How to write an introduction to an essay on literature? Where to start a work on literature?

Writing an essay on literature is not an easy process. Performing such a task requires prior preparation and considerable patience. However, everyone knows this. After all, all schoolchildren write essays. And not only in literature, but also in other subjects. But not everyone knows that the introduction here is the most important part. Sometimes the impression of the whole work depends on him. How to write an introduction to an essay on literature?

how to write an introduction to a work on literature

Why are they being written?

Written assignments at the school are given to children and adolescents in order to familiarize them with creativity, to teach them to formulate their own opinions on this or that issue. Writing an essay on the subject of a work of art develops a literary view and forms social and moral guidelines.

It's always hard to start

It often happens that a student, having his own look and knowing exactly what he wants to say in his upcoming work, cannot formulate an initial phrase. The difficulty in writing the first paragraph torments many. Not only fifteen-year-old schoolchildren, but even experienced writers. How to write an introduction to an essay on literature so that the reader gets a favorable impression from the first lines? What should be the volume of the first paragraph, and the answers to what questions in it can be disclosed, and what should only be hinted at? The answers to these questions are in the article.

literary essay

Why is it important to correctly write an introduction?

The reader’s psychology is structured in such a way that he first of all pays attention to the first lines of the text. A spectacular and clear introduction not only makes the entire essay on literature more attractive, but can even hide some of the shortcomings of the main part. A written assignment can be completed in just an hour, but at the same time spend the same amount of time creating the first sentence.

What should be the first paragraph?

When and how to write an introduction to an essay on literature? It can be made already when the main part of the task is ready. Introduction and conclusion create a kind of emphasis in the creative task, and therefore they must be carefully thought out. But sometimes the writing of the first lines makes the author think, and it is the first paragraph that becomes decisive in revealing the main topic. Therefore, perhaps, an essay on literature should nevertheless begin with writing an introduction. Both in the first and in the second case, it should possess the following qualities:

  • conciseness;
  • clarity;
  • lack of semantic and semantic errors.

Ready phrases for entry

A work on literature must be correctly written. Undoubtedly, there should be no errors, not only in the beginning, but in the main part. However, as already mentioned, readers primarily pay attention to the introduction.

how to write an introduction to an essay on literature

For writings on literature, there are several cliches. Using them you can create the first effective phrases. We give examples of some of them, and at the same time we will answer partly to the difficult question of where to start an essay on literature.

  1. It’s not a secret to anyone that ... Great authors devoted their works to this topic, because it was, is and will remain relevant.
  2. About how important ... everyone knows. This is indicated by school teachers. And writers devote their multi-volume works to this topic. But, despite everything, the problem is not solved, and the answers to pressing questions remain at the level of theoretical knowledge.
  3. (There is a rhetorical question.) This question has been of concern to mankind for many centuries.

These ready-made phrases partially answer the question of how to write an introduction to an essay on literature. You can also borrow the first lines in the works of more experienced authors. However, one should always remember that plagiarism is an ignoble affair. And therefore not only the main part, but even the introduction to the work on literature is better to write independently.


Composing can begin with a famous phrase by a writer or historical person. If a creative task is planned to be written on the basis of a particular literary work, then the introduction can be supplemented with a quote from the author. But even in compositions on other topics, one can resort to the help of great masters of the artistic word, without a doubt, not forgetting the quotation marks. Otherwise, quotes will turn into plagiarism. But references to the statements of great authors should harmoniously complement the written work. And if we are talking about an introduction or an epigraph, then the quote in it is intended to convey the general meaning of the main part of the composition.

A wonderful source for epigraphs are the works of Leo Tolstoy. The great Russian writer had a clear, albeit somewhat lengthy, answer regarding any question.

introduction to literature

What should be the suggestions?

It is worth remembering that it is difficult and incomprehensible to write only such a genius as Dostoevsky. And the fate of mere mortals is simplicity and conciseness. The form should correspond to the content. Complicated sentences with many adjectives are only annoying. This should be remembered at all stages of writing an essay, but since we are considering how to write an introduction to an essay on literature, it is worth saying that a long sentence with a bunch of subordinate clauses in the first paragraph sometimes discourages the desire to read the entire creation. Undoubtedly, one should not write only in short sentences. But long, if born, it is better to alternate with simple sentences.

introductions for writings on literature

What to write about in the first paragraph?

So, how to write an introduction to an essay on literature is more or less clear. It should not be burdened by unnecessary phrases. But what exactly is worth saying in it? The introduction to an essay on literature is a kind of announcement. It performs an important function, as it notifies of an event that will occur soon.

Entries for essays on literature can be compared with the advertisement that we hear or see on television, because they have one common goal, namely, to attract attention.


When writing the first paragraph of any creative assignment, no matter what topic it is dedicated to, it should be remembered that it should not only be concise, but also contain information. Moreover, the topic is not disclosed in the introduction; there is only a small hint of the content of the main part.

The beginning of the composition should somewhat resemble the annotation of the book. On the cover of the publication, the reader sees several phrases that interest and encourage the reading of the entire work. Of course, with a school essay, the matter is somewhat different. The teacher, whether he wants it or not, will read the creation of a young author. However, a well-composed introductory part may reflect on his attitude to work, and therefore on the assessment.

introductions for writings on literature


In literature classes, creative work on a particular work is often asked. In this case, you should reread the source especially carefully. Somewhere, the author will certainly express a phrase that can serve as an introduction. For example, in the essay about the hero of Mikhail Bulgakov Pontius Pilate, you can quote the phrase spoken by Yeshua. He, before his death, conveyed to the prosecutor the words: "Cowardice is the most terrible vice." In the introduction, one can ask the question of why, among all human sins, did he consider this to be the worst? And then, in the main part, to maximize the meaning of Yeshua’s last words and their connection with the future fate of Pilate.

where to start writing on literature

How to write an introduction to a literature on war? If it is based on any work, then this should be done according to the same principle as described above. But it is better in the first paragraph of the creative work devoted to the war to indicate statistical data (the number of dead and injured, the number of destroyed cities). In this case, the information should not be presented in a dry, impartial form. The entry should be given an emotional touch. Especially when it comes to World War II. The tragedy present in the words dedicated to the worst years in the history of our country can hardly be superfluous or inappropriate.

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