The series "Prospect Brazil": the content of the series, description, actors and roles

Today we’ll talk about the movie Brazil Avenue. Its content will be the main topic of the article. Not so long ago, the series was released on Channel One. However, the show was interrupted for unknown reasons, to the great chagrin of all fans.

Brazil Avenue: Series Content

The little girl Rita lives with her parents - Genesio and Carminha. However, she soon learns that her adoptive mother, along with Max, her lover, wants to rob Genesio and quit. Rita tells her father the truth and he is going to hand over his wife to the police. But then the unexpected happens. The case very often intervenes in the fate of the heroes of the television series "Prospect of Brazil" (the content will help to verify this).

The famous footballer Georges, nicknamed Typhoon, rushes home from a match just won thanks to his efforts. He does not notice Genesio on the road and accidentally knocks him down. Before death, a man manages to name his wife. Fearing for his career, Georges hides by calling an ambulance. The incident takes place on a highway called the Prospect of Brazil.

prospectus brazil content

The content further narrates the guilt that begins to torment Typhoon. Therefore, the football player finds Carminho and offers help. The woman quickly realizes the reasons for this interest and a plan is born in her head. With the help of Max Carmigne manages to marry Georges. The lover himself is the husband of Ivani, the sister of Typhoon.

Rita after the death of her father is thrown into the city dump due to the efforts of Carmigny. It is here that the main character of the film “Brazilian Prospect” (a brief summary of which we are considering) learns to survive and finds a true friend in the person of the Batata boy and a new family, thanks to the care of Mama Lucinda. This woman will have Rita adopted. Now the girl has a different name - Nina. But despite the acquisition of a new family, the heroine does not cease to think about the revenge of Carmigny.

Simultaneously with these events, it turns out that Batata is the son of Max and Carmigny, whom they once abandoned. Therefore, having gained wealth, the villain decides to adopt Batat. Typhoon ingenuously accepts a new family member, and the boy takes a new name in honor of his adoptive father - Jorginho.

Start of action

Brazil Avenue Series Content

The events of the series "Prospect of Brazil" continue to develop. The content of the series tells that many years have passed since the adoption of Batata. However, Rita (Nina) did not forget about her revenge. After the death of the adoptive parents, she returns to Brazil and is hired by the cook as a Typhoon house.

Carmigny now has a daughter - Agatha, an ugly, full-bodied girl. Her mother openly does not like her, makes sharp remarks and oppresses them in every possible way. The character of Carmigny herself has not improved; she, the wife of one of the richest people in Brazil, can afford almost everything.

The story of revenge is what the series Prospect of Brazil is. The content of all the series tells the viewer the story of Rita, who decided to get even for her troubles and misfortunes of her father.

prospectus brazil summary

When Nina appears in her stepmother's house, no one will recognize her. The girl takes this wonderful opportunity, trying to bring Carmignon to clean water. Nothing can stop Nina on the path to retribution, she is ready for anything: deception, falsification, bribery, cunning and even meanness. The girl’s plan gradually begins to translate into reality, she draws closer to the new mistress. Nina is absolutely sure that she is right, because her opponent is a woman who once betrayed her husband and left her in the garbage dump. Carminha deserves only revenge; she must survive all that her victims experienced.

However, it soon becomes clear that revenge is not the only feeling that connects Nina with the house of the Typhoons. The girl gradually falls in love with Jorginho, who reciprocates with her.

Now let's talk a little more about the actors who play the main roles in the series.

Rita Fonseca (Nina)

summary of the series prospectus brazil

The protagonist of the series was played by thirty-six-year-old Italian-Brazilian actress Deborah Falabella. Viewers can be known for her on such television series as “Mistress of Fate”, “Clone”, “Two Faces”. The actress usually does not star in the lead roles, but she does manage to get used to even the minor figure of the film and make her unforgettable. For this feature, Falabella received the Contigo Award in 2002 as the best supporting actress.

However, in Russia, she became widely known only after the release of the series “Prospect of Brazil”, the content of which helped to reveal all the acting talent of Deborah.


Carminho in the series was played by Adriana Estevez. By the way, it was this role that brought the actress real fame. Prior to this, the forty-six-year-old actress occasionally flickered on the screen in small episodes, playing subtle characters of the second plan. For example, Estevez can be found in the television series “Unruly”, “My Love, My Sorrow”, “Tower of Babel”, “Thorns and Roses”.

Georges Typhoon

The husband of Carmigny in the series was played by the famous Brazilian actor Murilo Beniciu, who became famous not only for playing in Brazilian series, but also as the performer of the role of the husband of the main character (Penelope Cruz) in the film "Woman from Above." Bunisiu also starred in such famous TV shows as Clone and Chocolate with Pepper.

According to critics, Murilo is one of the best Brazilian actors to date. This statement is confirmed by the well-played role of Jorge Typhoon in the series Prospect Brazil. The summary provides an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the work that the actor had to do.

Brazil series prospectus content of all series

Jorginho (Batata)

Kaua Raymond Marquez did an excellent job with the difficult role of Georges Jr. And this is not surprising, because the Brazilian actor and top model for his twelve-year acting career received many awards. So, for his role in the film "If it is impossible to do otherwise," Kaua received at three film festivals for the prize "Best Actor".

For Raymond himself, the role of Jorginho did not cause any difficulties, on the contrary, it came to him unusually easily. Despite the fact that his character had to go through a lot - the summary of the series “Prospect of Brazil” illustrates this perfectly.

The picture itself consists of 179 episodes and ends with the scene of a happy family life of Nina and Jorginho.

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