To evaluate the activity of endocrine organs, special studies are used. Thyroid screening refers to the determination of at least two hormones (free thyroxine and thyroid stimulating hormone, sometimes TK), ultrasound and palpation. Quantitative indicators of these components and the ultrasound picture will allow to establish the state of the organ and the features of its functioning.
So, let's take a closer look at thyroid screening. What is it, we will tell below.
For ultrasound and laboratory studies of the thyroid gland, the main indications are:
- a sharp increase or decrease in body weight;
- increased or decreased heart rate;
- excessive sweating;
- tremor of the upper extremities;
- a change in mental state (attacks of anger, fear, irritability);
- decreased stamina and a feeling of unmotivated weakness;
- insomnia or drowsiness;
- visual impairment;
- low or high blood pressure;
- pregnancy planning;
- early gray hair, changes in skin condition and fragility of nails;
- in men, erectile dysfunction, in women - a violation of the cycle of menstruation;
- a suspicion of violations in the activity of the thyroid gland, if there are no severe symptoms;
- impaired immunity;
- physical and mental retardation in children;
- miscarriage or miscarriage in the medical history.
All the signs listed above indicate thyroid diseases and therefore need a timely visit by an endocrinologist, instrumental examinations and analyzes.
Thyroid screening is sometimes suggested for people after forty years. The study is especially important to carry out at the slightest signs in women after and during pregnancy, after the onset of menopause, when the gland gives a reaction to imbalances in hormones. In addition to diagnostics, such a technique is used to screen thyroid oncology, to determine the correct treatment in a patient with an already established diagnosis.
Preliminary preparation for the procedure
To get the most objective result, you need to prepare for the examination correctly:
- before the study, you can not eat for several hours, drink only non-carbonated water;
- Do not eat fatty foods in 48 hours;
- do not take drugs with hormones (steroid or thyroid) for two days, however, you must first consult with your doctor;
- avoid physical overload and nervous shocks per day;
- do not smoke two to three hours before the procedure.
All these actions are necessary in order for the analysis information to show the real situation. A certain distortion of the result is observed in the following cases:
- another exacerbation of the disease;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- advanced age (after 75-80 years);
- conducted on the eve of a radioisotope study.
If the organ is not in order, then thyroid screening will show whether there are abnormalities already in the early stages of the disease, but only when the preparation and course of the procedure met all the rules.
To determine the hormone content, blood is taken from a patient from a vein. You need to do this on an empty stomach, since an increase in fats in the blood serum can affect the result. Initially, the amount of TSH is examined. If its concentration corresponds to normal values, it is considered that there is no need for a more detailed analysis.
The content of thyroid stimulating hormone has daily physiological fluctuations, and therefore screening should be done no later than twelve o'clock in the afternoon. The biomaterial taken is centrifuged. The modern method of chemiluminescent immunoassay is based on the combination of serum with specific antibodies that are characteristic of TSH, as well as labeled enzyme.
Ready-made immune complexes with serum material react by emitting a luminescent glow. It is registered with a special device. The characterization of the result is ready the next day, the laboratory sometimes passes it to the doctor herself.
If the TSH norm is exceeded, one can judge a decrease in the functional ability of the organ, or hypothyroidism. The decrease also indicates a high production of hormones, that is, hyperthyroidism. In this case, determine T3 and T4, the hormonal panel (ratio and level of hormones).
Thyroid function screening is carried out as often as required by the presence of a disease (thyroid cancer, thyrotoxic goiter), and its course. That is why one patient is prescribed a single screening, another - several procedures per month. If signs of rejection persist, but there are no violations in the analyzes, you need to re-conduct them.
The endocrinologist should interpret the screening results. Variants of the norm may differ and are determined by the age category. In a newborn, the content of thyroid-stimulating hormone is increased, as the body develops and grows, this indicator gradually decreases.
Norms and deviations
Up to four months in a child, the hormone content in plasma ranges from 0.7 to 11 μMU / ml, the norm is up to one year - from 0.7 to 8.35, from one to seven years - from 0.7 to 6, up to twelve years - from 0.6 to 4.8. The level of TSH up to twenty years - from 0.5 to 4.3, in an adult, the normal amount of the hormone is from 0.3 to 4.2.
All this can determine the analysis - screening of the thyroid gland.
The norm in different laboratories may have some differences depending on the specifics of the reagent and equipment. A physiological increase in the hormone is noted during the first three months of pregnancy and with the individual properties of the body. A certain decrease in the indicator occurs after physical or psycho-emotional stress, sometimes this happens as a result of following a strict diet or starvation.
Thyroid screening in the laboratory for hormones costs in modern clinics from one and a half to two thousand rubles. Services include venous blood sampling, determination of T3, T4 and TSH, identification of the degree of microsomal antibodies to thyroid peroxidase. Thyroid screening at the Hemotest can also be done.
Thyroid dysfunction is quite dangerous. Thanks to screening, you can determine the possible risk. If the functioning of the organ is reduced, hypothyroidism develops. If there is a hormonal release or coma with hypofunction from edema, there can be a fatal outcome.
It should be noted that screening for thyroid hormones is not a control procedure for determining organ abnormalities, as in some cases the result can be shown as normal. In this situation, it is necessary to undergo additional research.