The wand is a very important and irreplaceable thing for the wizard. One of the main rules of the wizarding world is not the wizard who chooses the wand, but she chooses her master. Only in this case will she obey him. Below will be talked about the magic wand of Hermione Granger.
What was made of
Hermione Granger got her wand, like most young wizards and sorceresses, from Mr. Ollivander. After all, it was in his store that the best products were. What is Hermione Granger's wand made of? Its length was 10 and 3/4 inches, it is made of vine, and its core is made of dragon veins.
It is noteworthy that wands with a core from the dragon's core were chosen by wizards who could well control their emotions. For example, not only Hermione had such sticks, but also Snegg's potions teacher, Victor Krum.
Bellatrix wand
Usually wizards do not change them, because not always new products will also obey their master. But Hermione Granger’s wand was lost in the last part of Harry Potter’s adventures. This happened when the guys were caught by huntsmen. The last spell that Hermione managed to cast with her was to change Harry's appearance.
The boys are brought to the Malfoy estate, and Bellatrix finds among the things a relic of Gryffindor. She is trying to get Hermione to tell where this item came from. The guys, meanwhile, are sent to the basement, from which they safely escape. At the same time, Ron becomes the owner of the stick belonging to Pettigrew. A battle ensues, as a result of which young wizards become owners of the wands of opponents, including Bellatrix Lestrange.
The girl gets a product belonging to the most devoted associate of the Dark Lord. But Hermione Granger's new wand does not immediately begin to obey her. This is not surprising: she was to some extent a reflection of the essence of Bellatrix. Therefore, the girl trained in her management before going to the Gringotts Bank. She portrayed a companion of the Dark Lord, and for this she needed her wand. Gradually, the girl learned to manage it. During the final bout, Hermione Granger's new wand obeys her. And she fights her against Lestrange.
New wand
After the Dark Lord and his minions were defeated, it was unlikely that Hermione would continue to use Bellatrix's wand. It is unlikely that the sorceress decided to find her old wand, which was selected by the huntsman. Most likely, she acquired a new product, but nothing is said about this in the book.
By the way, in the Harry Potter films, the young sorceress’s wand really looked like a vine because small vine leaves wrap around it. Also, Hermione's wand is one of the few instances that do not have a pronounced hilt.
Despite the fact that the new wand did not choose Hermione, perhaps she had certain qualities in her character that allowed her to learn how to manage a new instance. For a wizard, a correctly selected wand was the key to successful magic training.