There are days when a woman wakes up in the morning, goes to the mirror and sees there ... not herself, but something swollen and swollen, which only remotely resembles her native face. It is urgent to go about business or just to please a loved one with their beauty, but here it is. How to get rid of a swollen face and what to do in such situations? We decided to deal with the causes of this behavior of the body, with possible ways to resolve them and with prevention. If you know the causes of this ailment, then you will probably immediately figure out how to get rid of a swollen face.
Small introduction
Any swelling, swelling, especially when it comes to the face, tells us about fluid retention in the body. Either your lymphatic flow ceased to function normally, or you were too keen on certain drinks. Perhaps a disease you don’t even suspect has begun to progress, but the body is thus trying to give you a sign. Therefore, in order to know exactly how to get rid of a swollen face, it is worthwhile to find out the root cause. Of course, masks, creams, gels, and some pills are suitable for an instant solution to the problem (so that you can go to work with a calm soul). But be sure in the future you need to go to the doctor and find out why all the same this trouble happened to you. After all, a swollen face in the morning is not the norm, but a bad signal that needs to be correctly decrypted and measures taken in time.
If swelling appears suddenly
Previously, you have never encountered a similar problem, and then suddenly in the morning such an unpleasant surprise. You don’t get sick, don’t take any pills, slept at home as usual. What could have caused such a terrible appearance? There are several options:
- Eating plenty of salty foods.
- Drinking plenty of drinks.
- Bust with alcohol.
- Lack of sleep or overfilling. In general, any disturbance in sleep can cause swelling.
- Premenstrual syndrome.
- Allergic reaction.
- A bite of an insect.
- Long-term exposure to the body of high temperature (bath).
- Overwork.
- Pregnancy.
This is the most “running” list of causes of a swollen face in the morning, but we know that there may be more, so if you suddenly have swelling, remember last night. What did you drink, eat, do, what time did you go to bed? The answer is likely to become obvious.
Regular swelling
Every morning, waking up, you run to the mirror with the hope that today your face will look normal. Sometimes your expectations are justified - you are truly irresistible, but there are often cases when a "swimming" double looks at you in reflection. Why does the face swell so often? After all, you observe the regime, and sleep well, and watch your appearance. In this case, the reason is to look exclusively in the doctor’s office. With the naked eye it is clear that something is wrong with the body, and you can cope with the help of gels and masks only with symptoms, and for a short period of time. Why does the face swell with enviable regularity?
- Violation of the kidneys.
- Violation of the endocrine system.
- Disruption of the cardiovascular system.
- Avitaminosis.
This is not a complete list of "painful" reasons. The face also swells due to improper functioning of the stomach, liver, gall bladder. Moreover, such a syndrome is not observed at all, but it does occur. In any case, you just need to run to the doctor and take all the necessary tests. Only he can write a prescription, according to which you will be cured of the disease and its symptoms.
So, we finally figured out the reasons - the face swells either due to improper diet and daily routine, or due to a serious illness. But you got up on Monday (or any other weekday) early in the morning, you need to get ready for business, make up, pick up clothes, but first of all - remove the swelling from the face. There are many ways to do this, and you can use not only one, but several at once, for greater efficiency. So how to get rid of a swollen face? We will take the medicine inside, make compresses, masks and use medicines for external use.
We act from within
As soon as a problem is found, it is recommended to take a specific pill immediately. Diuretics for swelling of the face - the surest way to quickly get rid of the root cause of this symptom. While you will carry out the rest of the care procedures, the medicine will act from the inside and remove all unnecessary water in a natural way. But it is worth being extremely careful in this matter. The first problem is that we often chase after drugs that have an extremely low price. Furosemide tablets are the most budgetary (25 rubles) diuretics, but they have a huge minus. If you regularly use them for the smallest tumors, you will earn renal failure. Do you think the best diuretics for facial swelling are pills? No, these are natural products. This can be a decoction of herbs, watermelon, apples, melon, etc.
Contrasting water treatments
You have taken the very first measure - drank the necessary pill or ate a natural diuretic product. Immediately after this, it is necessary to tone the skin and muscles of the face, and the best assistant in this matter is a contrast shower. It is not necessary to “shock” the whole body with a sharp change in temperature - it will be enough to wash your face alternately with cold or hot water. Also, this procedure can be replaced by alternating cold and hot compresses. Even if your face is very swollen, taking a diuretic and further contrasting procedures will at least partially relieve swelling and bring your appearance into a relative norm.
Separately about the eyes
It happens that in the morning only the eyes swell, and not the whole face. In such cases, you can be sure of almost 99% - the matter is excess moisture or overwork, but eye disease can also be the cause. If this is not a disease, you need to get rid of excess water as quickly as possible and “cover up the tracks”. So, we have already found out that for starters you need to eat a watermelon or take a pill "Furosemide". The price of the first and second means is very reasonable, so choose which method is best for you. After this operation, you neutralize the swelling from the inside out, but your eyes will still be slightly swollen. Brew two bags of black tea and attach them to your eyes for a few minutes. After this, it is not recommended to wash yourself - just pat your skin with a towel. The next step will be drops. Doctors recommend using Vial, as it not only removes redness, but also normalizes the water balance. In general, the procedures will take you no more than half an hour, and after this period of time you can begin to do makeup.
The power of herbs
It's no secret that the herbs that grow literally under our feet have healing properties. They are often included in makeup cosmetics, medicines, ointments to eliminate certain dermatological problems. If your face is swollen in the morning, these natural components may be very helpful. They can be used in two forms - in frozen and in the form of a compress. Of course, the second method can be prepared more quickly and quickly put into practice. But if the face swells quite often, it is best to stock up with several tins with ice cubes, in which decoctions from medicinal herbs are frozen.
Ice wash
If you are used to solving problems even before they come, then you probably have a couple of pans with frozen herbal decoctions in your freezer. If there is still no such miracle remedy, it is urgent to make it. The following herbs will be most relevant for freezing:
- Chamomile.
- Linden.
- Plantain.
- Corn silk.
You can either choose one of the proposed plants, or make a mix of two options, or all at once. Keep in mind that herbs give a cumulative effect - if you use them regularly, swelling will happen less often. Moreover, your skin will become more elastic, toned, healthy and well-groomed.
Herbal compresses
Quickly turn a decoction into an ice cube does not work in any freezer, even the most modern. But to boil the kettle and make a healing broth - it is in your power. Immediately, we note that if a part of the face is swollen or only the area around the eyes, then apply gauze soaked in broth to the affected area of ​​the skin. If the whole face is swollen, then make a mask from a fabric or gauze that will nourish your dermis with herbs. For compresses, those components that were described in the previous section are also suitable. The following plants will be able to supplement them:
- Bear ears
- Rosehip berries.
- Horsetail.
- Anise seeds
You can also mix components, thereby adjusting the strength of their effects.
Home cosmetology
To fix the effect after all the above procedures, a special vitamin mask will help us. To remove puffiness from the face, products that are available in every home are used, it’s just worth it to “cook” them correctly. In principle, masks can play the role of self-treatment - it happens that it is enough to just do this procedure, missing all the previous ones, and you will instantly be transformed. The mask will not only return the skin to its normal state, but will give you precious minutes of relaxation, rest, therefore, blood circulation will normalize, excess moisture will leave the body by itself. But, as they say, to increase the effect it is better to hedge. So, what masks can be done in order to turn a continuous tumor into a former radiant face?
Boiled potatoes
Among middle-aged women, a mask of raw potatoes, which is grated, is considered to be very common. But in this case, we should act on a slightly different pattern. Boil the potatoes in a peel, then cool it slightly, remove the skins, press and apply the gruel on the skin. It should not be hot, but it is not recommended to cool the product until it is cold. Lie down with the mask for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. As a result, not only the tumor will pass, but the skin will become smoother, more even and well-groomed.
Sour cream and greens
No, this is not the taste of crackers or chips, this is a recipe for a cooling mask from facial tumors, and it works without fail. You will need to grind parsley and dill in a blender, then add to the sour cream together with the resulting juice and apply it all over your face. The mask needs to be held longer - until almost all of the sour cream is absorbed. This tool will help you not only remove excessive puffiness, but also whiten the skin and nourish it with moisture. Sour cream mask is a godsend for owners of dry dermis, but those who have it oily will have to look for another option.
Pumpkin Cucumbers
The combination is very non-standard, but it works flawlessly. To begin with, we note that an effective method of eliminating puffiness is both a cucumber mask and a pumpkin one. You just need to grate one of the fruits and apply gruel on the face. But if you mix these two components, then the effect can be enhanced at times. Puffiness will not just pass - your face will shine, a blush will appear, the pores will narrow, and the skin texture will become smooth and even. Also, during relaxation, the mask will delight you with a fresh and light aroma of summer.
Final stage
So you took off the mask, behind a number of procedures, and your face has almost returned to normal. At the end of this entire operation, it is recommended that you give yourself a light massage. What is it for? After you "pacified" the fluids in your body, including blood, they can go from a state of increased activity (this was when the tumor was) to the stage of excessive rest. The face will become lethargic and pale. Therefore, please the skin with a light massage that will give you the treasured blush and good mood. The most important thing is to make light, jerky movements, do not push, do not crush, do not roll the skin. Just use your fingertips to walk along the main points, perform light pulling movements in the area of ​​the eyes and lips, "pull" the chin with the back of your hand. So you will be energized, and the tumors will not disturb you for a long time.
Auxiliary tool
In order not to injure the skin when you massage it, it is worth applying cream or oil. But in this case, we get rid of the tumor, so this kind of tool should be therapeutic. So, there are two quite affordable and very effective ointments that eliminate puffiness and can play the role of a base for facial massage. The first is Troxevasin. The tool is very common, does not cause allergic reactions and addiction, suitable for everyone. The second ointment is “Venitan”. Initially, it was intended to treat dilated veins, but proved to be a very effective tool in the fight against facial swelling. The tool is budgetary and very effective.
More serious issues
Everything that we talked about above will seem like babble for those who have a swollen and itchy face. Such cases are often accompanied by redness. It can occur both due to the fact that you are trying to scratch yourself, get rid of itching, and in itself - as an additional "decoration". What could be the cause of such a terrible symptom?
- Allergy. Most often, it is the reaction to a particular product or the use of any food in excess that causes the body to such a reaction. There is another thing - if you are allergic, then the cause may be herbs, spring flowers, spices, animal hair and even simple dust. Therefore, you should initially be vigilant, well, if the problem manifests itself, then take an antiallergenic agent.
- Side effect of the treatment. If you are currently taking antibiotics or other potent drugs, then it is likely that a side effect may be a swelling of the face. In such cases, only a consultation with the doctor who prescribed these tablets will help.
- Signs of the disease. Often, a swollen and reddened face tells us that something is amissing in the body. Such symptoms may be the result of a common cold or SARS, but there are more severe cases - mumps, jaundice, and maybe rubella, if you were not ill with it in childhood.
The tumor is half
It also happens that the left side of the face or the right is swollen, while the rest remains in normal condition. What could cause such an asymmetry?
- You tracked down the affected part of the face - you slept on it for a long time.
- Slipped through one side of the head. The ear was inflamed, and therefore only the part of the face adjacent to it was swollen.
- Your tooth started to hurt. If a nerve becomes inflamed in the pulp, that part of the exterior beyond which it is located swells.
- ARVI. In some forms of influenza, or rather, in individual cases, not the entire face swells, but only part of it.
- Conjunctivitis or barley. If one eye is affected, it is likely that it will swell, and its fellow will remain unchanged. As a result, the adjacent part of the face is deformed, which will cause monstrous asymmetry.
How to solve such problems?
Allergies, illnesses, infections are not the root causes of facial tumors that you can get rid of by applying compresses, a contrast shower or a mask from improvised means. This, as they say, is the real external symptom of the disease, and it will pass when you move from this stage of the disease to another, less irritating to the body. All you can do to neutralize puffiness is to start treatment as soon as possible. Take the drugs prescribed by the doctor, use ointments and creams - also strictly according to the prescription. And most importantly - try to touch your face less at such moments. Even if it itches, don’t itch too much, as the swelling will pass soon, but the traces will remain and badly spoil your appearance.
Tumor of the face is a serious matter. Someone has such a nuisance due to a one-time disorder. This may be an excess of drunk fluid, sleep disturbance, stress, etc. For others, puffiness is a signal that tells about serious illnesses in the body. It must be correctly deciphered and eradicated by the root cause. Otherwise, it will not be limited to edema alone, and the disease will manifest itself with other, more serious symptoms.