Actress Valentina Titova: biography, personal life, children, films

Actress Valentina Titova, whose biography is associated with the names of such famous figures of Soviet cinema as Vladimir Basov and Georgy Rerberg, was born on a winter day on February 6, 1942. Place of birth - the city of Kaliningrad near Moscow (now Korolev). Two years later, the evacuation began, and the Titov family moved to Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).

In school years, she actively participates in amateur performances. Performs in the theater of the young spectator and is engaged in various creative groups of the Palace of Culture. Over time, the youthful passion for theater determined the choice of a profession.


After graduation, the future actress Valentina Titova, whose biography includes a large number of works in the theater and cinema, goes to study at the Sverdlovsk Theater School. But fate made a new round and purposeful Valentina, having studied two courses, takes documents from the school and goes to conquer the northern capital. She did not go alone, but with a friend who also wanted to become an actress. It was in Leningrad that there were more opportunities to prove oneself and achieve great career heights. She enters the drama studio at the Gorky BDT, which she successfully graduated in 1964. At this time, the studio was led by Georgy Tovstonogov, who was always distinguished by rigor in relation to students. The discipline in his group was perfect. Everyone knew that he forbade students to act in films, and few dared to go against the famous teacher.

personal life of actress valentina titova

Escape to Moscow

But actress Valentina Titova, whose biography demonstrates her strong-willed character and determination, still violated the ban. When she was invited to try on a role in the movie Garnet Bracelet, she secretly leaves for Moscow to the Mosfilm studio.

An angry Tovstonogov, learning about this, removed Valentina from the main role in one of the performances

And even if not all the roles were the main ones ...

All her roles were played with exceptional discernment, she delved deeply into the character of each of her heroines, each time conveying the fullness of emotions. Despite the fact that among Titova’s works there are not too many main roles, Valentina Antipovna herself repeatedly said that she was proud that she managed to play a large number of supporting roles. In her opinion, episodic roles allow the artist to demonstrate the full range of his acting abilities, to show himself from different angles.

titova valentina antipovna
She was invited to her paintings by such famous directors as Stanislav Rostotsky, Mikhail Schweitzer, Lev Kulidzhanov, George Danelia, Igor Talankin, Yuri Egorov. But most often she starred in Vladimir Basov, who was her first husband. Their acquaintance occurred on the set of the film "Blizzard", where Titova Valentina Antipovna played the role of Masha.


The most famous roles: “Blizzard” (1965), “Days of the Turbins” (1976), “Crime will not be solved” (1994) and many others. It should be noted the participation in the film by Yevgeny Matveyev “Love in Russian”, in the drama of Alexander Khan “It is easy to die”, in the TV series of Elena Paradise “Another Life” and the comedy Martiros Fanosyan “Unexpected joy”.

From 1970 to 1992, Titova Valentina Antipovna shone on the stage of the theater-studio of the film actor in Moscow. She also embodied many vivid images on the stage.

Personal life: marriage with Vladimir Basov

The personal life of actress Valentina Titova is directly related to her work. The first love of young Valentina was actor Vyacheslav Shalevich. They met back in Sverdlovsk when she came to her mother’s hometown. And Vyacheslav at the same time was in Sverdlovsk on tour with the Vakhtangov Theater. Their relationship developed very quickly, despite the fact that Vyacheslav was married. The feelings for Shalevich were so strong that Valentina wanted to transfer to some Moscow theater in order to be closer to her beloved man. Perhaps personal relationships became one of the reasons that Titova so unexpectedly broke into Moscow to try in the film "Garnet Bracelet".

In the capital, she meets Vladimir Basov, who unexpectedly invites her to the main role of Masha in the film "Blizzard". Basov was much older than Titova (18 years old). Despite the fact that she had been in a relationship with Shalevich for more than a year, and he never got divorced, Valentina did not stop loving him. However, she began to understand that he was not going to quit his wife. Therefore, Titova began to take courtship of a persistent director who, after the first meeting with a young actress, announced that she would definitely marry her. And indeed, they became husband and wife. An official marriage was concluded after their first child was born - son Alexander. And six years later, Valentina Antipovna gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth.

actress valentina titova biography
The personal life of actress Valentina Titova during the marriage with Vladimir Basov was not easy. He was rarely at home, constantly disappearing at work. He simply did not have enough strength or time to take care of children. All his thoughts were engaged in creative activity, and the family seemed to have faded into the background. Guests often came to the house: numerous friends and colleagues of Basov. Often they remained almost until morning, which delivered an already tired young mother, on whose shoulders there was not only concern for children, but also the whole household, a lot of trouble. She was for her brilliant husband and wife, and secretary, and psychologist, and housekeeper ...

The crisis in their relationship happened when a picture of Basov and Titova in the title role “Turbine Days” was released. The film was poorly received by party representatives, which for the self-confident Basov was a serious psychological trauma. He began to drink again, although since he married, he had not touched alcohol. The work did not go well.

turbine days movie

Valentina Titova and George Rerberg

Probably, due to lack of attention from her husband and problems with alcohol, their marriage still broke up. The initiator of the breakup was tired of the numerous quarrels Valentine. Having lived together for 14 years, Titova and Basov divorced. It was a real shock for Valentina Antipovna that, by a court decision, the children had to stay with their father.

The second time Titova marries the cameraman and screenwriter George Rerberg, who was the exact opposite of her first husband. George surrounded her with love and care. Thanks to him, actress Valentina Titova, whose biography was not always filled only with positive moments, was able to survive one of the most difficult periods of her life. Then, in the early years of marriage, she had to constantly go to St. Petersburg, where her daughter studied at a choreographic school, then to Sverdlovsk to help her parents. They lived together for 21 years, until his death. This time was the happiest in her life, as Valentina herself admitted. Rerberg Georgy Ivanovich passed away in 1999. His widow to this day lives in the apartment of the Rerbergs. Despite her advanced age, she still looks great and amazes everyone with her noble appearance.

children of valentine tit

Children of Valentina Titova

The son and daughter, like their famous parents, devoted their lives to creativity. Alexander, like his father, Vladimir Basov, took place as a director and screenwriter. And Elizabeth became a ballerina. The son lives in Moscow, but the daughter lives in Greece, where she became the composer's wife and gave birth to her daughter Ariadne.

valentina reberg
Grandmother often visits her granddaughter and visits Greece. Also, Valentina Titova has a grandson from the son of Alexander.

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