One of the most common causes of insomnia in adults is snoring.
Snoring refers to the husky, measured sounds that a sleeping person makes while breathing through his mouth. Why do they appear?
Because the air passing through the pharynx oscillates the tissue of the soft palate. In this case, the cheeks, lips, and nostrils can fluctuate. As a rule, snoring appears if you sleep on your back - then the mouth involuntarily opens and the tongue prevents the air from passing freely. Therefore, the easiest way to deal with snoring is to change the position of a sleeping person. In a position on the side or on the stomach, the likelihood of such sounds will be much less.
Can snoring be dangerous to health?
Snoring is not harmless. Although it can not cause any serious harm to the body, however, it is able to initiate a state of chronic fatigue caused by lack of sleep.
Also, the second half suffers from insomnia, and any prolonged insomnia can lead to serious diseases. Relationships in the family can worsen and some institutions of marriage even broke up for the reason that the couple did not know how to deal with snoring.
A dangerous condition can occur not when snoring is measured and monotonous, but in the case of a sudden short-term respiratory arrest, which is accompanied by loud snoring when it is restored. This is a warning sign of apnea, a painful sleep disorder. Abstructive apnea can cause heart rhythm disturbances, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and even sudden death in a dream due to the fact that the body suffers from a lack of oxygen.
To make the correct diagnosis and learn how to deal with snoring, you should definitely contact the ENT doctor first. If it will be necessary to exclude apnea syndrome, then it is worth going through a special diagnosis - polysomnography. Research and registration of information about the body during sleep is being conducted, on the basis of which treatment for snoring will be prescribed.
What is the cause of snoring?
• Strong muscle relaxation caused by taking sleeping pills, alcohol, smoking, overweight, severe fatigue, and a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
• Problems in the respiratory tract: enlarged tonsils, adenoids, congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum, polyps or other neoplasms in the nose, congenital abnormalities in the structure of the respiratory passages (narrow passages of the nose, too big tongue, soft palate too elongated, small size of the lower jaws, etc.).
Treatment for snoring depends entirely on the causes that cause it.
• If the problem is in the structure or condition of the respiratory system, the ENT doctor will prescribe an individual surgical or conservative treatment.
• Changing lifestyles, sleeping habits, and eating habits help some well, and can even help relieve snoring. The following is required: weight loss, tobacco cessation, alcohol cessation, reduction in the use of sleeping pills, the regimen of the day in which enough time is allocated to sleep and it occurs at the same time.
• The use of special devices that prevent the body from sleeping in a “on the back” position (a tennis ball embedded in a pocket sewn to the back of pajamas). For some, the head part of the bed is somewhat elevated in relation to the legs (a block located under the legs of the bed).
• Persistent daily use of special training exercises from the “How to deal with snoring” series: maximum tongue protrusion for 2 seconds in a row 30 times, jaw movement back and forth with a hand in a row 30 times. Such an exercise helps well: before going to bed - 3-4 minutes, hold a wooden stick, sandwiched between your teeth.
• Special pills, sprays and drops for gargling with the throat are also used with certain success in medical practice.
• Surgical intervention is sometimes required to tighten the soft palate and tongue.
If you are faced with this unpleasant problem - do not despair. Knowing how to deal with snoring will make it easier for you.