Symptoms of intracranial pressure: pay attention to your well-being

Regular headaches are the main symptom that portends the development of a disease. However, bouts of pain can be caused by a stressful situation, overwork or agitation. In most cases, the resulting pain can be a "companion" of increased intracranial pressure.

Why does intracranial pressure increase?

The brain has a protective liquid medium (cerebrospinal fluid), which prevents fatal mechanical effects from the outside. The process of updating and producing liquorone occurs along the vascular plexuses of the brain. Its constant suction ensures an optimal level of pressure. However, poor absorption or excess fluid production causes intracranial pressure.

What affects the development of intracranial pressure?

Causes of intracranial pressure may occur as a result of:

  1. Head injuries
  2. Past diseases (meningitis, encephalitis)
  3. If intrauterine abnormalities occur. Children who have undergone hypoxia in the birth process need special treatment to prevent the development of intracranial pressure.
  4. Cerebral hemorrhage
  5. Venous blood flow

How to recognize intracranial pressure?

Depending on the severity of the disease, an adult may be disturbed by the following symptoms of intracranial pressure:

  1. Regular headaches, the expressed intensity of which is achieved in a horizontal position. This is due to the fact that in this position, the liquor is allocated most actively.
  2. A sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, bouts of sweating, palpitations and fainting conditions.
  3. Fatigue during mental exertion
  4. The formation of "bruises" under the eyes

I would like to note that the symptoms of intracranial pressure are different from adults and children of both infancy and school age.

How to make a diagnosis?

If you find symptoms of intracranial pressure, then first you need to see a doctor who, after a special examination, will confirm or deny the diagnosis. The therapist will definitely schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist. An examination of the fundus and expansion of the veins is a clear sign of intracranial pressure.

With the help of ultrasound, a study of the brain is carried out, a possible violation of venous blood flow is detected.

Studies of computer or magnetic resonance imaging can evaluate the performance of fluid cavities of the brain and see other factors indicating the presence of intracranial pressure.

What is the disease dangerous?

Symptoms of intracranial pressure may not appear at all for quite some time. But when the first signs are detected, a specialist examination is necessary. A neglected disease can cause:

  1. Impairment of intellectual ability and memory
  2. Hormonal imbalance
  3. Hearing loss
  4. Dizziness
  5. Lack of coordination of movements

How to treat intracranial pressure?

Of course, this disease requires regular intake of prescribed drugs and a constant medical examination. However, in addition to medicines, treatment can be supplemented with alternative recipes.

Camphor Oil Treatment

A camphor oil and alcohol compress is the easiest way to quickly relieve intracranial pressure. Mix everything in a 1: 1 ratio. Spread your head and cover it with cellophane and a towel. The best procedure to carry out in the evening. Then rinse your hair with shampoo. To achieve the effect, perform up to 10 procedures.

Red Clover Treatment

Fill the jar with clover heads and fill it with vodka. Insist for at least 2 weeks. After eating 3rav a day, 1 table. lies. into a glass of water. Within a few days you will feel a positive result.

Take diuretic preparations of herbs that will help normalize blood pressure, try not to eat greasy and salty foods. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Do swimming and wellness exercises. Visit your doctor regularly and monitor your well-being.

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