Heavy military transport aircraft IL-76TD: technical specifications

The IL-76 is a heavy military transport aircraft, a model that has been flying for more than a quarter of a century. On its basis, various modifications were created, both civilian and military. The ship itself was modified, new opportunities were added, existing ones were expanded. Despite a fairly serious age, new versions are still being designed on the basis of this machine.

The TD model has become one of such modifications. Ilyushin Design Bureau introduced it in 1982, a few years after the start of prototype production. Two characters in the name are deciphered as "transport distant". Other details that distinguish this version, we will consider below.

History of creation

In the mid-60s of the last century, Ilyushin Design Bureau received an order to develop a transport aircraft. The work was carried out for several years, and ended at the turn of the 70s. Already in March 1971, the first prototype IL-76 aircraft took off. In the same year, at the air show in France, he introduced himself to the general public.

In 1973, the model goes into mass production. The first cars were assembled at the aircraft factory. Chkalov in Tashkent. A few years later, in 1976, the aircraft was accepted by the military. From this moment Tashkent becomes the main manufacturer of this model. In those same years, a war broke out in Afghanistan, and, according to unofficial information, 95% of the transport of vehicles and personnel in the course of hostilities was transferred precisely by the novelty of the Soviet aircraft industry - IL-76.

Today, more modern modifications of this machine still form the basis of the military transport aviation of Russia. And although the plane belongs to the cargo fleet, it was during the years of Afghanistan that it acquired a pair of small 23 mm caliber cannons located in the rear.


The Il-76 transport aircraft was the first aircraft for the Soviet Union, the main power plant of which were turbojet engines. For the rest, the car was assembled according to the principle usual for heavy aviation: swept wings and a T-tail with one keel. A distinctive feature is the complete sealing of both service and cargo compartments. The plane has three cargo hatches, of which one is in the stern and two in the front. This arrangement allows you to release the landing in 4 streams at once (rear hatch of several wings), but in practice this was not applied. In most cases, the landing was thrown only from the front hatches, while heavy equipment was released from the rear with parachutes.

At the same time, like any aircraft of this type, the IL-76TD has special equipment located in two tiers, four electric hoists and, of course, several cargo winches. The design of the rear hatch is standard, with three wings, two of which open to the sides, and the central one drops down, forming a kind of ladder for entry or drive-in. In addition to him, in the cargo hold there are several roller conveyor tracks to facilitate the movement of large containers.

The aircraft has 4 powerful engines located on pylons under the wings. When viewed from the front or from above, it is clearly visible that the wings are above the fuselage, in a kind of protrusion, which, together with the front (about which below) is a characteristic difference of the prototype, present in its modifications, including the civilian version of the IL-76TD. A powerful chassis system, arranged in a five-point pattern (4 under the wings, 1 under the nose), allows landing not only on concrete strips, but also on the primer.


Before proceeding to the modifications, it should be noted that the model described by us was born earlier in real life than on paper. Initially, these letters received a military aircraft with reinforced fuel tanks, as well as new engines. Then, after some time, when the designers began to make civilian versions, one of the new options received the old name.

  • IL-76 is a military transport aircraft. Served as a prototype for a series of subsequent trucks.
  • IL-76T - in this modification an additional fuel tank was added . The version became experimental, but the increased fuel supply could significantly increase the flight range.
  • IL-76TD - received turbofan engines D-30KP-1. The rest completely repeats the previous development.
  • IL-76TDP - also repeats earlier developments. The main application is to extinguish forest fires, for which the cargo hold is slightly changed and a water discharge system is installed.
  • A-50 - at the heart of this development is the same prototype with an additional fuel tank. The aircraft was equipped with a system of early warning aircraft (long-range radar detection and control).
  • IL-76M - a combined version specifically for the Air Force. In the technical part, it repeats the T version, but has cannon armament, as well as the capabilities of the A-50.
  • IL 76MD - military version of the above TD. New engines and military "stuffing". Could transport medium tanks or military units of up to 200 people.
  • IL-76LL - this version was assembled in single copies and was a flying laboratory for the development and testing of new engines. The customers themselves were the developers of the Ilyushin Design Bureau.
  • IL-78 is a tanker aircraft. Minimum armament, minimum load. Two additional fuel tanks.
  • Adman1 - A-50 version, assembled for the Iraqi Air Force. Had an additional radar.
  • Adman2 - The cars were also sent to the Iraqi Air Force. This plane was engaged in the control and guidance of fighters.

Custom Development

In addition to the LL version, which was created for developers, several other non-standard variations were released. According to unofficial information, they existed in 1-2 copies and did not receive their own symbol-digital name. The IL-76T, an aircraft with an increased fuel supply, served as a prototype for everyone. Among them was a flying hospital, a carrier of laser weapons, and even a weightlessness simulator designed specifically for astronauts.

Carrying capacity

When developing any modern aircraft, it does not matter what type, designers must take into account many external and internal parameters, otherwise the vessel simply will not be able to fly into the air. When the development is completed and mass production has begun, airline-buyers will pay attention to other properties, but one of them will be common between designers and carriers.

This is the carrying capacity. During numerous upgrades, the IL-76TD was able to carry one and a half times more than its prototype. The first cars announced a figure of 28 tons. The latest developments - 42, and in new versions - up to 60 tons.


Like most of the Soviet transport aviation, the aircraft received circular glazing in the bow. The upper part, where the main control was located, and the lower part, the navigational cabin. The crew of the IL-76TD included 5 people. This is the first pilot (aka PIC), co-pilot, flight engineer and radio operator. The team also included a navigator. The first aircraft and purely military versions have two more in the crew - these are arrow soldiers. It is the navigational cabin that the aircraft owes to the somewhat unusual appearance of the bow.

Gas station

The fuel system deserves special mention. In an ordinary civilian liner, regardless of the number of engines, there are two, sometimes three tanks. The standard instruction manual for technical operation of the IL-76TD mentions 12 tanks, divided into 4 sections (according to the number of motors). In each of them there is still its own division into primary, secondary and reserve tanks. Thus, the pilot has a fairly flexible ability to control fuel consumption and can timely respond to any unforeseen situations. The total capacity of all tanks exceeds the mark of 100 thousand liters of fuel.


We examined the individual parameters of the IL-76TD aircraft. Technical characteristics are summarized.

Considering that many planes have been flying for more than a quarter of a century, let's start with the fact that the developers declared service life is 30 years. True, it is worth noting that new modifications are still off the assembly line, only not in Tashkent, which today is considered abroad, but in Ulyanovsk.

  • Wingspan - 50 m.
  • The wing area is 300 square meters. m
  • The length of the aircraft is 46.5 m, the cargo compartment is 24.5.
  • Height (keel) - 14.7 m; cargo compartment - 3.4 m.
  • Width - 3, 45 (cargo compartment).
  • Volume - 321 cubic meters. m

Note that the fuselage in the context represents the correct circle, it must also be said that the aircraft has the ability to install a second ramp, while the length of the cargo compartment is slightly, but decreases.

Flight data:

  • The minimum take-off weight is 88 tons, the maximum is 210.
  • Cruising speed - 800 km / h, maximum - 850.
  • Flight range - 4000 km, maximum - 6000.
  • Practical ceiling - 12,000 m.
  • Landing speed - 210 km / h.
  • The runway length for takeoff (mini) is 850 m, for landing - 450 m.
  • Engines - 4 (TVD D-30KP-2).
  • Traction - 12,000 kgf each.
  • Fuel in all tanks - 109,000.5 liters.

Flight ban

The beginning of the new century was marked by a black stripe in the development of 76 models. In 2000, ICAO (an international organization that oversees all civil aviation) tightened requirements for modern aircraft. For a car that does not meet new standards, airports in Europe, North America, Japan and even Australia were closed. The main complaints against IL-76 were noise and air pollution.

The result of the equipment modernization was the version that received in addition to the main index 90VD. Aircraft of a new class fly around the world without restrictions, delivering cargo to various corners of the planet.


Since the first take-off, the 76th has served in the Union Air Force for 15 years and continues to serve the CIS countries. New versions are in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. Several hundred cars were assembled for export. In addition to the army, there are several structures that today use the IL-76TD. Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services, law enforcement agencies, as well as some airlines engaged only in freight transportation. There is even an unofficial classification: the An-124 is the heaviest, one of the 747 Boeings is the longest, and the Il-76 is the most versatile.


The IL-76TD is a civilian cargo plane, which is not as famous as Antonovโ€™s developments, but, nevertheless, due to the possibility of landing on both unpaved and concrete strips, it has become no less widespread. Despite more than venerable age, this model has served and will certainly serve as a prototype for the newer, modern, but not losing the elegant look of conventional and military "trucks".

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