General analysis of urine in women: norm and interpretation of indicators

In the article, we consider the norms of the general analysis of urine in women.

This is a comprehensive study of the material in the laboratory, which is able to determine the chemical and physical properties of urine. Based on the indicators obtained as a result of the study, the doctor is able to confirm a number of diseases.

general urine analysis

A general analysis of the urine of a woman is part of any diagnostic measures, as it is quite easy to perform and provides comprehensive information about the state of health. Getting the results of the study, the specialist makes a diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribes an additional examination, including visits to highly qualified specialists.

What is the norm of the general analysis of urine in women is interesting to many.

Collection and delivery of urine tests

Most often, a urine test is indicated for women during gestation. It is during the bearing of the child that urine is able to show the presence of pathological processes in the body, which will allow to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

It is important to know how to collect urine for a general analysis of women.

Such a study is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Study and evaluation of the urinary system. An analysis is also prescribed for suspected pathology in other systems and internal organs.
  • Monitoring the development of the disease and assessing the quality and effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Preventive examination.

A study of urine helps to diagnose various pathologies of the kidneys, prostate gland, bladder, neoplasms, pyelonephritis and other diseases in the early stages of development, even in the absence of clinical manifestations.

How to pass a general urine test to women?

Before sampling urine, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene of the genitourinary system. This will prevent contaminants from getting into the collected fluid, which can spoil the performance of a general urine test in women.

general urine analysis in women

Urine is collected in a sterile container, best of all in a special container for collecting urine bought in a pharmacy.

How to pass a general urine test to a woman?

12 hours before the expected collection of biomaterial, it is recommended to refuse to take drugs that may affect the performance of the analysis. The study should be conducted no later than two hours after the collection of urine.

To conduct a general type of urine test, you need to collect a morning portion of the fluid, which accumulates in the bladder during sleep. This material is considered the most revealing and reliable in relation to the necessary research.

Urinalysis: normal in women

The study of urine of a general type involves an assessment of a number of indicators, the norm of which is the following results:

  • The color of the liquid should be any shade of yellow.
  • Transparency. Urine should be transparent without turbidity.
  • The smell in normal condition is nonspecific and unsharp.
  • Reaction or alkaline balance. Acid urine with a pH of less than 7.

What other indicators are normal in the general analysis of urine in women?

  • The specific gravity or relative density is normally in the range of 1.012 g / l - 1.022 g / l.
  • Urobilinogen ranges from 5 to 10 mg / L.
  • Normally, the following indicators should be absent in urine: protein, glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin, cylinders, hemoglobin, salts, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
  • Red blood cells according to microscopic examination should be 0-3 in the field of view (for women).
  • What is the norm of leukocytes in the general analysis of urine in women? Leukocytes according to the results of microscopy should not be more than 6 in the field of view for women.
  • Epithelial cells should be in sight in an amount of not more than 10.

The indicators of the norm of the general analysis of urine in pregnant women are presented in the table.

normal general analysis

The study of urine of a general type is carried out quite quickly, even despite the vast number of indicators checked. The composition and properties of urine can change dramatically depending on the health status of the body in general and kidneys in particular. That is why this analysis is very valuable for the doctor.

Consider the decoding of the general analysis of urine in women. The norm is described above.

general urine analysis white blood cell count in women

Hue urine

The color of urine directly depends on the amount of fluid that a person drinks per day, as well as on the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. If the urine is watery, pale and colorless for a long time, this may indicate diabetes and insulin-dependent diabetes, as well as inadequate kidney function in a chronic form.

If urine is intensely colored, fluid loss outside the kidneys can be assumed, which is characteristic of diarrhea and fever. Shades from pink to red-brown indicate an admixture of blood in the urine, which indicates the following diseases:

  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • The presence of neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Kidney infarction
  • Tuberculosis.

If clots are found in the urine, we can talk about glomerulonephritis, which proceeds in an acute form. A dark red hue of urine appears during massive hemolysis of blood cells, namely red blood cells. Against the background of icteric syndrome, urine may become brown or greenish in color. Black color is found in melanosarcoma, alkaptonuria and melanoma. The color of milk is inherent in a disease such as lipiduria.


This indicator is also important when analyzing urine of a general type. In a normal state, urine is transparent during the first hours after fluid collection.

Doctors call the following pathological conditions the causes of turbidity of urine:

  • Cystitis, glomerulonephritis and other diseases of the urolithic type, which involve the inclusion of red blood cells.
  • The presence of a large number of white blood cells in the presence of inflammatory pathologies.
  • Identification of pathogenic microflora.
  • High protein in urine.
  • An increase in the level of epithelial cells.
  • Add salt in urine in large quantities.

Slight turbidity is allowed when it comes to a small amount of mucus or epithelial cells. The smell of urine in normal condition should be, as already mentioned, unsharp and nonspecific. Most people are familiar with it, however, against the background of pathologies, it can change. Ammonia or putrid odor is characteristic of infectious diseases. Urine in diabetes mellitus smells like rotten apples.

indicators of the general analysis of urine in women

Specific gravity, acidity and urine pH

In a normal state, the urine reaction is described as weakly acidic, and fluctuations in the pH should be in the range of 4.8-7.5.

An increase in urine pH may indicate certain infectious diseases of the urinary system, as well as chronic kidney failure, increased parathyroid function, prolonged vomiting, and hyperkalemia.

A decrease in pH indicates pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, hypokalemia, dehydration, fever, etc.

The specific gravity of urine normally has a wide range - 1.012-1.025. The specific gravity is detected on the basis of substances dissolved in urine, including uric acid, salts, creatinine and urea.

Hyperstenuria is diagnosed when the relative density of urine exceeds 1.026. A similar pathological condition is characteristic of the following diseases:

  1. Swelling of a growing nature.
  2. Nephrotic diseases.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Toxicosis during gestation.
  5. The introduction of contrast for x-ray examination.

Hypostenuria involves a decrease in the specific gravity of urine to an indicator below 1.018 and is manifested in the following pathologies:

  • The defeat of the tubules of the kidney in acute form.
  • Diabetes type diabetes.
  • Chronic kidney failure.
  • Increased pressure in the arteries of a malignant nature.
  • Acceptance of certain types of diuretics.
  • Profuse fluid intake.

The relative density of urine shows the ability of the kidneys to concentrate and dilute this substance.

how to pass a urine test to a common woman

Protein and Glucose

Normally, the protein content in the urine should not be more than 0.033 g / l. An increase in this indicator may indicate a nephrotic disease, as well as an inflammatory process and other pathological conditions. This condition is dangerous for a woman carrying a child, since her kidneys may fail, which will endanger the life and health of both the mother and the child. For this reason, doctors pay special attention to protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Pathologies that can lead to an increase in the protein content in urine are:

  • Colds.
  • Pathology of the urinary system.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, including cystitis and vulvovaginitis.

All of these ailments are accompanied by a significant increase in the protein content in the urine, which can reach 1 g / l or more.

In addition, the protein in the urine can be increased as the body's response to hypothermia, as well as physical activity of high intensity.

Urine glucose is also an important diagnostic indicator. In a healthy body, glucose should not be in urine. However, it is permissible to increase glucose to 0.8 mmol per liter. Such a slight deviation does not indicate the presence of pathology.

If the sugar concentration in urine exceeds the specified norm, the specialist concludes that the following diseases and conditions are present:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Pregnancy.
  • Cushing's Syndrome.
  • Eating plenty of sugary foods.

The most common cause of increased urinary glucose is diabetes. This diagnosis can be confirmed by the results of a blood test for sugar.

how to collect a general urine test in women

Ketone bodies and epithelium

Ketone bodies are known to everyone under the name acetone or hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acid. The reason why ketone bodies can appear in urine is because of disorders in the metabolic system. There are also other diseases that can lead to ketone bodies, including:

  • Diabetes.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Pancreatitis in acute form.
  • Injuries that damage the central nervous system.
  • Acetemic type vomiting in a child.
  • Long refusal of food.
  • The predominance of fatty and protein foods in the diet.
  • Thyrotoxicosis, characterized by an increased level of thyroid hormones.
  • Cushing's disease.

Epithelial cells and cylinders

Such indicators of the general analysis of urine in women, as epithelial cells, are almost always found in urine during the study. They enter the urine with an act of urination, being removed from the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. The epithelium can be divided into transitional, flat and renal depending on the origin of the cells. A significant increase in epithelial cells in urine sediment indicates inflammatory diseases, as well as intoxication with salts of heavy metals.

A cylinder is a protein that has curled up in the lumen of the tubules of the kidneys. In the daily urine of a person, single cylinders in the field of vision can be detected. In a normal state, there are no cylinders in the urine and their appearance indicates cylindruria and is a sign of kidney damage. Cylinders can be granular, hyaline, pigmented, epithelial, etc.

Cylindruria may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  • Kidney disease.
  • Hepatitis of infectious origin.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Osteomyelitis.

Hemoglobin and bilirubin

A positive urine test for the presence of free type hemoglobin or myoglobin indicates muscle necrosis, as well as hemolysis of erythrocytes of the intrarenal, intravascular or urinary type. In addition, the detection of myoglobin in urine indicates the following violations:

  • Physical activity of high intensity, including sports.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Myopathy in progressive form.
  • Rhabdomyolysis

Hemoglobin in urine indicates the presence of hemolytic type anemia, sepsis, burns and severe intoxication.

The causes of bilirubin in the composition of urine may be the following pathologies:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Willenbrand disease.
  • Cholelithiasis.

In addition, the appearance of bilirubin can lead to extensive destruction of red blood cells.

In a normal general analysis of urine in women, red blood cells and a large number of white blood cells should not be.

which shows a general analysis of urine in women

Red blood cells and white blood cells

The physiological causes of the appearance of red blood cells in the urine can be the use of certain drugs, as well as prolonged upright stay, walking and increased physical activity. If physiological factors are excluded, the specialist concludes the pathological causes of the appearance of red blood cells in urine.

An increase in the number of leukocytes in the visual field during the analysis indicates inflammatory diseases in the kidneys and urinary tract. In addition, sometimes we are talking about sterile leukocyturia, when dysuria and bacteriuria are absent in the urine.

The causes of leukocyturia can be such pathological conditions as pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, the presence of stones in the ureter, systemic lupus erythematosus and tubulointerstitial nephritis.

What does the general analysis of urine in women show, in addition to the indicated points?

Other impurities

Normally, urine in the bladder and kidneys is in a sterile condition. When urinating, various microbes enter the liquid. The norm is 10,000 units per ml. Exceeding this indicator indicates an infectious disease of the genitourinary tract.

Candida fungus, which provokes thrush, can also penetrate from a woman's vagina into the urine. In this case, antifungal treatment is indicated.

The presence of mucus in the urine may indicate an inflammatory process that occurs in the genitourinary system in a chronic or acute form.

Salt in urine indicates metabolic disturbances, vitamin deficiency, anemia, etc.

For all indicators to be correct, you should know how to pass a general urine test to a woman.


Thus, this study is a reliable and effective way to test almost all systems and organs of the human body. The analysis is especially relevant for a woman during gestation, since it is an indicator of the normal functioning of the pregnant woman. It is recommended to give urine for a general examination regularly even in the absence of signs of pathology.

We learned what the norms of general urine analysis in women are.

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