Innovative activities at school: concept, new teaching methods, programs

The theme of innovation in the school is distinguished by its features. The first of them is that the subjects of the corresponding process are children, teachers and parents. If the presented factor is not taken into account, then the educational, that is, the humanistic element of the activity related to innovation will be eliminated from pedagogical innovation. The second distinguishing feature is the need to cover the maximum number of pedagogical problems in a systemic way. Our article will focus on innovative approaches to the school. Consider new teaching methods and relevant programs, as well as other important aspects of the topic.

General Provisions Innovation efficiency

topics of innovation in school

Today, the topic of innovation in the school is raised at the state level. She is given special importance in almost any region of the Russian Federation. The modern school is always in search of various ways to implement its own functions, one of which is innovation. Innovation should be understood as change, innovation, innovation. It is worth noting that in historical terms, one way or another, novelty is considered a relative concept. It has a concrete historical character, in other words, it may appear earlier than “its time”, after which it turns into a normal phenomenon or becomes obsolete. From this we can conclude that the implementation of innovative activities in the school is continuous: some of its areas are constantly replaced by others.

The condition that determines the effectiveness of pedagogical innovation is considered the research activities of teachers. The latter, in the process of solving problems of a private technique, ask themselves and colleagues common questions. They begin to fundamentally rethink the previously existing principles of the didactic plan. It must be borne in mind that the successful organization of the school’s innovative activity and its further implementation are categories that largely depend on the teaching staff, on teachers' awareness of the innovative idea. The fact is that under the conditions of the innovation regime, an active process is carried out in which the teacher self-determines on a personal level. In addition, there are significant changes in the relationship between teachers.

The purpose and objectives of innovation

school innovation program

The key goal of innovative activity in the school is to actively respond to the needs and diversity of interests of children, as well as their parents. It is worth noting that the achievement of a high degree of quality of education and, of course, the development of students play an important role.

Among the main tasks solved in the process of development of innovative activity in the school, it is advisable to distinguish the following:

  • Improving the quality of educational services that are provided at the school.
  • Creating optimal conditions for finding the right solutions to relevant educational problems.
  • Attracting teachers to the experimental and innovative activities of the school in accordance with the priority areas of the modern educational system.
  • Ensuring the interaction of educational practice and scientific direction.
  • Assisting in the dissemination of innovative teaching experience.
  • Development of a system for monitoring experimental and innovative activities at school.

Principles and directions of innovation and experimental activity

organization of school innovation

In the process of analyzing the school’s innovative activity, it turned out that when modernizing the educational system, the indisputable value of the psychological, physical, moral and spiritual well-being of adolescents is recognized. Experimental and innovative activities are carried out from the standpoint of the unity of innovations and traditions in the development of education, focused primarily on improving the quality of educational services that are provided by educational institutions.

Among the main areas of experimental activity, it is advisable to note the following:

  • the formation and pilot testing of a fundamentally new content of the educational category, as well as new educational and educational technologies, methods, means and forms of education, training;
  • development and further verification of new educational-methodical and educational-program documentation;
  • creation and verification of systems for assessing the qualitative characteristics of education, procedures and forms of intermediate certification of students, support for different categories of students, as well as targeted support systems.

The system of innovation in the school includes the following areas:

  • development of mechanisms related to updating the content of the educational process (development of computerized courses, software, problem-based training, organization of research work subject to new knowledge for students, etc.), as well as forms of the educational process (new teaching methods, fundamentally new teaching methods for lessons, educational activities, etc.);
  • working out new ways of assessing the education process (rating system, creating a portfolio, expanding the scale of points, etc.);
  • development of systems that are based on the use of new educational tools that fully contribute to the socialization of students;
  • development of innovations that are aimed at attracting public representatives to the management of an educational institution;
  • development of new ways to increase the professional competence of teachers of educational institutions, focused primarily on ensuring the highest quality education (tutoring, distance learning, mastering courses regarding the training of experts, education managers, and so on).

School Innovation Management

School Innovation Regulation

It should be noted that general issues related to the management of experimental and innovative activities are decided by the school director. It is advisable to include the following points:

  • Identification of priority areas of experimental and innovative activity at school.
  • The adoption of necessary measures related to improving the regulatory framework in the field of experimental and innovative work.
  • Speaking with proposals that are aimed primarily at improving experimental and innovative work in an educational institution.
  • Monitoring the implementation of innovation programs at school.

For the development of experimental and innovative activities, the development of managerial decisions in the field of experimental work, the implementation of a transparent, objective, competent and independent examination of innovative projects in the field of education, experimental programs, as well as the tracking of both intermediate and final results of innovative activities of an educational institution, an order of the director is formed scientific and methodological advice. It is he who directs the experimental and innovative work, organizes the examination of educational projects in the field of innovation, school innovation programs, and also annually sums up the work done.

Directions for the development of educational institutions

The innovative activity of school teachers presupposes the corresponding development of the educational structure. It is advisable to highlight the following points:

  • Development and subsequent implementation of a model for managing the qualitative characteristics of modern education.
  • Creating conditions for the full development of the intellectual potential and creative abilities of students.
  • Implementation of a program related to the informatization of the education process.
  • The use of information technology in the educational institution management system.
  • Ensuring proper education for schoolchildren in terms of quality.

Consider the issue of innovation in practice

innovation in primary school

As it turned out in the process of analyzing the school’s innovative activity, the main areas of its development should be the formation of a modern innovative environment, proper management of the quality characteristics of education, as well as the informatization of educational work. It is advisable to consider these points in practice.

Today, most schools in Russia have a specially equipped computer class with one or another number of computers (depending on the number of students and other factors), interactive whiteboards, media libraries and media projectors. In addition, educational institutions have multiplying equipment, scanners, printers, laminators. As a rule, the teaching of computer science and ICT is carried out from the second grade. A large number of teachers of Russian schools take part in ICT activities of the methodological plan. In addition, most subjects are taught using ICT.

It is worth noting that innovation in elementary school is somewhat different than in secondary and high schools. So, the electronic methodical piggy bank of an elementary school includes numerous presentations on basic subjects developed by the management and teachers for younger students. For them, lessons are organized using multimedia tutorials, training and monitoring programs are used to prepare for joining the middle management.

For many years, schools have been operating in an innovative mode. They operate a unified educational information space, the basis of which, as a rule, is a school site. It is worth noting that great importance is attached to information literacy issues for both teachers and students. The result of the introduction of ICT in all areas of school life is an increase in the quality characteristics of the educational process. It should be noted that graduates of Russian schools successfully continue their education in secondary and higher educational institutions.

ICT Use Goals

Today, the innovative activities of school teachers are closely related to the use of information and communication technologies. Their use is relevant for the following purposes:

  • Illustrative material for explaining a new topic to students.
  • A tool for consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for independent work of students.
  • A tool for testing the knowledge of students.
  • Help with the design of the creative plan.
  • The tool used at the stage of correction and directly to the learning process.
  • A tool for interpreting the results by improving the dosage of the material for study, its systematization, classification.
  • Help with the implementation of the capabilities of students who are search-creative in nature.
  • A tool for the systematization and effective use of additional knowledge in various subjects.
  • Means for high-quality preparation for the Olympiads in subjects.
  • Help in stimulating the independence and cognitive activity of students.

Today, it is customary to use photographic films, presentations, and information booklets to hold parent-teacher meetings, classroom hours, and extracurricular activities in Russian schools. This indicates the proper execution of the tasks set for innovation.

Regulation on innovative activities at school

innovative approaches to school activities

It is important to note that today every school has such a document. It is developed in order to identify the general order, conditions of organization and the subsequent management of innovation in an educational institution. The submitted paper is formed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the Charter of a specific educational institution.

The Regulation necessarily indicates the main areas of work of the innovation platform, for example, improving the appropriate type of activity in the pedagogical field; economic mechanisms related to the organization of educational work; methodologies and theories of the modern educational system, the subject-spatial aspect of education, and so on.

One way or another, the activity of the school innovation platform should ensure the development, implementation and testing of new, as a rule, more effective and high-quality educational services, products that fully respond to public requests, as well as provide comprehensive professional and personal self-determination, building the right educational and educational trajectories of students.

It is worth noting that the status of such a platform can be assigned to an educational institution within the framework of a single program (in other words, an innovative educational project), which unites all those participating in the creative team. They represent the educational institution or an innovative network of structures. Moreover, this does not depend on the legal form, type and type.

What else is indicated in the Regulation

In addition to the information mentioned above, in the Regulation on innovative work in schools it is customary to determine the actual goals and objectives of this type of activity. For example, one of the goals of innovative work is the formation of appropriate conditions to improve the quality of the educational process and, accordingly, the final result. So, to achieve this goal, it is advisable to perform a number of tasks (they are necessarily listed in the document). The list of tasks is considered above, so it makes no sense to repeat.

Another clause of the Regulation, as a rule, is methodological guidance and organization of innovative activity. The next paragraph is related to the listing of relevant documents. Usually these are local acts that regulate innovative work in an educational institution. They are drawn up by the responsible curator, who, according to the results of the year, prepares a report and analyzes the indicators of innovative activity in the educational institution.

It is advisable to disassemble the main functions of the curator:

  • Planning innovative activities in an educational institution, as well as attracting scientific consultants as necessary; implementation of the control function related to the implementation of approved innovative educational programs (projects).
  • Monitoring of ongoing innovative educational projects.
  • Organization of timely and reliable information support for the implementation of educational projects; informing parents of minor students and other interested parties about the goals, objectives, implementation techniques, as well as the effectiveness of program implementation.
  • Full compliance with the legitimate interests and rights of participants in the educational process.
  • Timely informing higher structures of the problems that impede the implementation of the innovative educational program. It is worth remembering that they can cause a failure to fulfill an innovative project in the field of education or a work schedule.


school innovation analysis

So, we examined the concept and definition of innovative work in the school, its directions, principles, goals and objectives. In addition, we studied new teaching methods and programs, examined the relevant Regulation, and examined one of the aspects of the topic using a specific example.

In conclusion, it should be noted that at present, most Russian schools are distinguished by the proper fulfillment of requirements regarding the organization of innovative activity. Among the main areas in this case, it is advisable to single out a fundamental update of the content of the education category, the introduction of innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, the development of innovations in terms of the organization of the educational process, the setting of the intellectual and creative work of teachers, the organization of intellectual and creative work of students, the implementation of methodological work with the teaching staff, the implementation of innovative pedagogical programs and projects, as well as the work on image building Iisko educational institutions and supportive educational environment.

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