Hangout: what is and what are its types

Many have heard, but not everyone knows the meaning of the word "stash." What is this? This is the name of the room where people gather in order to carry out certain illegal or immoral actions. The Criminal Code provides for the responsibility of someone organizing or maintaining a stash for:

  • use of drugs or psychotropic substances;
  • engaging in prostitution ("brothel lights").

The room that is used for the brothel may belong to the culprit not only on the basis of personal property rights, but also be rented, it can be residential and non-residential, or with special equipment (sauna, bathhouse). Hangout - what is it? Under a brothel it is necessary to understand actions that are aimed at creating or adapting a room, finding people who want to use this room.

Stash Content

stash what is
The content implies the adoption by the perpetrator of systematic measures for the functioning of the brothel, for example, the provision of electricity, heat, water, security, bedding, dishes, etc. The subjects of crime. according to articles 232 and 224 of the Criminal Code, are individuals who have reached 16 years of age at the time of the organization or maintenance of the brothel.

Types of dens

Hangout - what is it? This is a place of regular meetings of people with criminal or other unseemly goals. Most often, he is in the apartments of criminals, in construction sites, factories and warehouses. In dens, drugs are most often distributed, they are engaged in prostitution. It also serves as a shelter, hiding place and place of thieves' gatherings stash. What is it - we have already learned, but it turns out there are several types of these illegal establishments.

  1. The mess is a brothel.
  2. Blat-hut - is in an apartment or in a house, the owner must be very wealthy.
  3. Nativity scene - a room in which frequent guests are criminals.
  4. Zavodilovka is a room for lascivious people who like to "fool around" unconventionally.
  5. A vicious place is a stash in which debauchery is welcomed.
  6. Leprozorium - a closed room, the entrance to which is by invitation only.
  7. Narcopriton is intended for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances.
  8. Thieves raspberries - a hangout for thieves.
  9. Gambling stash - a room for gambling lovers.
  10. Alcopriton - alcohol lovers gather here.

brothel lights

Punishment for organizing a brothel

For the organization or maintenance of a brothel for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation implies criminal liability in accordance with Art. 232. For this stash of prostitution or the systematic provision of premises, criminal liability is also provided for in accordance with Art. 241 of the Criminal Code.

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