Mounting a retractable leash. Leash fishing: installation

Many years ago, one of the varieties of wire harnesses was widely publicized in the United States, after which it became very popular there. All over the world it is called "carolina." A monoleska leash, a moving bullet, bass fishing - all these are the associations that this type of equipment causes. But usually, getting into Russian conditions, many developments under the influence of characteristic domestic trends undergo significant changes. "Carolina" was no exception. And today, in the vastness of the homeland, it is called "Moscow", despite the fact that in the Russian backwoods the installation of a diversion has long been used to catch predatory fish.

Appearance story

installation of a retractable leash

Since ancient times, one of the most favorite ways to pass the summer time is to use fishing. A diverting lead, the installation of which, however, is not a mandatory component of gear, has been used in Russia for a very long time. There are several options for the history of the device. One of them says the following: once at a competition in the capital's spinning players this type of installation surpassed all the others, leading Sergei Perevozny to a landslide victory. The rumor of a miracle adaptation spread very quickly. Many professionals, and just lovers of fishing, began to actively develop it. And then they realized that the thing was really worth it. After Perevoznoy’s victory, half a season passed, and the “Moscow” rig was again tested in action, providing the fishermen with new victories. After this incident, news of her appeared in the print media. And today, every advanced spinning player already shares his own unspoken developments on how to fish on a leash. The installation of all components of the fishing device may have certain nuances.


In fishing, rigging is of utmost importance. A retractable leash, the installation of which is easy to do independently, is one of its components. As practice shows, in 90% of cases the device uses a twister attached to the offset hook. The method of setting the offset depends on the type of fish you are fishing. For example, for the bait of a perch, the offset hook should be fixed firmly. In other words, you need to bind it using the Palomar node. To do this, use a leash. Installation on a pike perch and some other types is recommended to be made in such a way as to preserve its freedom of movement. To do this, the offset must be secured using the node described by the Rapala trademark in the instructions for using your wobblers. In this case, with jerks and small broaches, the bait on the hook will deviate either one way or the other, or even completely change the trajectory of movement. Using a diverting lead on a pike, the installation of which is quite simple, attention should be paid to the rigidity of the mount. In this case, you can draw an analogy using a wobbler. The stronger the artificial bait deviates in one direction or another when jerking, the better the fish responds to this. Although, of course, there are exceptions to each rule.

snap-off leash mounting

Fishing line

The quality of the fish catch also depends on many other factors. For example, the diameter of the line used, as this has a huge impact on the degree of freedom in the game. As a rule, the thinner the monolesk, the better. If fishing is done from a boat or in the middle of the boat, you can stop your choice on the thinnest leash. However, if the bait is intended for a large predator, then its diameter should not be less than 18 mm. Accordingly, the greater the weight of the fish, the thicker the line should be. A good example of the above is the story from the competition "Kremlin Domes-2007". Then the participant Sergey Balashov did not become a winner only because the fishing line with a diameter of 18 mm could not withstand the weight of large zander. She burst, not having time to raise the catch and half a six-meter parapet. In order not to become a victim of offensive circumstances, you need to carefully assess their capabilities. The most common fishing line diameter is 21-24 mm. In this case, it can be used in almost any environment. If we talk about such a concept as stretchability or “memory” of fishing line, then with a leash length of 1.5-2 m, the difference is unlikely to be felt. The main rule is to choose reliable, high-quality material. Thanks to the small consumption of a hundred meter reel, it’s enough for the whole season. The main requirement for the quality of the leash is high abrasion resistance on shell rock and stones. Two brands are fully trusted: Owner Broad monofilament and Team Daiwa ADES fluorocarbon.

Leash installation on a pike perch

Bait game options

Not all twister models and offset hooks attract predators equally well. In order for the game of jerking bait to be correct and seductive for fish, it is recommended to take into account certain nuances.

The choice of silicone bait

The choice of a twister should be taken with special seriousness. This is due to the fact that one instance in its characteristics can significantly differ from another. In addition to the geometric shape, the softness of the silicone used is of great importance. If necessary, the rigidity of the bait can be easily changed. To do this, just hold it for several minutes in boiling water. Then put on a flat surface and allow to cool for 5-10 hours. However, as a result of this procedure, rubber loses some of its properties. For example, the twister tail can often stick to its main body during posting. In order to return the bait to its original qualities, it must be treated with any odorless silicone agent with a minimum chemical composition, and then mounted with a retractable lead. Good twister models include: Action Plastics 3FG - the most popular option among inexpensive rubber, as well as Megabass Counter Grub 3. This high-quality bait of an intricate shape perfectly attracts predators. Thus, the softness and geometry of the twister is of paramount importance to the nature of the game. But, of course, the above examples are not the only possible ones. Today, a wide range of lures gives a lot of opportunities for experimentation and encourages athletes not to stop there.

Pike Leash

Using lead sinkers

A seemingly insignificant piece of equipment, such as a small lead pellet, directly affects the result of fishing or competitions. Very often you may encounter the problem of twister rotation around its axis. This is easy to notice when checking the snap-in for performance. As a rule, rotation occurs due to imbalance in the silicone bait. It is caused by an overly rigid or large twister size combined with a small mass of offset hook. To solve this problem, you need to select the right pellet and clamp it on the forearm of the hook. The main task is considered completed if the bait stops rotating. However, this leveling method eliminates the possibility of a free, sweeping game. In this regard, it can be used only in the field, when there is nothing else at hand. A suspended pellet will help stabilize the bait. So fish pecking will be much better. If the bait needs to be given randomness in jerking movements, the pellet needs to be fixed in front of the offset hook. In this case, a twister immersed in water during a sharp cast will play almost at the very bottom. Using this method of weighting, you can successfully catch perch, for example.

What you need to know when choosing a fixture

Offset hook is another important piece of equipment when fishing on a leash. Its installation is very simple and should not cause any difficulties. A lot depends on the quality of the hook. Its main purpose is to ensure the free play of the bait and reliably detect biting fish. Each specific size of the twister corresponds to a certain type of hook.

fishing outfeed installation

Which bait to choose

There is another kind of silicone bait - slug. You can do it yourself if you remove the tail that interferes with the active game from the twister. However, it is better to use a specialized slug model. This is due to the fact that they usually use more dense silicone. A heavy twister has more hydrodynamics, and as a result, a more lively game arises. The disadvantage of such a bait is that the absence of a tail only attracts zander well. It has practically no effect on other species. Perch, for example, is better at pecking at classic lures than at slugs with a retractable leash. Thus, a pair of "bottom gliders" will be useful. But they are needed only if the main fishing is performed on perch.

How to catch a grain

Many people mistakenly believe that perch occupies 95% of the catch on the divert lead. It is possible that this opinion is correct for residents of the Moscow region. This is due to the fact that the "minke whale" is mainly found in the local water bodies. However, if the installation of the retractable leash was carried out correctly, then with its help it is possible to hunt large individuals well. There is one more device. For catching “krupnyak” a jig with a retractable leash can be used. The installation of this bait is carried out to catch active and semi-active individuals. However, there is a certain pattern. It consists in the fact that the worse the conditions for fishing for a jig, the better it will be to peck on a tap. Typically, such unfavorable places include sharp edges and locally located hard spots on which the predator is going. Another unquestionable argument in favor of installing a retractable leash is its low fishing speed. Even in one small place you can attract predators for a long time, without fear of being noticed. In approximately the same way things are with sheer brow. Unlike a jig bait, the use of a retractable leash allows you to carefully check every square meter of the bottom.

perch tap

How to attract a large individual

The silicone bait should be larger than the one that is commonly used. On the one hand, this will not affect the number of small pike perch bites. Well, on the other - there will be a real chance to catch a predator. Although speaking of pike, it’s rather not the size of the twister that interests it, but the animation that accompanies it. A well-fed specimen will swallow a 4-inch bait if its game is attractive. As for zander, it is more responsive to the size of the gum, and less to its game. Large-sized twisters of the Yum Wooly Curltail 3 brand with the remarkable mark carolina are great for catching large individuals. The task remains small - to choose an offset hook.

Varieties of Leash

When catching large fish, a leash can also be used. Pike mounting involves the use of more serious, strong material. One monophilic leash here is not enough. This is due to the fact that when fishing, the fish easily bites the fishing line. In this case, you can put a metal fixture. However, when the installation of the outlet lead is carried out simultaneously with the steel one, this significantly reduces the intensity of the bite. Therefore, it is recommended to set it only with targeted fishing of inactive individuals. At the same time, the methods for mounting the retractable leash are very different. Preference should be given to a thin device made of hard wire. To ensure freedom in sharp jerks, as well as to eliminate its “seizing” behind the offset hook eye, it is necessary to use a winding ring. That the leash did not jump out, it should be of the maximum rigidity.

Which braid to choose

There are still some tricks for catching on a lead. On the perch installation is more appropriate to use braids. Moreover, in each case, it may differ. The perch is attracted by broaches along the bottom, small twitches, swaying. But when fishing for other species, a more active posting with expectant pauses is suitable. In the first case, you can use a loose braid based on 4 threads, for example, Unitika brand. When pulling, it quickly straightens in a line. The second option requires the use of a stiffer braid based on 8 threads. With its help, more distant casting is carried out, it is also ideally suited for jerking maneuvers.

How to choose a spinning reel

installation with a branch lead

Here are the classic requirements. Pay attention to the smoothness of movement, minimum weight, evenness of winding. As for spinning, a medium-fast or fast rod is suitable for catching perch both at long and near distances. This is due to the calm nature of the wiring and the periodic need for long casting. The Avid spinning rod with a length of 245 cm and a test of 7-21 g will cope with the task perfectly. To perform sharp wiring, you will need a very fast fishing rod. It allows you to make clear jerks even with a side wind. Of particular note is the Black Hole Conquest tackle. Its length is also 245 cm, and the test is 7-35 g.

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