How to braid a spikelet on my own hair?

A pigtail spikelet is rightfully one of the most common and popular options for weaving. Its charm lies in the fact that the hairstyle itself looks beautiful, as well as the opportunity to create a great many original and interesting variations. In addition, to create such a pigtail does not require certain skills and knowledge. She looks pretty impressive on both dark and blond hair, and on highlighted curls looks truly chic and divine. To understand how to braid a spikelet, and learn the technique of weaving it is not particularly difficult. This is the power of every member of the fair sex. Having mastered such valuable knowledge, you can create real masterpieces from your own hair.

how to braid a spikelet
How to braid a spikelet: the easiest way

In general, there are a lot of variations of this hairstyle. However, all of them are based on weaving the most ordinary spikelet. Everything is extremely simple! Let's analyze the easiest option - weaving a spikelet on ourselves. Follow the steps below in sequence:

1. The hair should be slightly moistened, and then combed in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head.

2. Then, using a comb with a sharp tip, we separate the thin locks at the left and right temples. We interlace one lock on top of another, carefully crossing them with each other.

braid weaving training
3. After that, we hold the base of the future spikelet with our fingers. With your free hand, we separate a thin strand at the left temple, located below the first. Weave it into the base of the spikelet. Then we perform similar actions on the right side. It is important to note that the strands should be approximately the same in thickness. Then the hairstyle will be very beautiful and neat.

4. We weave into the braid lock by lock until the moment we reach the cervical vertebrae.

5. At the end of the hair should be fixed with a wide elastic band.

How to braid a spikelet of three strands?

This version of the hairstyle will last much longer due to the fact that the weaving itself is obtained a little tighter than described above.

1. It is also necessary to comb the hair from the forehead to the back of the head.

2. After that, select three strands, which will be the base of the spikelet.

3. Then select the locks on both sides and gently weave them into the base.

4. Finally, we fix the resulting braid with a beautiful hair clip.

spikelet weaving
How to braid a spikelet on my own hair?

To do this, you need a little patience, skill and dexterity. First of all, it is better to learn the weaving technique of the simplest spikelet and only after that start experimenting and trying other options. Of course, the first time you will not be able to create the perfect hairstyle, but if you train a little and fill your hand, you will succeed. If desired, you can take special training. Weaving braids will undoubtedly be useful to any girl, because in the near future she will have to share the secrets of beauty with her daughter.

A couple of lines in conclusion

In order to create a hairstyle for a festive event, it is enough to sprinkle a spikelet with a fixing varnish with sparkles or weave colorful ribbons or buds of beautiful fresh flowers into it.

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