorian curls

The cult female hairstyles of the war years are still Victorian curls. They are elegant, light, beautiful. And they will set you apart from the crowd at any evening, even in a large hall. These are the most popular hairstyles of the war years. 40 years have also proved that this option is practical. The wind, in any case, is not terrible for curls.

We offer instructions for creating beautiful free curls. But first, get a hair curler (you can use a hair dryer), clothespins and invisible scallops for combing. Still need high-quality varnish and brush (from pork bristles). She smoothes hair well, removes “cocks”. Invisible hair clips are also required.

hairstyles of the war years 1941 1945

Step by step

We give the hair the necessary volume with a hairdryer. We fix the strands with clothespins, which we then remove.

We divide hair into four parts. We fix each lock. At the bangs, we select a piece in the form of a triangle in the center of the crown. On the left side we take one part of the hair. We do the same with the right side. The rest of the hair is on the back of the head.

Separate each strand in small vertical layers no thicker than two centimeters, comb. Freely wind them into a curl. Hold the lock tightly with your finger. If it turned out beautiful, stab and fix with varnish.

Carefully comb the bangs. Smooth the curls at the base of the hair with a brush so that there are no bumps. And also we wrap this lock in curl.

Now you need to wrap the bangs on three fingers (without using the thumb and little finger). Please note: the size of this curl should be equal to the largest of the curls. We fix it. When the second one continues, they will become one big roller.

We do a pile on the back of the head. Align the irregularities with a brush.

With the help of hairpins, we put the curls in a row along the nape line. Between her and other hair, leave two centimeters. Hairpins should be placed so that one is higher than the other.

The row is ready and fixed. We divide free hair into two side parts and one - the central. Every lightly combed. We wind the strand by strand on the hand. It turns out the shape of curls. At the right place we fix it.

These curls should get the same size. And then, connecting everything together, we will see a wide, large curl. He will repeat the line of hair on the back of the head.

hairstyles wartime how to do
Now we spray everything with varnish. Victorian curls are ready.

There is another type of them. It is only necessary to curl the hair from behind on large curlers and dissolve it freely.

Vintage mid-length

And here are the other hairstyles of the war years. How to make them, now we will tell. They are more suitable for those whose hair is neither long nor short.

First, parting. Direct (without bangs) or oblique (with bangs). We twist the ends of the hair a little.

Separate the front strand. We comb it along the entire length. We wind on a finger. The resulting tube is lifted up and secured with hair clips.

From the other side we symmetrically make a similar roller. We fasten with hairpins. It remains to use a fixing varnish.

Such hairstyles of the war years not only look great all evening, but can last until the morning.

A dress of simple cut (and better with a round collar), bright scarlet lipstick, eyes highlighted in bold pencil - and you are simply charming!

women's hairstyles of the war years

New trend

See how girls and women style their hair today. Differently. But there are a lot of braids. Well, a new trend has become established in world fashion - the hairstyles of the war years. The braids in them are the main decoration.

If you look at the photos of previous years, you can see that Soviet women did not get tired of conjuring their appearance even in the most difficult times. It turned out beautifully, feminine and cute. An example is two pigtails thrown to the chest. Or one fat, luxurious, descending on the back.

And how many kinds of “bagels” and “baskets” were there when the tip of one pigtail is hooked to the base of another!

The hairstyles of the war years are amazing. How to make such a miracle when the war was on? Men are at the front. Women themselves worked for days in the rear. But do not lose heart. They were inventive and cheerful!

The return of the old trend

If earlier all these ringlets over the ears, the chains around the girl’s head were made to appear in a neat way at school, institute, in the shop at the factory, now braids are worn on a fashionable catwalk and even on the most elite evening parties.

hairstyles wartime braids
Today, stylists combine different variations of braids in one hairstyle. It turns out the whole product.

Are you in a hurry? Very good

Having returned to fashion today, the hairstyles of the war years forced hairdressers, and fashionistas to be as creative as possible. So, now the trend is deliberate carelessness of styling, asymmetry, protruding "cocks", which before were simply unacceptable! And also the volume that goes straight from the roots of the hair, the connection of several different braids, each with complex weaves.

hairstyles wartime how to do
At the same time, the braid should look like you were braiding it in a big hurry. Or even fell into bed at night, and in the morning did not even come to the mirror.

There are many options for hairstyles. This is the braid coming from the tail, and the harness, and the “spikelet”, and the “fish tail”, and many, many more that your imagination is capable of.

Good example

Hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) today surprise with their chic, sophistication, originality. What is it worth laying with a light wave, which is popularly called "victorious curls"! Many did it on the anniversary of the Victory.

hairstyles of war years 40 years
Whatever the times, hard or calm, happy or not, a woman should always remain beautiful and seductive. In this sense, the hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) are a great example for us.

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