Omsk Square. Achievement or inconvenience?

On geographical maps, cities are indicated by small circles, the size of which depends on the number of people. However, on satellite maps they are not at all in perfect shape.

When you look at Western Siberia , the Omsk square is immediately evident - the city resembles a large amoeba embracing the Irtysh River.

The area and the total length of the city

Omsk is one of the largest settlements in Western Siberia not only in terms of population (at the beginning of 2016 - 1,178,079 people), but also in area. In the ranking of Russian cities, published on the site "Top 10", it takes 10th place, from other cities in the region second only to Tyumen.

Omsk square

According to a study conducted on this site, the Omsk area is 597 thousand square meters. km But official data on territories does not exist and information from various sources often does not match. The following figures are given: 567, 572 (Wikipedia) and 579 thousand square meters. m

The discrepancies have the following reasons:

1. A complex administrative organization, in which several urban areas are located far from the main territory of Omsk (Beregovoi, Big Fields). Accordingly, they are often not taken into account in the calculation.

2. The border of the city line was initially very far removed and the development areas in Omsk alternate with completely “empty” lands, which they never began to develop. Some sources, when determining the area, take into account only land plots. In addition, the Bird Harbor reserve is located on the territory of the city, without which the Omsk area is reduced by 2 square meters. km

The city stretched along the Irtysh River for 40 km in a direction from south to north. The width of the urban area is from 25 to 12 km.

Omsk has a large supply and, if necessary, can withstand a 100% increase in population without changing administrative boundaries.

Administrative division

Like any large city formation, Omsk is divided into districts, each of which has its own administration, state bodies and borders:

  • Soviet Autonomous Okrug - the northern part of the city, located 15-20 m above sea level in comparison with other areas.
  • Leninsky AO is the southern part of the city, exceeding other AOs by area by 20-60%. Moreover, the population density there is low due to the large number of private sectors and wastelands.
  • Kirov Autonomous Okrug - the western part of the city, the only one of all occupying only the left bank of the Irtysh River.
  • Oktyabrsky AO is the eastern part of the city, adjacent to the bottom of the Leninsky AO.
  • Central AO - a part of the city that has common borders with each of the AO, including Kirovsky. On the map, the district looks strung on the eastern tributary of the Irtysh - the Om River.

Omsk area in sq km

The composition and features of the territories

Each of the Omsk city AOs has peculiarities in the configuration, composition of territories and population, features of buildings, etc. Bole is less clearly seen in the parades on City Day (Sunday, August 1), but in general terms the following can be said about them:

  • Central AO occupies the entire historical center of Omsk. The most beautiful parks, most of the sights and state institutions are within its borders. The population density of the district is higher than the average for the city and therefore all governing bodies are represented in it in 2 copies. He is also the only one who has a “representative office” on the left bank of the Irtysh - the Bird's Harbor reserve is territorially related to the Central Administrative District.
  • Kirov AO began to be actively built up only in the 70s of the XX century. Accordingly, there are practically no architectural monuments there. It could be called a "sleeping area", if not for the airport and numerous trading floors located on its territory. All highways leading in the western direction pass through the okrug: the Isilkul and Tyukalinsky motor roads, as well as the railway line. From the territory of KAO, districts of Old Kirovsk, Ryabinovka and the village are distinguished. Fishing.
  • Leninsky AO is concentrated around the railway station. Like its western neighbor, LAO is poorly built up, and cottage villages appearing within its borders acquire the status of microdistricts. The district is poorly populated, because it is 60% built up with private houses and has extensive horticultural partnerships on its territory.
  • The Oktyabrsky AO stretches along the railway line leading to Novosibirsk, and is densely built up only in its western part. On the other side, many SNTs are concentrated (Zheleznodorozhnik, Gornyak, Mir, Flight-38 and others).
  • Soviet AO is primarily interested in an oil refinery (JSC Gazpromneft-ONPZ), without which the Omsk area would decrease by at least 60 square meters. km In addition, the largest universities are located in the CAO and approximately half of its residents are students. It is noteworthy that 2 micro-districts of the okrug are outside the main city line - pos. Coastal and Large fields.

Omsk area in hectares


Omsk is surrounded by small newly built and long-existing villages that play the role of its "companions." Formally, they are in the administrative subordination of the Omsk region, but are so tightly adjacent to the borders of the city that they have long been considered part of it. Moreover, regular transport links (buses, minibuses) are established with them, and the population of "satellites" mostly works in Omsk.

The suburbs include:

  • Settlements - Goryachy Klyuch, Klyuchi, Novoomsky, Trunk, Omsk.
  • Villages - Druzhino, Trinity, Morozovka, Novomoskovka, Pushkino.
  • The villages are Harino, Rakitinka.

Theoretically, each of them can become part of the city, after which the Omsk square in square. km increase by at least a third. However, at the moment, the city has enough free space and insufficient budgetary funds to maintain additional microdistricts.

what is the area of ​​Omsk

Advantages and disadvantages of large territories

Large urban areas have their positive and negative sides. In particular, the latter include:

1. The high cost of travel from the place of residence to the place of work or study. Omsk residents, on average, spend 60-80 minutes a day in public or private transport. Remoteness from home leads to the fact that people try to look for work in their joint-stock company or near the main city highways. As a result, residents "lock up" in one area not only during working hours, but also in their free time.

2. Significant financial costs for maintenance and improvement. The larger the city, the longer the roads in it that require regular repairs. “There are too many roads” - this is how the Administration in 2016 explained the disgusting state of the streets. The same situation is with parks: Omsk's “green area” in hectares is approximately 10,000 units and far from all of them are kept in order. For example, Victory Park in KAO is landscaped only in the area of ​​busy alleys, and in the rest it resembles a forest.

The question of what area of ​​Omsk will not be so burdensome for the budget has been debated for several years in the City Council. Many recognize that its territory is excessive, but at least it is impossible to refuse at least part of it for legal reasons.

But a large area has its own advantages:

1. Security. As a result of natural or man-made disasters, Omsk stretched over a large area has more chances to survive, retaining part of the infrastructure and population than compact cities. Over the region there is always a danger of flooding in the event of a flood or water discharge through hydroelectric power plants in neighboring Kazakhstan. Do not forget about the dangers of bombing and accidents - in the city there are strategic enterprises and hazardous industries.

2. The ability to engage in household plots. Living in your own house is much more comfortable than in a city apartment, and more profitable financially. Owners of private houses pay less for utilities and have the help in the form of products from their site. This explains the popularity of the private sector in Omsk.

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