Athletics in Novosibirsk. Sports Schools

What is athletics? This is an Olympic sport, including running, jumping, walking and throwing. It is one of the most popular in Russia.

Athletics in the modern world

Athletics is a great way to promote health and fight disease. Advanced technologies, although improving our lives, but, on the other hand, they alienate man from nature.

People have become less mobile, and this, combined with poor environmental conditions, brings great harm to the human body. The number of different diseases is increasing every year. As a result, life expectancy is sharply reduced.

track and field athletics in Novosibirsk

Athletics is one of the best sports that contributes to the development of strength, endurance and other qualities necessary to maintain human health. One of the simplest disciplines of athletics is running - a universal discipline beloved by both adults and children.

Daily runs allow you to achieve goals such as improving blood circulation, getting rid of extra pounds and so on. Also, while running, endurance, proper breathing develops. Moreover, with prolonged runs, the cardiovascular system receives a healing effect.

Unfortunately, few people can force themselves to go out even on a regular morning run. Therefore, specialized centers are opened specially for them. One of these is the Athletics Federation in Novosibirsk.

Athletics Federation Novosibirsk
This public organization is located on Sukharnaya street, 35, building 3 and oversees all issues related to these sports in Novosibirsk and the region, including the ranking of the leading athletes in its region, and conducts competitions indoors and in open stadiums.

Athletics in Novosibirsk

If you live in Novosibirsk, you should be aware of the existence of special sports schools, which, by the way, are among the best in Russia. The cost of classes in such institutions is minimal. You do not need to buy additional materials, as required in other sports disciplines.

Athletics in Novosibirsk is sponsored by the state, which means that if you show significant success, you can be invited to professional competitions. The greatest attention in this sport is given to children. If you give the child to athletics, then perhaps he will achieve great results. In Novosibirsk, special campaigns and competitions are held for children.

Track and field schools in Novosibirsk

In this city there are a lot of schools with a track and field direction. Two of them deserve special attention: Sports School "Flamingo" and Sports School "Spartan". These are budget schools, which means that getting into them is rather difficult. You need to pass an examination for physical strength and endurance. You must also be in good health.

Flamingo is a 12-minute walk from Studencheskaya metro station on ul. Sorge, d. 82/1. "Spartan" - five minutes from Garin-Mikhailovsky Square on Komsomolsky Prospect, d. 7. What is the difference between these two schools from others? These institutions collaborate with the famous Russian teams. And if you show success, then there is a big chance that you will be accepted into such a team.

sport school

The development of this sport in Novosibirsk

Athletics in Novosibirsk is constantly evolving. A lot of money is allocated for the development of sports in our country. In Novosibirsk, the Russian government is building sports schools, playgrounds, stadiums. The schools are equipped with the latest equipment and the best trainers work. Many professional athletes participating in the Olympiads are residents of this city.

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