Primary General Education: State Standards

State standards of primary general education are aimed at increasing its effectiveness, quality, accessibility. In order to successfully cope with the tasks set by society before domestic education, serious structural, economic, and organizational changes are needed.

basic educational program of primary general education

Significance of Standards

The federal state standard of primary general education involves updating its content, bringing it in line with the requirements that are presented by society. GEF is the guarantor of the implementation of each child’s constitutional rights to quality education on a free basis. The standard of primary general education complies with the state requirements for a "graduate portrait".

the specifics of the standard of primary education in the Russian Federation

The essence of GEF general education

It is a set of norms that determine the mandatory minimum content of educational programs, the requirements for the level of training of students at all levels, the maximum load, the requirements for the educational process, including material, technical, educational, laboratory, methodological, information, staffing.

The basic educational program of primary general education should provide:

  • equal opportunities for all citizens to acquire quality free education;

  • unity of educational space in the Russian Federation;

  • mobility and academic freedom of students;

  • the right to choose an educational organization;

  • protection against overloads, creating conditions for full physical and mental health;

  • continuity at different levels of training of educational programs;

  • professional and social security of teachers and students;

  • the right of citizens to get acquainted with reliable and complete information about the requirements and standards for the content of general education.

The standard also contains a basis for calculating budget financing standards for the separation of paid and free educational services, determining the optimal conditions for the educational process in organizations that implement the new generation of state educational standards on the basis of a state license.

standard of primary education

The significance of the standard

The state guarantees that primary secondary general education is free and accessible to the extent specified in the standard. It is the basis of:

  • the creation of a basic federal curriculum, educational programs at all levels of education, curriculums of public education;

  • assessment of the level of training of graduates of OS;

  • objective assessment of the work of educational institutions;

  • establishing equivalence of regulatory documents on general education in the territory of the Russian Federation;

  • determining the amount of funding for educational services that are provided on a non-refundable and non-repayable basis in all regions of the Russian Federation;

  • establishing clear requirements for equipping OS premises with necessary equipment

Standard components

Primary general education is the first stage of general education in the Russian Federation. Currently, the state standard includes several components:

  • federal component;

  • national-regional component;

  • an element established independently by the educational institution.


Primary general education involves the acquisition by children of primary knowledge about the world, skills in solving applied problems, and communicative qualities. It is at this stage that the personal qualities of the child develop. In the Russian Federation, primary general education is compulsory and generally accessible.

The educational process begins at the age of seven (in the absence of medical contraindications).

It is the primary general education that forms universal abilities and skills, on which the success of the child in the future life directly depends.

specifics of standards in the Russian Federation

Directions of modernization of general education

The federal component of the standard at this stage was created on the basis of innovative directions. It:

  • transition to four-year primary education;

  • elimination of overloads, stabilization of the training load, prevention of undermining mental and physical health;

  • the compliance of educational programs with the age characteristics of children;

  • personal orientation;

  • the focus of the content component on the formation of the UAN;

  • increasing the importance of educational extracurricular activities as the basis for the formation of civic values;

  • the formation of the readiness of students to apply the acquired knowledge, methods and skills to solve specific practical problems;

  • computer literacy guarantee;

  • improving the quality of physical education

Primary education goals

GEF of primary general education corresponds to a personality-oriented model of the school. It contributes to the implementation of the following goals:

  • development of creative and individual abilities of each child, motivation of his interest in learning;

  • education of aesthetic and moral qualities, respect for the world around;

  • the protection and strengthening of the mental and physical health of the younger generation;

  • identification of gifted children, their earlier development.

federal state standard of elementary general education

Mandatory subjects

Among the basic elements that are included in the compulsory educational minimum at this level of training, there are a number of disciplines. It:

  • literary reading;

  • Russian language;

  • the world;

  • mathematics;

  • foreign language;

  • music;

  • art;

  • physical education;

  • technology.

Skills and abilities

After mastering all subject areas at the stage of primary general education, schoolchildren must master certain educational skills and abilities, form new ways of practical activity.

In the cognitive field, the child must master the skills of observing the objects of the surrounding world, describe them, and characterize the changes that occur with them. Also, the student is obliged to master the skills of making measurements, simple measuring instruments, to use them for experiments. The student must solve problems of a creative nature, draw up an algorithm of his own actions, apply theoretical knowledge in real life situations.

Speech activity includes working with fiction, educational, popular science texts, identifying the main idea from them.

At this stage of education, the child should have the skills to compose simple and complex sentences. The child must master the algorithms for working with information, using computer technology.

A graduate of an elementary school is required to possess the skills of an independent search for the necessary information, the teacher only builds for him a certain educational trajectory, monitors the success of the student.

state standards of primary general education

To summarize

The society makes new demands on the quality and content of domestic education. That is why it was so important to develop a specific standard for each level of training. Primary school is the basis (foundation) for the subsequent development of the child’s personal, creative, mental abilities, and is the most important step for educating the patriot of his country. The future directly depends on the quality acquired by the child at this stage of education.

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